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Lavos - The Harbinger of Giygas

Posted: June 12th, 2014, 7:38 pm
by Oceanblaze
Lavos - The Harbinger of Giygas

Lavos, an extraterrestrial parasite that slumbers deep within the surface of a planet, consuming energy, feeding off its culture and its spirits. So does it remain till the day of its awakening, surfacing and enacting a great cataclysm, its myriad needles bearing mass destructive force that each can level a city on its own.

This cataclysmic power is but a precursor; its purpose is to pave the way for Giygas' hordes. Rendering the whole of the planet's forces nigh-unable to fend for itself, the reapers descend, the starmen invade, and the planet is brought to its ultimate doom. Such is the pattern observed on Gaia, when the great monolith was brought to its destruction.

Oberon has stated that Lavos is the direct kin of Giygas, and emerges on the 'Day of Giygas'. An ominous title, that, though not impossible to demonstrated below.

Upon a venture to the ruins of Zeal and a conversation with Guru Gaspar, it was revealed that four Lavos exist in the universe. One dwells beneath the Black Omen, the monolith that holds the power of Queen Zeal. One is known to be on Earth, where a group seeks to usurp its power...pray our celerity exceeds their pursuit. One exists in a planet where it can...simply do the most damage. I surmise this refers to either a very populous planet, or one of utmost strategic importance in regard to the war against Giygas. One other remains, its location yet unbeknownst to us.

Lavos 1 - Gaia - The Black Omen - Defeated

Though this were a venture I had undertaken once before...this timeline has wrought a whole new fortune in the battle against Lavos. Queen Zeal's power is certainly nothing to scoff at, nor are the myriad obstacles that awaited us there. The Black Omen served a dual purpose. One, as a regulator of sorts to maintain Lavos' state, wherein the lifestream itself was channeled into his being. The second, as the phylactory of Queen Zeal, housing her nigh-indomitable spirit. In addition, the Mammon Machine was housed within, serving to trap the soul of Queen Mab within its confines, and render the Fae unable to intervene in the midst of an honor-pact.

With the machine destroyed, Lord Oberon joined the fray in the wake of Queen Zeal's fall, which ultimately awakened Lavos at last, hastening the 'Day of Giygas'. Its initial barrage was only staved away by Lord Rathbone's swift repurposing of Installation 15 as a weapons platform.

Overcoming Lavos in the wake of a great struggle, the invasion of Giygas' forces nonetheless soon followed, a swarm of Reapers emerging from a dark portal, descending upon Gaia with all haste. There was but a single means of staving them away: the Temporal Cascader, a great weapon forged by The Master's hands, which successfully staved away the hordes of Giygas, and completed our victory.

Lavos 2 - Earth - Lucrene Tower - Defeated

With this being the other, more obvious target, I sought to find out about Lavos sightings on Earth...and, oddly enough, my search brought me to none other than Datadyne Industries, a highly-touted weapons manufacturer rivalling the Carrington Institute. There did I note an image that perturbed me for obvious enough experiment with the fragment of a Lavos needle, which does suggest this was the group that sought to use Lavos' power, albeit in a wholly different way. They have been found to be headquartered in Lucrene Tower.

In preparation for the inevitable confrontation, a team had been put together to sneak into Yang Engineering, and procure the floor plans of Lucrene Tower. A violent confrontation had come about on one end, though in the end we acquired what we sought. The floor plans appear incomplete, though we now have Cassandra's necklace in our possession. Even then, however, I doubt it will take long for them to simply disable it before we arrive.

Their big secret awaits deep in the bowels of the tower, in the basements below. A secret that will require Cassandra to unlock. In addition, a race of warmongering hunters known as the Skedar stalk its halls. With the plans in tow and the experience and expertise of Joanna Dark among us, our steps shall soon bring us to this tower.

I can only hope there is some sort of contingency plan, for if we encounter Lavos soon, and the reapers descend in wake of its defeat...

After an operation on Lucrene Tower, headquarters of Datadyne Industries, it has been discovered that the Skedar have been harvesting bioweapons from Lavos' shell. They dwell on Skaarj, where many Lavos spawns are being bred.

Lavos 3 - Fifth Jerusalem - ??? - Active

This Lavos unit is in a planet wherein it can 'do the most damage'. I would surmise this to either be a well-populated world, or one of grand strategic importance. After a conversation with Doctor X and a little speculation with General Edge, it has been surmised that Lavos dwells upon the Federation homeworld of Fifth Jerusalem.

Lavos 4 - Rygar - ??? - Active

Rygar, once a world destined to teem with life, houses Lavos deep within its core. It must be found and destroyed.

Lavos Spawns - Skaarj - ??? - Active

The world of Skaarj, where the warrior race of Skedar dwells, houses approximately two hundred Lavos spawn.