DW - Side XP

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DW - Side XP


Post by Strato »

In the interest of further character development, characters can now earn XP through additional means such as hunting grounds, crafting, covert operations, combat tournaments, and racing circuits. The total XP a character can earn from these per month is limited by the following chart.

If you have:

1500-2500 XP: Limit is 40
2501-3500 xp: Limit is 25
3501+ xp: Limit is 10

Covert Operations

These are effective per week.

First op complete: 1 xp
Second op complete: 2 xp
Third op complete: 3 xp
Fourth op complete: 4 xp
Operation Complete: 5 xp

(This gives a potential of 15 xp per week.)

Racing Circuits

This is based on your total result for the week.

Honorable Mention: 2 xp
Bronze Cup: 4 xp
Silver Cup: 6 xp
Gold Cup: 8 xp
Platinum Cup: 10 xp

(You can get 10 xp max from this per week.)

Combat Tournaments

These are effective per week.

Qualifying Win: 1 xp
Bronze Bracket Win: 2 xp
Silver Bracket Win: 3 xp
Gold Bracket Win: 4 xp
Champion Win: 5 xp

(This gives a potential of 15 xp per week.)


For characters more artisanally oriented, you can craft to gain xp. For every 500 DC you fulfill on a project, whether it's crafting or research, you gain 1 xp. If you are receiving any assistance on this project, the DC number increases by 100 for every character assisting on the project, and is effective across all characters on the project(for example, if Max, Kuja, and Edgar are all on a project, they all gain 1 xp for every 700 DC fulfilled).

Hunting Grounds

For those of you who thirst for adventure and seek to find your fortunes in the wilds across the multiverse, you can fulfill bounties on the hunting grounds of Loc Lac, or the plains of Giza, wherever you fancy your chances.

Giza Plains

When you start your hunting trip, roll 1d9 to set your bounty for the hunting trip. An xp bounty can only be claimed once for a hunting trip.

1-Defeat 10 Hyenas(Alphas count). Spoils from this enemy are doubled in value.(5 xp)
2-Defeat 5 Sleipnir. Spoils from this enemy are doubled in value.(5 xp)
3-Defeat Nazarnir. Spoils from this enemy are doubled in value.(10 xp)
4-Defeat 5 Wildsnakes. Spoils from this enemy are doubled in value.(5 xp)
5-Defeat 5 Urstrix. Spoils from this enemy are doubled in value.(5 xp)
6-Defeat 5 Slaven. Spoils from this enemy are doubled in value.(5 xp)
7-Defeat Cluckatrice. Spoils from this enemy are doubled in value.(5 xp)
8-Defeat 2 Giza Rabbits. Spoils from this enemy are doubled in value.(5 xp)
9-Defeat 5 Bandits.(10 xp)

Frozen Tundra

When you start your hunting trip, roll 1d4 to set your bounty for the hunting trip. An xp bounty can only be claimed once for a hunting trip.

1-Defeat 8 Baggis. Receive 1 extra carve for every 2 Baggis killed.(5 xp)
2-Defeat 3 Great Baggis. Receive 1 extra carve from each Great Baggi killed.(5 xp)
3-Defeat 2 of either Lagombi, Akura Shimo, Giaorugu, Barioth, Grimclaw Tigrex, or Gigginox. Receive 1 extra carve from each of these enemies killed.(5 xp)
4-Defeat 1 Oroshi Kirin. Receive 1 extra carve from each Oroshi Kirin killed.(10 xp)

Northern Highlands

When you start your hunting trip, roll 1d5 to set your bounty for the hunting trip. An xp bounty can only be claimed once for a hunting trip.

1-Defeat 8 Hairookami. Receive 1 extra carve for every 2 Hairookami killed.(5 xp)
2-Defeat 3 Hairosama. Receive 1 extra carve for every Hairosama killed.(5 xp)
3-Defeat 2 of either Arzuros, Khezu, Basarios, Gypceros, or Duramboros. Receive 1 extra carve from each of these enemies killed.(5 xp)
4-Defeat Kirin. Receive 1 extra carve from each Kirin killed.(10 xp)
5-Defeat Platinum Kirin. Receive 1 extra carve from each Platinum Kirin killed.(10 xp)

The Jhen Mohran

Defeat the Jhen Mohran.(15 xp)

Sandy Plains

When you start your hunting trip, roll 1d4 to set your bounty for the hunting trip. An xp bounty can only be claimed once for a hunting trip.

1-Defeat 10 Jaggi. Receive 1 extra carve for every 2 Jaggi killed.(5 xp)
2-Defeat 3 Jaggia. Receive 1 extra carve for every Jaggia killed.(5 xp)
3-Defeat 2 Great Jaggi. Receive 1 extra carve for every Great Jaggi killed.(5 xp)
4-Defeat 2 of either Qurupeco, Barroth, Pink Rathian, Diablos, Tigrex, or Seregios. Receive 1 extra carve from each of these enemies killed.(5 xp)

Deserted Island

When you start your hunting trip, roll 1d5 to set your bounty for the hunting trip. An xp bounty can only be claimed once for a hunting trip.

1-Defeat 8 Jaggi. Receive 1 extra carve for every 2 Jaggi killed.(5 xp)
2-Defeat 4 Jaggia. Receive 1 extra carve for every Jaggia killed.(5 xp)
3-Defeat 2 of either Great Jaggi, Qurupeco, Yian Kut-Ku, Rathian, or Rathalos. Receive 1 extra carve from each of these enemies killed.(5 xp)
4-Defeat Lagiacrus. Receive 1 extra carve for every Lagiacrus killed.(10 xp)
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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