Kadaj - Final Fantasy 7 AU

A place for us to stow character sheets whose players haven't been around for a while, as an alternative to deleting them in case the player does return.
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Kadaj - Final Fantasy 7 AU


Post by QueenSelphie »


<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: Kurama/Sebastian
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone (GMT Modifier):

<<> Character Information <>>

-= Basics =-

Name: Kadaj
Race: Demi-Human
Appearance: Kadaj appears to be between 15-17 years of age. He has a slender but muscular build. He has medium length silvery grey hair with skin that sometimes greyish to pale pink. His eyes are a tealish color with vertical slits. He wears a black leather body suit that zips up in the front. It has a criss cross black belt across his chest and black shoulder pads. The pants just touch the ground and they look like black leather cargo pants with lots of zippers and chains. On his wrists are two thick black cuffs. On his back is his sword shealth.
Eye Color: teal
Hair Color: silvery grey
Notable Features: His pale features


-= Personality =-

Favorite Food: unknown
Likes: unknown
Dislikes: unknown
Favorite Color: unknown

-= Background =-

History: Kadaj was born from the ashes after the defeat of the great calamity and Sephiroth. Kadaj is a fragment of Sephiroth brought into the world to repent for the great sin that once bathed the universe. He will be a champion for the planet that was once going to be destroyed. While he is not Sephiroth, he has retained fragments of his memories. He remembers nothing of his past and little of what has transpired. The things he does remember exist as fuzzy and dream like instances, as if they aren't his to begin with. The thing he remembers the most is all the pain that has been caused that he must repent for.
Training (If any):


<<> Statistics <>>
1500 points to distribute

Health: 200
Health Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Health)
HP: / hp (Health * 40)

Dexterity: 300
Flat Foot Dodge: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + reaction skill/2)
Dodge Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + Skill)
Physical Attack Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + skill)
Style Points: StP (Dexterity * 4)

Strength: 200
Inventory Slots/Comfortable Carry: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength)
Base Damage: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 5)
Max Carry Weight: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 40) lbs
Weapon Damage: (Base Damage * Weapon mod.)

Endurance: 100
Defense (Damage Absorb): (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance *40)
Survival Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance)

Intelligence: 200
MP: 1000 MP (Intelligence * 5)
Skill Points: 800 SkP (Int * 4)

Magic Affinity: 150
Spell Points: SpP (Magic Affinity * 4)
Magic Attack Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Magic + Magic Level of Skill used.)
Mage Level: (Skill Level / 5)
Psionic Level: (Skill Level / 5)

Spirit: 200
Base Magic Damage: [( (+1 per 10 Spirit) + (Skill Level) ) * 5) * Mage Level]

Willpower: 100
Mental/Magic Defense Roll: / (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower + Skill Level)
Magic Damage Soak: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower * 40)

Luck: 50
Luck Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Luck)
Luck Points: (+1 for every 10 Luck)
Critical Modifier: 1d4+ (+0.1 for every 10 Luck)

(Used) / 800

0: Untrained | 5: Hobbyist | 10: Novice/Beginner | 15: Dedicated Student | 20: Educated/Trained | 25: Professional | 30: Advanced | 35: Specialist | 40: Expert | 45: Adept/Prodigy | 50: Master

Movement Skills
(Dexterity: +0 / Strength: +0)

Utility Skills
(Health: +0 / Intelligence: +0(intel/2) / Willpower: +0)

Combat Skills
(Dexerity: +0)

Magic Skills
(Magic: +0 / Spirit: +0)

Artisan / Knowledge Skills
(Intellligence: +0)

Field Training Skills
(Intelligence: +0(intel/2))


<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP

-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
Current Spell Points: (Used) / (Max) SpP


<<> Traits and Feats <>>

-= Race Traits =-
Race Name: Demi-Human

Vital Data
Description: A demi- or half-race character is split between two races, generally with a mother and father of each race, though some demi- characters may be simply birthed as one and raised as the other. They will always, however, be the child of two worlds, which may weigh heavily on their development and lifetime. Not all races can half demi- characters. 99% of demi- characters will cross with the "human" race.
Homeworld/Habitat: Varies
Typical Height/Weight: Varies
Lifespan: Varies.

Society: N/A

Roleplaying: A demi- character's roleplaying will base heavily on the races that they are made of, and the environment in which they develop.

Racial Attributes:
The statistic improvement feat of the non-human race.
1 Standard Feat of the non-human race.
3 Traits of the character's choosing, with at least 1 of the non-human race's.

Junior Hero (Human Trait)
Pre-requisite: Racial/GM Assigned
Description: With a natural proclivity for adventure, many humans spend their lives in search of it in one form or another, from the world traveler to the humble gamer nerd. The character's prior adventures have prepared them for the one they are thrust into now, granting a greater pool of starting Experience.
Effect: +100 EXP. Feat subject to enhancement with inflation.

Preferred Enemy (Hands of Giygas/Jenova members) I think this is wrong, I am hoping someone will correct me. (Non-human Trait)
Pre-Requisite: Supporting Background
Description: You gain a +15 to combat rolls when fighting your chosen enemy due to your past familiarity with them. Should the enemy surprise you however, this bonus is negated. This may also accompany a reputation with this type of enemy (Vampire killers having a reputation with vampires for instance)

Flashback (Non-human Trait)
Pre-Requisite: None
Description: Your character experiences flashbacks of a given event at random times. To your character, it feels as though they are in that place, at that time. Generally these are significant moments… and may be trying to tell you something.
-= Character Traits =-

-= Feats =-

(* denotes feats taken at character creation.)

*Feat 1 (Free) -

*Feat 2 (100 XP) -

*Feat 3 (200 XP) -

*Feat 4 (300 XP) -

*Feat 5 (400 XP) -

*Feat 6 (500 XP) -

*Feat 7 (600 XP) -

*Feat 8 (700 XP) -

*Feat 9 (800 XP) -

*Feat 10 (900XP) -

*Feat 11(1000XP) -

Feat 12(1200XP) -
Feat 13(1400XP) -
Feat 14(1500XP) -
Feat 15(1600XP) -
Feat 16(1800XP) -
Feat 17(2000XP) -
Feat 18(2200XP) -
Feat 19(2400XP) -
Feat 20(2500XP) -
Feat 21(2600XP) -
Feat 22(2800XP) -
Feat 23(3000XP) -
Feat 24(3200XP) -
Feat 25(3400XP) -
Feat 26(3500XP) -
Feat 27(3600XP) -
Feat 28(3800XP) -
Feat 29(4000XP) -
Feat 30(4200XP) -

<<> Equipment Slots <>>

Note: Dual-Wielded items occupy 1 Equipment Slot (not Inventory Slot).

Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:

Credits: 500,000 (+1,000,000 after 3 months)

<<> Inventory <>>


<<> Special Notes <>>

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Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:34 pm
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