Lesser/Greater Dragon Totems

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Lesser/Greater Dragon Totems


Post by Strato »

A new concept combining the scholarly efforts of wizards with the culture and latent power of dragonkind and the sorcerers that claim kinship to them, the Totem is a headdress or diadem that can be worn by a dragon or other user of Breath Weapons, generally either atop the head or around the throat. The unassuming regalia will then support and direct the flow of power, whether it be mystical, chakra based, or even the simplest fire sac of feral wyverns. Like any new armament of course... There are certain bugs to be worked out. As it stands, there is no way to 'smarten' the device so that it only activates when the Breath is actually being exhaled.
Thus, a command sign is assigned to each Totem, which must be presented before the throat or head to activate it. Otherwise every breath taken and word spoken by the wearer would be accompanied by a belch of fire, ice, acid, or god knows what else.

Totems apply a base attack bonus to Breath attacks, and carry both basic Enchantments/Augments and specific, secondary natures that are decided on creation only. Augments and Natures use seperate slots, as tomes and grimoires do. They can be created through Arcane Science, or Smithing supported by a dragon with Breath Weapon equal to the skill requirement, which adds its Spirit and Breath skill as an assist bonus to the effort. A Totem can carry nearly any sort of Enchantment.

The artisan level required to craft a totem is (Level Requirement + 2), with a maximum of 10.


**The following Enchantments function differently when applied to a Totem**
Elemental Strike - Damage of this elemental breath is +1000.
Status Touch - Affects only Breaths that don't already cause a status. If the Breath already causes the Touch status, there is a 25% chance the Severity will be increased by 1.
Status Strike - Affects only Breaths that don't already cause a status. If the Breath already causes the Touch status, there is a 50% chance the Severity will be increased by 1.
Counts as a 'weapon' for Imbue Spell Effect (Thus, the creator can cast its charges of the spell for no MP cost).

Lesser Totem: 1 slot item. Once worn, activates with a simple, one handed sign and thus effectively takes up the off-hand in any round it is used. It applies Enchant and Nature effects to the breath, and adds its Bonus rating to accuracy. The Quickdraw skill affords one the swiftness to keep the off hand free or occupied with a weapon/shield on any round the Breath Weapon isn't used, or use a Claw Edge/Glove equipped hand to make the necessary sign.


Example Lesser Totem;
Name: The name of the totem's model.
Cost: The cost to buy the totem. (As normal, halved to determine cost of materials needed to create)
DC: The DC to create the totem.
Level Requirement: The level needed to use the totem.
Augmentation Slots: The number of slots available for augments/enchantments.
Nature Slots: The number of slots available for Natures. These must be filled in at creation; they cannot be filled afterwards.
Bonus: Applied to Breath Weapon attack checks.


===Lesser Totems===

[Radiant Metal Lesser Totems]

Name: Denzium Lesser Totem
Cost: 10,000 gil
DC: 40/70/100
Level Requirement: 1
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 5
Breath Bonus: +10

Name: Andrium Lesser Totem
Cost: 30,000 gil
DC: 44/74/104
Level Requirement: 2
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 5
Breath Bonus: +11

Name: Phazite Lesser Totem
Cost: 50,000 gil
DC: 48/78/108
Level Requirement: 2
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 5
Breath Bonus: +12

Name: Solinium Lesser Totem
Cost: 80,000 gil
DC: 62/102/142
Level Requirement: 3
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 6
Breath Bonus: +13

Name: Aetherium Lesser Totem
Cost: 130,000 gil
DC: 68/108/148
Level Requirement: 3
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 6
Breath Bonus: +14

[Radiant Gem Lesser Totems]

Name: Amber Lesser Totem
Cost: 175,000 gil
DC: 92/162/232
Level Requirement: 4
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 7
Breath Bonus: +15

Name: Jasper Lesser Totem
Cost: 225,000 gil
DC: 96/166/236
Level Requirement: 4
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 7
Breath Bonus: +16

Name: Ruby Lesser Totem
Cost: 300,000 gil
DC: 102/172/242
Level Requirement: 4
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 7
Breath Bonus: +17

Name: Cardinal Lesser Totem
Cost: 360,000 gil
DC: 106/176/246
Level Requirement: 5
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 7
Breath Bonus: +18

Name: Alabaster Lesser Totem
Cost: 420,000 gil
DC: 110/180/250
Level Requirement: 5
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 8
Breath Bonus: +19

Name: Bloodstone Lesser Totem
Cost: 490,000 gil
DC: 114/184/254
Level Requirement: 5
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 8
Breath Bonus: +20

Name: Lazurite Lesser Totem
Cost: 530,000 gil
DC: 116/186/256
Level Requirement: 6
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 8
Breath Bonus: +21

Name: Malachite Lesser Totem
Cost: 620,000 gil
DC: 120/190/260
Level Requirement: 6
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 8
Breath Bonus: +22

[Prime Material Lesser Totems]

Name: Red Beryl Lesser Totem
Cost: 720,000 gil
DC: 165/255/345
Level Requirement: 7
Augmentation Slots: 5
Nature Slots: 9
Breath Bonus: +23

Name: Obsidian Lesser Totem
Cost: 820,000 gil
DC: 175/265/355
Level Requirement: 7
Augmentation Slots: 5
Nature Slots: 9
Breath Bonus: +24

Name: Celestial Diamond Lesser Totem
Cost: 1,000,000 gil
DC: 190/280/370
Level Requirement: 7
Augmentation Slots: 5
Nature Slots: 10
Breath Bonus: +25

[Prime Metal Lesser Totems]

Name: Meteorillium Lesser Totem
Cost: 1,250,000 gil
DC: 200/300/400
Level Requirement: 8/Requires Prime Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 6
Nature Slots: 11
Breath Bonus: +26

Name: Sunstone Lesser Totem
Cost: 1,700,000 gil
DC: 210/310/410
Level Requirement: 8/Requires Prime Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 6
Nature Slots: 11
Breath Bonus: +27

Name: Dreamstone Lesser Totem
Cost: 2,300,000 gil
DC: 220/320/420
Level Requirement: 8/Requires Prime Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 6
Nature Slots: 12
Breath Bonus: +28

Name: Mythril Lesser Totem
Cost: 3,000,000 gil
DC: 230/330/430
Level Requirement: 8/Requires Prime Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 6
Nature Slots: 12
Breath Bonus: +29

[Transphasic Metal Lesser Totems]

Name: Fantasteel Lesser Totem
Cost: 4,000,000 gil
DC: 240/340/440
Level Requirement: 9/Requires Transphasic Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 7
Nature Slots: 13
Breath Bonus: +30

Name: Technobsidian Lesser Totem
Cost: 5,000,000 gil
DC: 250/350/450
Level Requirement: 9/Requires Transphasic Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 7
Nature Slots: 13
Breath Bonus: +31

Name: Plasmarble Lesser Totem
Cost: 7,000,000 gil
DC: 260/360/460
Level Requirement: 9/Requires Transphasic Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 7
Nature Slots: 14
Breath Bonus: +32

Name: Prismatic Lesser Totem
Cost: 9,000,000 gil
DC: 270/370/470
Level Requirement: 9/Requires Transphasic Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 7
Nature Slots: 14
Breath Bonus: +33

[Spectral Metal Lesser Totems]

Name: Spectral Black Lesser Totem
Cost: 11,500,000 gil
DC: 280/380/480
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 15
Breath Bonus: +34

Name: Spectral Orange Lesser Totem
Cost: 14,500,000 gil
DC: 290/390/490
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 15
Breath Bonus: +35

Name: Spectral Green Lesser Totem
Cost: 17,500,000 gil
DC: 310/410/510
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 16
Breath Bonus: +36

Name: Spectral Indigo Lesser Totem
Cost: 21,000,000 gil
DC: 330/430/530
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 16
Breath Bonus: +37

Name: Spectral White Lesser Totem
Cost: 25,000,000 gil
DC: 350/450/550
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 17
Breath Bonus: +38


Greater Totem: 3 slot item. Once worn, activates with an ornate, two handed sign and thus effectively takes up both hands, allowing only the use of Claw Edges, and even then only in a round where no Breath attack has been made. Any other weapon is simply too much bother to keep track of, and even gloves interfere with the delicate gesture, essentially dragonic sign language, which is required to stimulate the maximum flow of energy. Any less causes the totem to underload and fail.
In exchange for this bulkiness, in addition to applying Enchant and Nature effects to the Breath, it adds its bonus to both accuracy and the Spirit Bonus associated with Breath damage. Furthermore, its Bonus doubles when the wearer takes on a full dragon form.


Example Greater Totem;
Name: The name of the totem's model.
Cost: The cost to buy the totem (As normal, halved to determine cost of materials needed to create)
DC: The DC to create the totem.
Level Requirement: The level needed to use the totem.
Augmentation Slots: The number of slots available for augments/enchantments.
Nature Slots: The number of slots available for Natures. These must be filled in at creation; they cannot be filled afterwards.
Bonus: Applied to Breath Weapon attack checks.


===Greater Totems===

[Radiant Metal Greater Totems]

Name: Denzium Greater Totem
Cost: 15,000 gil
DC: 44/77/110
Level Requirement: 1
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 5
Breath Bonus: +15

Name: Andrium Greater Totem
Cost: 45,000 gil
DC: 48/81/116
Level Requirement: 2
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 5
Breath Bonus: +16

Name: Phazite Greater Totem
Cost: 75,000 gil
DC: 52/85/122
Level Requirement: 2
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 5
Breath Bonus: +18

Name: Solinium Greater Totem
Cost: 120,000 gil
DC: 68/112/160
Level Requirement: 3
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 6
Breath Bonus: +19

Name: Aetherium Greater Totem
Cost: 195,000 gil
DC: 74/118/167
Level Requirement: 3
Augmentation Slots: 3
Nature Slots: 6
Breath Bonus: +21

[Radiant Gem Greater Totem]

Name: Amber Greater Totem
Cost: 262,500 gil
DC: 102/172/252
Level Requirement: 4
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 6
Breath Bonus: +22

Name: Jasper Greater Totem
Cost: 337,500 gil
DC: 106/176/256
Level Requirement: 4
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 7
Breath Bonus: +24

Name: Ruby Greater Totem
Cost: 450,000 gil
DC: 112/182/262
Level Requirement: 4
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 7
Breath Bonus: +25

Name: Cardinal Greater Totem
Cost: 540,000 gil
DC: 116/186/266
Level Requirement: 5
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 7
Breath Bonus: +27

Name: Alabaster Greater Totem
Cost: 630,000 gil
DC: 120/190/270
Level Requirement: 5
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 8
Breath Bonus: +28

Name: Bloodstone Greater Totem
Cost: 735,000 gil
DC: 124/194/274
Level Requirement: 5
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 8
Breath Bonus: +30

Name: Lazurite Greater Totem
Cost: 795,000 gil
DC: 126/196/276
Level Requirement: 6
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 9
Breath Bonus: +31

Name: Malachite Greater Totem
Cost: 930,000 gil
DC: 130/200/280
Level Requirement: 6
Augmentation Slots: 4
Nature Slots: 9
Breath Bonus: +33

[Prime Material Greater Totems]

Name: Red Beryl Greater Totem
Cost: 1,080,000 gil
DC: 175/275/375
Level Requirement: 7
Augmentation Slots: 5
Nature Slots: 10
Breath Bonus: +34

Name: Obsidian Greater Totem
Cost: 1,230,000 gil
DC: 185/285/385
Level Requirement: 7
Augmentation Slots: 5
Nature Slots: 10
Breath Bonus: +36

Name: Celestial Diamond Greater Totem
Cost: 1,500,000 gil
DC: 200/300/400
Level Requirement: 7
Augmentation Slots: 5
Nature Slots: 11
Breath Bonus: +37

[Prime Metal Greater Totems]

Name: Meteorillium Greater Totem
Cost: 1,875,000 gil
DC: 210/320/430
Level Requirement: 8/Requires Prime Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 6
Nature Slots: 11
Breath Bonus: +39

Name: Sunstone Greater Totem
Cost: 2,550,000 gil
DC: 220/330/440
Level Requirement: 8/Requires Prime Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 6
Nature Slots: 11
Breath Bonus: +40

Name: Dreamstone Greater Totem
Cost: 3,450,000 gil
DC: 230/340/450
Level Requirement: 8/Requires Prime Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots:
Nature Slots: 12
Breath Bonus: +42

Name: Mythril Greater Totem
Cost: 4,500,000 gil
DC: 240/350/460
Level Requirement: 8/Requires Prime Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 6
Nature Slots: 12
Breath Bonus: +43

[Transphasic Metal Greater Totems]

Name: Fantasteel Greater Totem
Cost: 6,000,000 gil
DC: 250/360/470
Level Requirement: 9/Requires Transphasic Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 7
Nature Slots: 13
Breath Bonus: +45

Name: Technobsidian Greater Totem
Cost: 7,500,000 gil
DC: 260/370/480
Level Requirement: 9/Requires Transphasic Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 7
Nature Slots: 13
Breath Bonus: +47

Name: Plasmarble Greater Totem
Cost: 10,500,000 gil
DC: 270/380/490
Level Requirement: 9/Requires Transphasic Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 7
Nature Slots: 14
Breath Bonus: +48

Name: Prismatic Greater Totem
Cost: 13,500,000 gil
DC: 280/390/500
Level Requirement: 9/Requires Transphasic Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 7
Nature Slots: 14
Breath Bonus: +50

[Spectral Metal Greater Totems]

Name: Spectral Black Greater Totem
Cost: 17,250,000 gil
DC: 290/400/510
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 15
Breath Bonus: +51

Name: Spectral Orange Greater Totem
Cost: 21,750,000 gil
DC: 300/410/520
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 15
Breath Bonus: +53

Name: Spectral Green Greater Totem
Cost: 26,250,000 gil
DC: 320/430/540
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 16
Breath Bonus: +54

Name: Spectral Indigo Greater Totem
Cost: 31,500,000 gil
DC: 350/460/570
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 16
Breath Bonus: +56

Name: Spectral White Greater Totem
Cost: 37,500,000 gil
DC: 380/490/600
Level Requirement: 10/Requires Spectral Metal Arcanist
Augmentation Slots: 8
Nature Slots: 17
Breath Bonus: +57
Last edited by Strato on July 1st, 2024, 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

Re: Lesser/Greater Dragon Totems


Post by Strato »


Natures are, simply put, Augments that apply only to totems, tomes, grimoires, amps, and talens respectively. They are mostly referred to by a special name only to prevent confusion as to the dual slotted nature of the above casting aids, which have at most 3 or 4 'Augment' slots, but as many as 10 to 20 'Nature' slots.
The number of slots a Nature takes up is determined by two things; The Level of the nature, from 1 to 5, and the material grade of the casting aid, Metal>Gem>Radient Metal>Radient Gem>Prime Material. The cost is thus determined by the following graph.

Code: Select all

  -> Level of Nature
| Material            1 2 3 4 5
  Radiant Metal       2 4 6 8 10
  Radiant Gem         1 3 5 7 9
  Prime Material      1 2 4 6 8
  Prime Metal         1 2 3 5 7
  Transphasic Metal   1 2 3 4 6
  Spectral Metal      1 2 3 4 5
So a Level 5 Nature takes up 9 slots in a Metal tier Grimoire, but only 5 slots in a Prime Material tier one. Likewise, a level 2 Nature takes up 3 slots in a Metal tier Amp, but only 2 in a Gem tier one. There is a simple and obvious pattern to be found, but if you find yourself confused, stick to the graph.

Natures do not stack with other levels of the same Nature, and in the case of Talens, only one set of Natures can be applied at a time even if Enchantments and base bonus are combined when two are in use. It is still however handy to be able to choose between those two sets of natures in a heartbeat.

Natures have no effect on the cost or DC of the item they're applied to, so Slot cost is the only complication one will have to worry over. With that covered, it is on to the list of them... This is by no means exhaustive, in such a vast universe. Keep an eye out for special tomes and new lores...! It's your duty as an avid wizard, psionic, or dragoneer.

Thrift - Cuts MP costs of breath weapons, up to a certain level.
Level 1: 5%, up to level 2 Breath.
Level 2: 10%, up to level 4 Breath.
Level 3: 15%, up to level 6 Breath.
Level 4: 20%, up to level 8 Breath.
Level 5: 25%, up to level 10 Breath.

Cruelty - Enhances the damage bonus for striking an elemental weakness, according to the elemental weakness chart. Get more information here.
Level 1: +1
Level 2: +2
Level 3: +3
Level 4: +4
Level 5: +5

Grandeur - After using a Breath Weapon in sight of the intended target, the next Speechcraft check by the holder is enhanced by the following, times the level of the Breath.
Level 1: 1
Level 3: 3
Level 5: 5

Dominion - Quickens one's Breath, allowing it to be used reflexively on the defensive. Each level of Nature expands the forms of attack which can be shot down this way, but the damage of the breath must meet the damage of the attack for a roll to be made. This costs the full MP of the Breath, and uses up the dragon's next turn if preformed without a held action.
This generally will not defend against attacks with no clear, singular origin point, and will only protect the user unless they are Giant. If a shield won't stop it, neither will Dominion.
Level 1: Affects gases and fogs, or weapons like napalm.
Level 2: Affects physical bullets, bolts, arrows, and thrown weapons.
Level 3: Affects enemy Breath Weapons.
Level 4: Affects enemy magic and psionics.
Level 5: When successfully used, the Breath will continue along into the enemy as a counter attack, bringing the blocked attack with it. Target must avoid the successful defense check as if it were an attack or take the full effect of their own attack, plus that of the Breath.

Thu'umic - A curious Nature which combines the latent mysticism of the Breath with the passion and intent of the user, converting a wave of fire into an ancient language that speaks to the enemy on a deeper level than mere words. Breath Weapon skill is added to, or used in place of, Speechcraft when conversing with certain beasts. This also allows basic communication without a common language, but grants no ability to understand the reply.
Level 1: Bonus applies to sentient dragons only.
Level 2: Bonus applies to nonsentient dragons and dragon-like entities.
Level 3: Bonus applies to sentient magical beasts of all kinds.
Level 4: Bonus applies to nonsentient magical beasts of all kinds.
Level 5: Bonus applies to all beasts, sentient, nonsentient, magical, or mundane.

Macroscopic - Applies only to Greater Totems, and works only in a dragonic True Form. The mighty Breath goes beyond simply stripping away Hard Points, and slowly but surely destroys the very framework of the craft. Pilot Risk is increased by any strike that deals damage, up to a certain size of craft.
Level 1: +5% per hit. Affects small, single-rider craft like motorcycles and jet skis.
Level 2: +6% per hit. Affects car-sized crafts, such as armored jeeps, armored cars, and smaller fighter jets like Arwings.
Level 3: +7% per hit. Affects heavy, truck sized crafts such as humvees, eighteen wheelers, and jet fighters.
Level 4: +8% per hit. Affects large, military grade crafts such as tanks and dropships.
Level 5: +10% per hit. Works even on capital ships.

Of the following, only one can be applied

Strafing - Enhances Strafing by stimulating the uniquely sustained but concentrated wave of Breath that the art entails. Each level of this Nature allows use of the previous levels, but only one applies per attack.
Level 1: Halves the number of targets of any level of Strafe, but all targets must pass two Dodge checks to avoid it. They will still be struck only once, even if they fail both dodges.
Level 3: The strafe cuts a deep rut into the ground, damaging the battlefield itself. This presents a Penalty to dodging and moving for the enemy, equal to -1 per target the Strafe would otherwise hit. This penalty cannot stack with itself, and lasts until the targets move to more solid ground.
Level 5: The strafe cuts a thinner rut into the ground, not enough to make footing difficult, but carrying its own curious pratfall. For every target the Strafe would have otherwise struck, the dragon is able to conjure a wall of pure elemental force, ten feet wide, five feet tall, and one foot thick. These panels of force can be placed however the dragon likes, but they must emenate from the ground and do not respect friend or foe. ANYONE passing through such a panel takes the Breath's full damage. The panels last 5 Rounds, or 1 Hour out of combat.

Bursting - Enhances the dragon's ability to pelt a foe relentlessly with blasts of elemental power.
Level 1: Adds an additional hit to a Burst Breath, but only if the least or greater possible combo is rolled.
Level 3: Adds an additional hit to a Burst Breath, and two hits if the greatest possible combo is rolled.
Level 5: Allows the dragon to take a -10 Penalty and deliver a double burst. This rolls a 2dX of whatever combo their level of Burst allows, and 1 is subtracted from each result.

Charging - By increasing MP cost and Charge time, one other Breath aligned Advanced Skill can be added to a Charge Breath. Extra charge time does not affect damage.
Level 1: Doubles Charge Time, and triples MP cost.
Level 3: +2 Rounds Charge Time, MP cost doubled.
Level 5: +1 Round Charge Time, MP cost is *1.5.

Suppressive - Lessens the accuracy penalty of the 'initial' hit when preforming Suppressive Fire with a Breath Weapon.
Level 1: -15 instead of -20. Affects one extra area, directly behind the targetted one.
Level 3: -8 instead of -20. Affects one extra area behind the targetted, and one each to the left and right of the targetted one.
Level 5: Penalty negated completely. Affects one extra Area behind, to the left and right, and diagonally from the targetted.

Freezing - The mystical freeze of the Breath brings mind as well as body to a crystaline brittleness. Applies the following boons to the Freeze effect of a dragonbreath.
Level 1: The Freeze's soak reduction applies to mental soak as well as physical.
Level 3: The Freeze's damage boost applies to magical damage as well as physical.
Level 5: Critical Hits against the frozen target gain +2500 damage.

Burning - The cleansing fire of dragonbreath burns away feeble mortal magic as well as feeble mortal bodies, and hotter than even magical flames. Applies the following boons to the Burning effect of a dragonbreath.
Level 1: When burning damage is applied, any protective statuses the target is under lose 1 round of duration.
Level 3: When burning damage is applied, any good statuses the target is under loses 1 round of duration.
Level 5: The Burning effect can be stoked, increasing the damage of each tic by 50% every time a Breath attack hits. These stacks are lost once the initial Burns duration runs out, however.

Corrosive - The fell acids stewing within certain dragonkin patiently simmers away all manner of things. Applies the following boons to the Corrode effect of a dragonbreath.
Level 1: Once Corrode reduces an armor's soak to 0, further tics of Corrosion will instead apply to the target's base Soaks.
Level 3: Once Corrode reduces an inorganic target's Soak to 0, further tics of Corrosion will force its Soak into the negatives.
Level 5: Boosts Corrode's per-round damage by 50% once the target's Soak is reduced to 0.
Last edited by Strato on August 1st, 2023, 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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