Weapon Proficiency: Clubs/Maces

The various weapons proficiencies have been placed here for lack of crowding.
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Weapon Proficiency: Clubs/Maces


Post by Oceanblaze »


Clubs are very simple instruments. You hit with them. And you hit hard. Again and again and again. If you want anything more special than that, you better make it up yourself. Maces are bigger clubs. Unga bunga.


Dual Wielding
Cost: 30 SP
Prerequisites: None
Skill Level Required: 3
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Reduces dual-wield penalty by 5 when wielding maces & clubs. This doubles the number of potential hits, but the secondary weapon deals half damage. A person dual-wielding is unable to cast spells.

Improved Dual Wielding
Cost: 160 SP
Prerequisites: Dual Wielding
Skill Level Required: 7
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: Reduces dual-wield penalty by an additional 5 when wielding maces & clubs.

Advanced Dual Wielding
Cost: 350 SP
Prerequisites: Improved Dual Wielding
Skill Level Required: 10
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: Reduces dual-wield penalty by an additional 5 when wielding maces & clubs.


Cost: 15 SP
Prerequisites: None
Skill Level Required: 2
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: Pick a spot and hit with it. Maybe you'll get lucky. This grants a 15% chance of knockdown on a luck roll (851+).

Improved Knockdown
Cost: 55 SP
Prerequisites: Knockdown
Skill Level Required: 4
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: On a called strike, grants a 25% chance of knockdown on a luck roll (751+).

Advanced Knockdown
Cost: 300 SP
Prerequisites: Improved Knockdown
Skill Level Required: 8
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: On a called strike, grants a 50% chance of knockdown on a luck roll (501+).


Power Strike
Cost: 30 SP
Prerequisites: None
Skill Level Required: 3
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for a single strike at a -5 penalty that deals 1.5x damage.

Improved Power Strike
Cost: 80 SP
Prerequisites: Power Strike
Skill Level Required: 5, 'Power Strike' Advanced Skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: Allows for a single strike at a -5 penalty that deals 2x damage.

Advanced Power Strike
Cost: 325 SP
Prerequisites: Improved Power Strike
Skill Level Required: 9, 'Power Strike, 'Improved Power Strike' Advanced Skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: Allows for a single strike at a -5 penalty that deals 2.5x damage.


Dual Strike
Cost: 15 SP
Prerequisites: None
Skill Level Required: 2
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for an attack with two strikes. Roll 1d2 to determine hits that connect.

Triple Strike
Cost: 120 SP
Prerequisites: Dual Strike
Skill Level Required: 6, 'Dual Strike' Advanced Skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for an attack with three strikes. Roll a 1d3 for number of hits.

Rapid Strike
Cost: 205 SP
Prerequisites: Triple Strike
Skill Level Required: 8, 'Dual Strike,' 'Triple Strike' Advanced Skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for an attack with four strikes.

Rapid Combo
Cost: 350 SP
Prerequisites: Rapid Strike
Skill Level Required: 10, 'Dual Strike,' 'Triple Strike,' 'Rapid Strike' Advanced Skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for an attack with five strikes.
Last edited by Daedalus on June 25th, 2023, 7:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Joined: October 13th, 2008, 7:47 pm

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