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Sarah Connor

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 11:02 pm
by BethWasTaken


<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: Betty
Real Name (Optional): Beth
Time Zone (GMT Modifier): Pacific (-8)

<<> Character Information <>>

-= Basics =-

Name: Sarah Jeanette Connor
Race: Human
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Notable Features: Puncture scarring front and back right shoulder. Multiple combat scars.

-= Personality =-

Favorite Food: Anything really. Survival is her number one priority.
Likes: Her son. Guns. Vigilance.
Dislikes: Skynet, The Future, Robots
Favorite Color: Black
Fears: Anything bad happening to John

-= Background =-

History: From a deceptively ordinary youth, Sarah Connor found her world shattered at the age of 18 when a cyborg assassin was sent back from the future in an attempt to remove her from the timeline. She was saved only through the arrival of another time-traveller, a human resistance soldier named Kyle Reese who told her of her grand destiny: to mother and raise the hero who would liberate mankind from the artificial intelligence known as Skynet.

In their short time together, Reese and Connor fell in love amongst the efforts to evade the 'Terminator' sent after Sarah, and together they conceive the very leader Kyle was sent by, John Connor. It is only shortly after that Reese is killed in battle with the T-800, but his bravery and sincerity drive Sarah to destroy the machine in a hydraulic press. Sarah carries on as best she can alone, and seeks out those who can teach her the skills necessary to train her future son.

John Connor was born 9 months later, and Sarah went into hiding with her young son, teaching the boy skills in survival, combat, leadership and technology that would be necessary in the prophesied war against the robots. However knowing what lay in store for mankind she took a more proactive role, seeking out technology companies believed to be developing the technology essential to build Skynet and carrying out attacks to sabotage the efforts. It was in such an attack that she was captured and after describing what she knew of the future, hospitalized in the Pescadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane under maximum security.

It was four years later that another assassin was sent by Skynet, this time targetting young John. This time help was sent in the for of a reprogrammed Terminator of the same basic design of the original, affectionately known as 'Uncle Bob'. She was freed from her imprisonment and together they went after what they thought to be the origin of Skynet, Cyberdyne Systems, successfully destroying the data and equipment there. Both cyborgs were destroyed and both John and Sarah went back into hiding together, continuing the boy's training.

Two years had pass and the Connors settled down with a man named Charley Dixon, to whom Sarah is engaged. However, Sarah experiences a terrifying dream that depicts John being killed by a Terminator, which prompts her to abandon Charley, despite John’s protests. She and John move to Red Valley, New Mexico which John describes as a "Hick town".

Notable Accomplishments: Wanted by the FBI for assorted acts including the destruction of several technology companies. Successfully evaded law enforcement for much of the late 20th century. Has survived multiple assassination attempts by agents of Skynet sent from the future.
Training (If any): Informally trained in the use of military grade firearms, handguns, edged weapons, explosives, and hand-to-hand combat.


<<> Statistics <>>
500 points to distribute

Health: 65
Hit Points: 2600 / HP (Health * 40)

Dexterity: 70
Style Points: 280 StP (Dexterity * 4)

Strength: 80
Inventory Slots: 8 (+1 Slot for every 10 Strength)
Base Physical Damage: 240 (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 30)
Maximum Carry Weight: 360 (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 40) lbs (pounds)

Endurance: 70
Defense (Damage Absorb): 280 (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance * 40)

Intelligence: 145
Magic Points: 725/ MP (Intelligence * 5)
Skill Points: 580 SkP (Intelligence * 4)

Magic Affinity: 0
Spell Points: 0 SpP (Magic Affinity * 4)
Magic/Psionic Level: 0 (+1 Magic Level per 5 levels of Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery


Spirit: 30
Base Magic Damage: 120( ((Spirit +1/10) + (Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skill Level)) * 30 )

Willpower: 30
Magic/Psionic Damage Soak: 120 (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower * 40)

Luck: 10
Luck Points: 0 LP (+1 Luck Point for every 50 Luck)


<<> Skills <>>
6/580 Skill Points (Current/Maximum)

0: Untrained | 5: Hobbyist | 10: Novice/Beginner | 15: Dedicated Student | 20:

Educated/Trained | 25: Professional | 30: Advanced | 35: Specialist | 40: Expert | 45:

Adept/Prodigy | 50: Master

Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Countering sneak attacks, surprises, etc
Level 10 (+10) 65 SP

Honed Perception: Spot
Statistic: Health
Uses: Helps perceive the world around you more.
Level 6 (+6) 31 SP

Statistic: Intelligence
Used: To trick someone into thinking your lie is the truth
Level: 10 (+10) 65 SP

Weapons Proficiency: Handguns
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Gives bonus's to physical combat
Level: 10 (+10) 65 SP

Weapons Proficiency: Shotguns
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Gives bonus's to physical combat
Level: 11 (+11) 76 SP

Martial Arts
Statistic: Dexterity and/or Strength
Used: Required for hand to hand combination or special attacks.
Level: 10 (+10) 65pts

Speak Language: Spanish
Statistic: Intelligence
Used: Allows translation of known languages and conversation in them. Choose the language

the character can speak, other than the basic language of the game. (10 SP)

Vehicle Operation:Cars/Light Trucks/Jeeps/Motorcycles
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Used in using and fighting in vehicles. Must take the type of vehicle group known.
Level: 6 (+6) 31 SP

Vehicle Combat:Cars/Light Trucks/Jeeps/Motorcycles
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Makes vehicle combat easier (Bonus to vehicle in combat). You must have the Vehicle

Operation skill for the vehicle group, or you cannot take this. With this skill, rolls in

combat scenarios are normal. Without it, vehicle combat maneuver rolls are halved.
Level: 7 (+7) 38 SP

Statistic: Intelligence
Used: Repair mechanical objects and vehicles
Level: 7 (+7) 38 SP

First Aid
Statistic: Intelligence
Used: Treat minor wounds on a victim
Level: 10 (+10) 65 SP

-= Advanced Skills =-

Cost: 10 SP
Skill Level Required: 5
Type: Bonus
Effect: Allows a person to block with a weapon, offering a +5 to dodge rolls.

Counter Strike
Cost: 15 SP
Skill Level Required: 10, 'Block' Advanced Skill
Type: Enabler
Effect: Negates the block bonus, but allows for a single melee physical retaliatory



<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
280/280 Style Points (Current/Maximum)


<<> Feats <>>

(* denotes feats possessed at Character Creation)

* Feat 1 (Free)-
Associated Statistic: Endurance
Description: The character is able to adjust easily to any environment, and is able to
use different pieces of it to their advantage. Example: using pieces of the environment
for makeshift shelters, tools, or food.
Effect: +10 to Survival Skill checks.

* Feat 2 (100 XP)-
Physical Offensive Mastery
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Description: The character has an almost intuitive grasp of inflicting harm on an object
or enemy, whether it be armed with almost any weapon or completely unarmed.
Effect: +10 to physical attack rolls. (Weapons Proficiencies, Martial Arts)

* Feat 3 (200 XP)-
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Description: The character is a natural to taking to the shadows and hiding themselves
from sight as well as moving inconspicuously.
Effect: +10 to Sneak Attack, Hide, and Move Slowly skills.

* Feat 4 (300 XP)-
Enhanced Attack Maneuver I
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Effect: The character with this Feat gains a bonus of +2 per 10 points of Dexterity to
attack physically.
Example: A character with 60 Dexterity typically has an attack Dexterity bonus of +6.
With this feat, that becomes +12.

* Feat 5 (400 XP)-
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Description: The character is a natural to taking to the shadows and hiding themselves
from sight as well as moving inconspicuously.
Effect: +10 to Sneak Attack, Hide, and Move Slowly skills.

* Feat 6 (500 XP)-
Dodge Mastery
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Description: The character exhibits a sort of 'second nature' about 'the five D's of
dodging' (dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge), whether it includes using the environment
or a weapon to defend themselves, or simply getting out of the way.
Effect: +5 to flat-foot ('Reaction'-based) dodge, +10 to regular ('Roll'-based) dodge,
and blocking with a weapon ('Weapons Proficiency'-based dodge)

Feat 7 (600 XP)-
Feat 8 (700 XP)-
Feat 9 (800 XP)-
Feat 10 (900XP)-
Feat 11(1000XP)-
Feat 12(1200XP)-
Feat 13(1400XP)-
Feat 14(1500XP)-
Feat 15(1600XP)-
Feat 16(1800XP)-
Feat 17(2000XP)-
Feat 18(2200XP)-
Feat 19(2400XP)-
Feat 20(2500XP)-

<<> Weapons/Items <>>

-= Equipment Slots =-

Remington 870 /w Extended Magazine + Folding Stock
Price: 10000 credits
Augmentation Slots:0
Roll Bonus:-5
Damage Modifier:: 1500
DC to Make:60
Skill Level Required: 5

Side Arm: Beretta 92FS
Price: 5000 credits
Augmentation Slots:2
Roll Bonus:+2
Damage Modifier:: 1000
# Controlled Shots:1
DC to Make:50
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Undercover Vest
Price: 200 credits
Benefit: +10 endurance
Description: A thin layer of kevlar designed to slip undetected under normal clothing.
Typically warn by undercover officers in potentially dangerous situations. This armor can
be stacked under other clothing or armors for additional protection.

Ring 1:
Ring 2:

-= Item Slots =-
Slot 1:


<<> Inventory <>>


<<> Special Notes <>>
