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Tiera - No Man's Land

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 4:53 am
by Tony
Tiera - The No Man's Land

While far from a traditional "hunter's visa," the No Man's Land of Tiera presents a unique set of challenges. A futuristic urban landscape set inside the anarchic and battle-gutted fallen, island city-state of Tiera, the No Man's Land is a wide ring of cityscape that falls between the five main sectors of the city that have been fought over and claimed by the five warring factions of the city. Streets are pockmarked with craters, buildings have collapsed, and city infrastructure is nonexistent.

The scavengers, raiders, and bandits that have inhabited the No Man's Land make their living off of the scraps left behind by The Collapse, forcing them into a constant back-and-forth of attacking, retreating, and stealing from one another to scrape together a living. The pirate, devil-may-care nature of the No Man's Land makes it a very risky place for anyone intending to brave the area, but many different states and international non-government organizations have put up bounties and rewards for people, items, or progress made in one of the most dangerous places on Lanzard III.

Daytime Hunt: No change.
Nighttime Hunt: During "Ambush!!" events, Bandits and Raiders get "First Strike," which is considered a Sneak Attack. Party members attacked with a Sneak Attack are restricted to flat-foot dodges for that attack.

Enemies: Scavengers, Bandits, Raiders, Raider Technicals
Rare Enemies: Quizmaster
Area Guardian: None
Epic Encounter: Yes

Event Table: (1d21)

1) Encounter - 3x Bandit
2) Event - A structure, weakened by battle, collapses on the street around the party. The party has to navigate the guts of the partially-demolished structure, meeting one Athletics (Dex) (Running) DC 100; one Acrobatics (Str) (Jumping) DC 80; and one Acrobatics (Dex) (Balance) DC 120 to escape. If the party is not out of the structure within 5 rounds, the structure will collapse, leaving each character remaining inside at 1 HP with Acute "Weak" status, requiring medical attention.
3) Environment - A heavy fog has rolled in from the sea, seeping in between the buildings like soup, making it more difficult to traverse the area. The next 3 Encounters will have "First Strike."
4) Ambush!! - Roll 1d4 immediately and choose the nearest Encounter.
5) Event - A wicked car chase! A group of Raiders in a Technical have descended upon the party, to chase them down through the streets. For 4 rounds, the Technical will chase down the party; a series of 4 Athletics (Dex) (Running) checks, DC 120, to escape. On a failure, the Technical deals 8,000 physical, non-elemental damage by ramming or shooting at the failed party member. After the 4 rounds, the Technical will drive away.
6) Encounter - 4x Raider
7) Encounter - 1x Raider Technical
8) Obstacle - A Bandit team has set up a wall of flames to cordon off access into a portion of the street ahead of the party.. A Search check, DC 180, must be met within 3 rounds in order to find a way to put out the fire, whether it's smothering it, cutting off the fuel, or dousing it in water from a main nearby. If the DC is not met within 3 rounds, each party member takes 10% Max HP physical Fire damage from the intense heat for each consecutive round.
9) Encounter - 1x Raider Technical
10) Event - A Scavenger's "treasure trove" is found in the ruins of a building near the party. Roll 1d5 for the "treasure trove" that's located.
11) Ambush!! - Roll 1d4, select the nearest Encounter.
12) Ambush!! - Roll 1d4, select the nearest Encounter.
13) Encounter - 3x Raider
14) Event - A group of armed Scavengers confronts the party. from a fortified location. The party can choose to either attack the Scavengers and take their "treasure trove;" negotiate for half of the "treasure trove," or leave. See the Scavenger listing for details. Roll 1d5 for the "treasure trove" if the party chooses to attack or negotiate.
15) Obstacle - A deadly trap has been laid by a group of Bandits in the form of a minefield that stretches 3 Areas ahead of the party. To cross the minefields, 3 consecutive Stealth (Move Slowly) DC 140 checks can be made. If a party member fails a check, they must make a Reaction, DC 160 to dodge a Semtex Mine (15,000 physical non-elemental damage). Alternately, Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Weapons, DC 140, checks can be made to disarm the mines. If that check is failed, the character attempting to disarm the mines takes the mine damage automatically.
16) Obstacle - A sleeping gas mine, hidden inside some rubble, has been tripped. Reaction check, DC 160, must be made by each party member, or that party member suffers Acute "Sleep" status. If a party is knocked out by the mine, the party will wake up to an Ambush!!.
17) Rare Encounter: 1d5, 1-3 = Event 1, 4-5 = Quizmaster (Only at night)
18) Ambush!! - Roll 1d4 and select the nearest Encounter.
19) Event - The party finds a Scavenger's "treasure trove." Roll 1d5 to select which one.
20) Epic Encounter
21) Jackpot! - You come across a fortification guarded by 9x Bandits and 9x Raiders. Inside the fortification is 4 out of 5 "treasure troves," roll 1d5 to see which one is left out.

Treasure Troves
Scattered throughout the No Man's Land are "treasure troves" that have been hoarded by Scavengers, Raiders, and Bandits.

1) Supply Pack - 4x M-Potion, 2x Cryo-Ration, 2x Delta Ether, 2x Expensive Art (worth 2500 gil to each party member).
2) Recon Pack - 4x Semtex Grenade, 1x Ammo Mod (1d11, see below); 2x Bounty (worth 5000 gil to each party member)
3) Survival Pack - 4x Phoenix Down, 4x Med-X, 2x Trauma Slap-Patch, 2x Bounty (worth 5000 gil to each party member).
4) Stash Pack - 4x Priceless Art (worth 7500 gil to each party member)
5) Assault Pack - 4x Semtex Grenade, 4x Phoenix Down, 2x Ammo Mods (2d11, see below), 2x M-Potion

Ammo Mods
Pistols & Submachine Guns - 1) Armor Piercing, 2) Hammerhead, 3) Cryo Rounds;
Shotguns - 4) SCMITR Flechettes; 5) Penetrating Slugs; 6) Snare Rounds;
Assault Rifles - 7) Sledgehammer; 8) Narco; 9) Whiplash Rounds;
Designated Marksman Rifles - 10) Match Rounds; 11) Shatter Rounds.

Re: Tiera - No Man's Land

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 5:35 am
by Tony
Name: Bandit

Flee: Athletics DC 50
Intention (1d100):
1-5: All equipped items and slotted items are stolen from the last party members to fall.
6-100: Equipment kept in item slots (not Equipment Slots or Augmentation Slots) are stolen from a random party member.

Reward (1d100):
1-95: 3x Cryo-Ration, 1x Bounty (worth 5000 gil per party member)
96-100: 1x Treasure Trove (see original post).

Description: A Tieran Bandit is a very randomized man or woman, wearing a mix of military and/or police gear over casual clothing or possible hunting camouflage. They aren't very organized and are only in it for the spoils. They're desperate and willing to do just about anything to keep surviving.

Weapon of Choice: IMI Uzi submachine gun
Initiative: 150

HP: 18,000
MP: 2,000
Physical Soak: 2000
Mental Soak: 2000

Dodge Roll: 1d160+75

Attack Behavior:
1, 2) Open Fire - Attacks with Weapon of Choice. 1d160+75, 5,880 physical non-elemental damage.
3) Fire in the Hole - Throws a Semtex Grenade at the party. Reaction DC 160 (180 if behind cover) to avoid 15,000 physical non-elemental damage.
4, 5) Take Cover - Hides behind a piece of environment to conceal him/herself. Activates "Concealment" status, starting at Mild. Each consecutive roll will increase its Severity by 1. When a Bandit has reached Terminal "Concealment" status, rolling "Take Cover" again will make the Bandit flee the battle.
6) Call Reinforcements - Brings in another Bandit.

Re: Tiera - No Man's Land

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 5:43 am
by Tony
Name: Raider

Flee: Athletics DC 160
Intention (1d100):
1-5: The Raider kidnaps a party member and returns to a hideout. This will require a GM to run a rescue mission for that party member.
6-100: Equipment kept in item slots (not Equipment Slots or Augmentation Slots) are stolen from a random party member.

Reward (1d100):
1-95: 1x High Bounty (7500 gil for each party member)
96-100: 1x "Treasure Trove", 1x High Bounty (7500 gil for each party member)

Description: Much more organized than the Bandits or Scavengers that occupy the No Man's Land, Raiders are bands of roaming ne'er-do-wells that plunder and pillage their way to success. They are not above attacking other Raiders, Bandits, or Scavengers that may come into their lines of fire. Their equipment is usually higher-end and won with blood.

Weapon of Choice: Misriah Armory MA5C assault rifle
Initiative: 200

HP: 32,000
MP: 4,000
Physical Soak: 4000
Mental Soak: 4000

Dodge Roll: 1d190+90

Attack Behavior:
1, 2) Open Fire - Attacks with Weapon of Choice; 1d190+90, 12,100 physical non-elemental damage.
3) Load Ammo - Select 1d3; assault rifle is loaded with the following ammunition: 1) Armor Piercing Rounds; 2) Sledgehammer Rounds; 3) Normal rounds.
4) Fire in the Hole - Uses a Semtex Grenade on the party; Reaction DC 160 (180 if behind cover), 15,000 physical non-elemental damage.
5, 6) Take Cover - Hides behind a piece of environment to conceal him/herself. Activates "Concealment" status, starting at Mild. Each consecutive roll will increase its Severity by 1. When a Raider has reached Terminal "Concealment" status, rolling "Take Cover" again will make the Bandit flee the battle.
7) Call Reinforcements - Calls in another Raider.
8) Call Support - Calls in a Raider Technical.

Re: Tiera - No Man's Land

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 5:51 am
by Tony
Name: Raider Technical

Flee: Athletics DC 180
Intention (1d100):
1-5: The Raider kidnaps a party member and returns to a hideout. This will require a GM to run a rescue mission for that party member.
6-100: Equipment kept in item slots (not Equipment Slots or Augmentation Slots) are stolen from a random party member.

Reward (1d100):
1-95: 1x High Bounty (7500 gil for each party member)
96-100: 1x "Treasure Trove", 1x High Bounty (7500 gil for each party member)

Description: A Raider Technical is a massively modified pickup truck that has been made to suit the needs of a ravenous band of plunderers and pillagers. It includes a heavy weapon in the bed of the truck and thicker-plated windows for better protection.

Weapon of Choice: Norinco QBB-95 Light Machine Gun
Initiative: 200

MP: 0
Physical Soak: 10,000
Mental Soak: 0

Dodge Roll: 1d190+90

Attack Behavior:
1, 2) Open Fire - Attacks one target with Weapon of Choice; 1d190+90, 15,000 physical non-elemental damage.
3) Suppressing Fire - Attacks the party with Weapon of Choice. 1d110+50; anyone who melee attacks during the round of suppression is struck automatically. (it is ASSUMED that if you are not melee attacking, you had the good sense to find cover. Do not abuse this assumption.)
4) Run 'em Down - Uses the vehicle's body to side-swipe the party. 1d190+90, 10,000 physical non-elemental damage.
5) Everybody Out - The Technical is abandoned, disappearing without reward. 4 Raiders appear in its place.

Re: Tiera - No Man's Land

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 6:03 am
by Tony
Name: Scavenger

Flee: Athletics DC 5
Intention (1d100):
1-5: All equipped items and slotted items are stolen from the last party members to fall.
6-100: Equipment kept in item slots (not Equipment Slots or Augmentation Slots) are stolen from a random party member.

Reward (1d100):
N/A (see main post)

Description: A Scavenger is a Tieran outcast who intends to keep to themselves. They're relatively few and far between, but are some of the more generous and understanding left -- the ones who haven't been corrupted by the anarchy. All they want to do is survive and wait out the Cataclysm for the day order and civilization make a return to Tiera.

Weapon of Choice: UNSC M39 EMR designated marksman rifle
Initiative: 100

HP: 20,000
MP: 2,000
Physical Soak: 2,000
Mental Soak: 2,000

Dodge Roll: 1d170+80

Attack Behavior:
1, 2, 3) Open Fire
4) Take Cover - Hides behind a piece of environment to conceal him/herself. Activates "Concealment" status, starting at Mild. Each consecutive roll will increase its Severity by 1. When a Bandit has reached Terminal "Concealment" status, rolling "Take Cover" again will make the Bandit flee the battle.

Negotiating with a Scavenger or a group of Scavengers can be tricky. Both "Diplomacy" and "Intimidate" options can be used against Scavengers, and the results will be the same -- the Scavengers will retreat.

A Scavenger has a Speechcraft "HP" of 600.
In order to successfully negotiate with a Scavenger, that HP must be brought to 0. Characters reduce this HP by using Speechcraft checks and dealing that as "damage" to the Scavenger's "HP."
When not in battle, a Speechcraft check can be made once per "round," as in each character has an opportunity to act before another roll can be made. This is up to the GM at the time how this is properly done.
Characters can opt to Assist a single character in their Speechcraft with the Scavenger; however, they must both be using the same style (Diplomacy, Intimidate).
After 3 rounds of negotiation, the Scavenger will grow suspicious and skittish; he/she will begin to regenerate 75 "HP" per round following that, becoming more difficult to persuade.
If a Scavenger returns to 600 "HP", the Scavenger will flee, and the event ends with no reward.
When the Scavenger's HP reaches 0, half of a "treasure trove" reward is left behind for the party.

Re: Tiera - No Man's Land

Posted: February 3rd, 2016, 6:44 am
by Tony
EPIC ENCOUNTER - The Epic Encounter stats should only be looked at if encountered. Spoil at your own risk.
Name: Raider Convoy

Flee: Athletics DC 100
Intention (1d100):
1-5: The entire party is kidnapped by the Raiders, and a GM must run a rescue mission for the affected party members.
6-100: A random party member is kidnapped by the Raiders, and a GM must run a rescue mission for the affected party member.

Reward (1d100):
1x Most Wanted Bounty (worth 50,000 gil to each party member);
1-49: 2x "Treasure Trove"
50-95: 5x "Treasure Trove;" materials for ONE of the following: "Close-Quarters Retrofit" OR "Tactical Precision Retrofit" (Ranged Weapon retrofits)
96-100: 5x "Treasure Trove;" materials for both "Close Quarters Retrofit" and "Tactical Precision Retrofit" (Ranged Weapon retrofits)

Description: A massive flotilla of vehicles, the Raider Convoy consists of several repurposed machines that have become hulking beasts of metal and engine. While typically only brought out in times of gang warfare, occasionally Convoys will be used to move highly valued items from place to place through the city for use in Raider-to-Raider trade or bargaining.

Weapon of Choice: Vehicle weapons.
Initiative: N/A

Battle Music: You know what it is.

The Raider Convoy consists of 6 separate vehicles. In addition to 3x Raider Technicals, it has 2x Raider Transports and 1x Raider Tank.

Raider Transport
Weapon of Choice: Mounted machine gun
Initiative: 200

HP: 120,000
MP: 0
Physical Soak: 10,000
Mental Soak: 10,000

Dodge Roll: 1d110+50

Attack Behavior:
1, 2, 3) Open Fire - Attacks 1 target. 1d170+80, 10,000 physical non-elemental damage.
4) Suppressing Fire - Attacks the party. 1d90+40; anyone who melee attacks during the round of suppression is struck automatically. (it is ASSUMED that if you are not melee attacking, you had the good sense to find cover. Do not abuse this assumption.)
5) Everybody Out - The Transport is abandoned, disappearing without reward. 6 Raiders appear in its place.

Raider Tank
Weapon of Choice: Light Armor Piercing Cannon (LAPC)
Initiative: 150

HP: 160,000
MP: 0
Physical Soak: 20,000
Mental Soak: 20,000

Dodge Roll: 1d90+40

Attack Behavior:
1, 2, 3) Open Fire - Attacks one target with Weapon of Choice; 1d190+90, 25,000 physical non-elemental damage.
4) Chaff Smoke - Deploys a cloud of chaff and infrared smoke around the Raider Tank. For the next round, any missile/rocket attack against the Raider Tank instantly misses.
5) Destructable Environment - Uses the cannon to blow apart a building near the party. Reaction check, DC 200, to avoid falling rubble that will reduce a failing target to 1 HP.