Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)

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Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

Rings, Amulets, and Accessories

Sometimes you just have to be blinged out...but often times a well-crafted ring or amulet can grant a magical property (or more) to the wearer. Accessories can be made through the Artisan: Tailoring skill and its corresponding advanced skills. Properties of a ring are determined by a GM at the time of crafting's completion.

The 'natural property' of an accessory will be GM-determined. The number is simply for the sake of giving a sense of scale on how powerful this property is.

Each accessory may contain ONE enchantment in addition to its natural property, as high as its max enchantment level.


Name: Denzium Ring/Amulet
Price: 10000 gil
Crafting DC: 40/70/100
Max Enchantment Level: 1
Natural Property: +1

Name: Durallium Ring/Amulet
Price: 20000 gil
Crafting DC: 42/72/102
Max Enchantment Level: 1
Natural Property: +2

Name: Andrium Ring/Amulet
Price: 30000 gil
Crafting DC: 44/74/104
Max Enchantment Level: 1
Natural Property: +3

Name: Diamondium Alloy Ring/Amulet
Price: 40000 gil
Crafting DC: 46/76/106
Max Enchantment Level: 2
Natural Property: +1

Name: Phazite Ring/Amulet
Price: 50000 gil
Crafting DC: 48/78/108
Max Enchantment Level: 2
Natural Property: +2

Name: Neosteel Ring/Amulet
Price: 65000 gil
Crafting DC: 50/80/110
Max Enchantment Level: 2
Natural Property: +3

Name: Solinium Ring/Amulet
Price: 80000 gil
Crafting DC: 62/102/142
Max Enchantment Level: 2
Natural Property: +4

Name: Starmetal Ring/Amulet
Price: 95000 gil
Crafting DC: 64/104/144
Max Enchantment Level: 3
Natural Property: +3

Name: Orichalcum Ring/Amulet
Price: 111000 gil
Crafting DC: 66/106/146
Max Enchantment Level: 3
Natural Property: +4

Name: Aetherium Ring/Amulet
Price: 130000 gil
Crafting DC: 68/108/148
Max Enchantment Level: 3
Natural Property: +5

Name: Duralloy Ring/Amulet
Price: 150000 gil
Crafting DC: 70/110/150
Max Enchantment Level: 3
Natural Property: +6


Name: Amber Ring/Amulet
Price: 175000 gil
Crafting DC: 92/162/232
Max Enchantment Level: 4
Natural Property: +4

Name: Garnet Ring/Amulet
Price: 200000 gil
Crafting DC: 94/164/234
Max Enchantment Level: 4
Natural Property: +5

Name: Jasper Ring/Amulet
Price: 225000 gil
Crafting DC: 96/166/236
Max Enchantment Level: 4
Natural Property: +6

Name: Pyrite Ring/Amulet
Price: 250000 gil
Crafting DC: 98/168/238
Max Enchantment Level: 4
Natural Property: +7

Name: Kunzite Ring/Amulet
Price: 275000 gil
Crafting DC: 100/170/240
Max Enchantment Level: 4
Natural Property: +8

Name: Ruby Ring/Amulet
Price: 300000 gil
Crafting DC: 102/172/242
Max Enchantment Level: 5
Natural Property: +5

Name: Jadeite Ring/Amulet
Price: 330000 gil
Crafting DC: 104/174/244
Max Enchantment Level: 5
Natural Property: +6

Name: Cardinal Ring/Amulet
Price: 360000 gil
Crafting DC: 106/176/246
Max Enchantment Level: 5
Natural Property: +7

Name: Celestial Phazon Ring/Amulet
Price: 390000 gil
Crafting DC: 108/178/248
Max Enchantment Level: 5
Natural Property: +8

Name: Alabaster Ring/Amulet
Price: 420000 gil
Crafting DC: 110/180/250
Max Enchantment Level: 5
Natural Property: +9

Name: Opal Ring/Amulet
Price: 450000 gil
Crafting DC: 112/182/252
Max Enchantment Level: 6
Natural Property: +6

Name: Bloodstone Ring/Amulet
Price: 490000 gil
Crafting DC: 114/184/254
Max Enchantment Level: 6
Natural Property: +7

Name: Lazurite(Lapis Lazuli) Ring/Amulet
Price: 530000 gil
Crafting DC: 116/186/256
Max Enchantment Level: 6
Natural Property: +8

Name: Zoisite Ring/Amulet
Price: 570000 gil
Crafting DC: 118/188/258
Max Enchantment Level: 6
Natural Property: +9

Name: Malachite Ring/Amulet
Price: 620000 gil
Crafting DC: 120/190/260
Max Enchantment Level: 6
Natural Property: +10


Name: Beryl Ring/Amulet
Price: 670000 gil
Crafting DC: 160/250/340
Max Enchantment Level: 7
Natural Property: +7

Name: Red beryl Ring/Amulet
Price: 720000 gil
Crafting DC: 165/255/345
Max Enchantment Level: 7
Natural Property: +8

Name: Netherite Ring/Amulet
Price: 770000 gil
Crafting DC: 170/260/350
Max Enchantment Level: 7
Natural Property: +9

Name: Obsidian Ring/Amulet
Price: 820000 gil
Crafting DC: 175/265/355
Max Enchantment Level: 7
Natural Property: +10

Name: Moonstone Ring/Amulet
Price: 870000 gil
Crafting DC: 180/270/360
Max Enchantment Level: 7
Natural Property: +11

Name: Celestine Ring/Amulet
Price: 930000 gil
Crafting DC: 190/280/370
Max Enchantment Level: 7
Natural Property: +12

Name: Celestial Diamond Ring/Amulet
Price: 1000000 gil
Crafting DC: 200/300/400
Max Enchantment Level: 7
Natural Property: +13


Name: Dragonsteel Ring/Amulet
Price: 1100000 gil
Crafting DC: 195/295/395
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +8

Name: Meteorillium Ring/Amulet
Price: 1250000 gil
Crafting DC: 200/300/400
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +9

Name: Duranium Ring/Amulet
Price: 1400000 gil
Crafting DC: 205/305/405
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +10

Name: Sunstone Ring/Amulet
Price: 1700000 gil
Crafting DC: 210/310/410
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +11

Name: Vibranium Ring/Amulet
Price: 2000000 gil
Crafting DC: 215/315/415
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +12

Name: Dreamstone Ring/Amulet
Price: 2300000 gil
Crafting DC: 220/320/420
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +13

Name: Carbonadium Ring/Amulet
Price: 2600000 gil
Crafting DC: 225/325/425
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +14

Name: Mythril Ring/Amulet
Price: 3000000 gil
Crafting DC: 230/330/430
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +15

Name: Adamantium Ring/Amulet
Price: 3500000 gil
Crafting DC: 235/335/435
Max Enchantment Level: 8
Natural Property: +16


Name: Fantasteel Ring/Amulet
Price: 4000000 gil
Crafting DC: 240/340/440
Max Enchantment Level: 9
Natural Property: +11

Name: Corrodium Ring/Amulet
Price: 4500000 gil
Crafting DC: 245/345/445
Max Enchantment Level: 9
Natural Property: +12

Name: Technobsidian Ring/Amulet
Price: 5000000 gil
Crafting DC: 250/350/450
Max Enchantment Level: 9
Natural Property: +13

Name: Kryptonite Ring/Amulet
Price: 6000000 gil
Crafting DC: 255/355/455
Max Enchantment Level: 9
Natural Property: +14

Name: Plasmarble Ring/Amulet
Price: 7000000 gil
Crafting DC: 260/360/460
Max Enchantment Level: 9
Natural Property: +15

Name: Hephaestium Ring/Amulet
Price: 8000000 gil
Crafting DC: 265/365/465
Max Enchantment Level: 9
Natural Property: +16

Name: Prismatic Ring/Amulet
Price: 9000000 gil
Crafting DC: 270/370/470
Max Enchantment Level: 9
Natural Property: +17

Name: Antimatter Ring/Amulet
Price: 10000000 gil
Crafting DC: 275/375/475
Max Enchantment Level: 9
Natural Property: +18


Name: Spectral Black Ring/Amulet
Price: 11500000 gil
Crafting DC: 280/380/480
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +12

Name: Spectral Red Ring/Amulet
Price: 13000000 gil
Crafting DC: 285/385/485
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +13

Name: Spectral Orange Ring/Amulet
Price: 14500000 gil
Crafting DC: 290/390/490
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +14

Name: Spectral Yellow Ring/Amulet
Price: 16000000 gil
Crafting DC: 300/400/500
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +15

Name: Spectral Green Ring/Amulet
Price: 17500000 gil
Crafting DC: 310/410/510
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +16

Name: Spectral Blue Ring/Amulet
Price: 19000000 gil
Crafting DC: 320/420/520
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +17

Name: Spectral Indigo Ring/Amulet
Price: 21000000 gil
Crafting DC: 330/430/530
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +18

Name: Spectral Violet Ring/Amulet
Price: 23000000 gil
Crafting DC: 340/440/540
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +19

Name: Spectral White Ring/Amulet
Price: 25000000 gil
Crafting DC: 350/450/550
Max Enchantment Level: 10
Natural Property: +20


If the natural property on an accessory is:

+1 to +9: Roll 1dx for the level of the first property, x = natural property level.
+10 or +11: Roll 1d10 for the level of the first property.
+12: Roll 1d9+1 for the level of the first property.
+13: Roll 1d8+2 for the level of the first property.
+14: Roll 1d7+3 for the level of the first property.
+15: Roll 1d6+4 for the level of the first property.
+16: Roll 1d5+5 for the level of the first property.
+17: Roll 1d4+6 for the level of the first property.
+18: Roll 1d3+7 for the level of the first property.
+19: Roll 1d2+8 for the level of the first property.
+20: Both properties are level 10.

Level of the second property = (natural property of accessory) - (level of first property). If this is zero, the accessory doesn't get a 2nd property.

With both property levels determined, for each property, do the following:

Roll 3d4 and choose two categories. If the accessory only has 1 property, roll 2d4 and choose one. (1=Primary Statistic, 2=Secondary Statistic, 3=Skill Blessing, 4=Enchantment)

1=Primary Statistic(Roll 2d6 and choose one.)

1-Health stat + (level*10)
2-Awareness stat + (level*10)
3-Dexterity stat + (level*10)
4-Strength stat + (level*10)
5-Spirit stat + (level*10)
6-Luck stat + (level*10)

2=Secondary Statistic(Roll 2d10 and choose one.)

1 HP+(750*level)
2 Soak(+15*level)
3 Initiative(+15 init die*level)
4 Style Points(+75*level)
5 Physical Damage(+30*level)
6 Inventory Size(+1.5*level, round up)
7 Magic Damage(+50*level)
8 Spell Points(+75*level)
9 MP+(150*level)
10 Luck Points(+1.5*level, round up)

3=Skill Bonus(Roll ydx, where x = number of skills that character has, y = x/10(round up). Choose one.)


4=Enchantment(Roll 2d7 and choose one.)

1: Elemental Defense. Roll 1d8 to determine element (1=Fire, 2=Water, 3=Wind, 4=Earth, 5=Light, 6=Shadow, 7=Holy, 8=Darkness). Percentage is 10% * level.
2: HP+(level * 3)%
3: MP+(level * 3)%
4: Status Ward(level * 10)% - Determine the effect randomly using Table 1A
5: Status Strike - Use the enchantment with the appropriate level. Determine the effect randomly using Table 1.
6: SOS/Auto Status - Use the enchantment with the appropriate level. Determine the effect randomly using Table 2.
7: ______ Killer - Deal (level * 25%) bonus damage to a random enemy type using Table 3.
Last edited by BlazingStarX on August 11th, 2023, 12:57 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

{{{Table 1}}}

Level 1-(Status)touch - Mild, Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 901+.]
Level 2-(Status)touch - Mild, Non-Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1B. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 901+.]
Level 3-(Status)strike - Mild, Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 751+.]
Level 4-(Status)touch - Moderate, Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 901+.]
Level 5-(Status)strike - Mild, Non-Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1B. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 751+.]
Level 6-(Status)strike - Moderate, Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 751+.]
Level 7-(Status)touch - Acute, Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 901+.]
Level 8-(Status)touch - Moderate, Non-Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1B. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 901+.]
Level 9-(Status)strike - Acute, Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 751+.]
Level 10-(Status)strike - Moderate, Non-Customs Friendly[Determine effect using Table 1B. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. When striking an enemy, roll luck. Status takes hold on 751+.]
Last edited by Strato on December 14th, 2022, 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

{{{Table 1A}}}

Roll 3d25 and choose one of the effects you roll.

22-Off Guard
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Re: Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

{{{Table 1B}}}

Roll 2d9 and choose one of the effects you roll.

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Re: Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

{{{Table 2}}}

Level 1-SOS Status(Mild, Customs-Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates when the wearer reaches 25% of their max HP.]
Level 2-SOS Status(Mild, Non-Customs-Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2B. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates when the wearer reaches 25% of their max HP.]
Level 3-Auto-Status(Mild, Customs-Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates at the start of battle.]
Level 4-SOS Status(Moderate, Customs-Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates when the wearer reaches 25% of their max HP.]
Level 5-Auto-Status(Mild, Non-Customs-Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2B. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates at the start of battle.]
Level 6-Auto-Status(Moderate, Customs-Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates at the start of battle.]
Level 7-SOS Status(Acute, Customs-Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates when the wearer reaches 25% of their max HP.]
Level 8-SOS Status(Moderate, Non-Customs Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2B. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates when the wearer reaches 25% of their max HP.]
Level 9-Auto-Status(Acute, Customs-Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2A. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates at the start of battle.]
Level 10-Auto-Status(Moderate, Non-Customs Friendly)[Determine effect using Table 2B. Duration is 1d5 rounds unless stated otherwise by the effect itself. This duration is unaffected by effects, such as metamagic or sustenance on a casting aid. The effect activates at the start of battle.]
Last edited by Strato on December 14th, 2022, 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

{{{Table 2A}}}

Roll 2d8 and choose between the 2 status effects you roll.

5-Offense(If acute, you may choose Faith or Bravery)
Posts: 416
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Re: Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

{{{Table 2B}}}

Roll 2d10 and choose between the 2 status effects you roll.

5-Invoke(Duration is determined by status severity instead of the usual 1d5.)
9-Fate(Activates on next action; following action with the same bonus uses the same roll, and then it wears off.)
Posts: 416
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Re: Rings, Amulets, & Accessories(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

{{Table 3}}

Roll 2d8 and choose one of the enemy types you roll.

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