Lezard Valeth

Introspective posts based on a character's experience of almost getting transformed into a heartless. 1-5 exp based on posts.
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Lezard Valeth


Post by Strato »

Long have I considered my own existence to be irony of the highest degree, a grand mockery of the life I had extinguished long ago. Nothing was out of my reach in Midgard. Elves and humans alike were but my playthings...my tower stretched higher than most any building in the world, etched with runes and shifted into other dimensions. Homunculi were my playthings...masterful arcane craftswork delivered by my very hands. My hand stretched to Yggdrasil's peak...even the divine lance itself was within my grasp. Countless souls were trampled in the wake of my conquest.

That Odin chose to spare my life and send me to these fellows...I could not help but laugh. After all, who in their right mind would truly believe I can be a righteous man? Does Odin honestly expect me to be a hero? Einherjar material, I am surely not...though one of its perks would be most welcome.

However now I have begun to understand the nature of the foe we face. he sights I saw...the memories flooding back to me as if they were fresh facades. The elves and humans I captured, and slaughtered like cattle as a monument to my wiles. The betrayal of Alicia and the Three Mages, the spiteful wrath I bore against the Aesir. I lived then solely to challenge the gods themselves. It was truly my greatest thrill.

This darkness was borne of all the grievous deeds I have done, the swelling of soulless abyss encroaching upon me, coiled as a viper set to pounce and devour its prey. And as it had finally come upon me to finalize my descent to Nifelheim, my heart began to thunder within my chest, showing me the power of the one we now contend with. The mad wailing of the dying masses...their echo resonated throughout the entire universe.

My own heart bore a similar wailing...the darkness was far too great for my heart to bear, and it was not long before it had begun to completely devour me. My mind had begun to fade into the void...and the despair of billions crushed me beneath its sheer weight.

That an act of grace had kept me intact not a sliver too soon has begun to make me wonder why fate insists on my continued existence, especially after so many lives with such greater innocence had been extinguished. My heart yet burns to defy her...to see her suffer the same torment and scorching agony that she has afflicted upon the masses. Truly I would love nothing more than to see her writhe. The likes of Odin...are no longer of my interest.

But now that I think on it, I believe that may be the exact reason he sent me here. What better way to set aflame the desires of a challenger of the gods, than to place him before an even greater adversary? The thought had never even occurred to me...though perhaps it will not truly change my destination after all.

Odin knew that I could not be the same man among this group if I truly wished to survive...and so I now find myself at a very interesting crossroads. I cannot forsake my darkness...but I do not have to succumb to it. Do I begin pursuing the path of righteousness and try to become a reformed man? Nay...this is not me. I am not one to playact at hero. However...taking this path would truly be the greatest act of spite I could muster toward the likes of Maleficent, a grand statement that will surely tell further of my defiance of the gods.

An interesting conundrum, indeed...
Posts: 386
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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