Heavy Shields

Light, medium, and heavy armor, as well as their augmentations and shields.
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Heavy Shields


Post by Tony »

Heavy shields, such as the tower shield, are made for coverage purposes, to deaden an incoming rain of arrows, or, on occasion, cover an ally. Due to their size, they render other maneuvers considerably more difficult. Heavy shields occupy 5 inventory slots when carried.

Radiant Metal

Name: Heavy Denzium Shield
Price: 10,000 gil
DC to Make: 44/77/110
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +16
Dodge Penalty: -5
Skill Level Required: 1

Name: Heavy Durallium Shield
Price: 20,000 gil
DC to Make: 46/79/113
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +17
Dodge Penalty: -5
Skill Level Required: 1

Name: Heavy Andrium Shield
Price: 30,000 gil
DC to Make: 48/81/116
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +18
Dodge Penalty: -5
Skill Level Required: 1

Name: Heavy Diamondium All Shield
Price: 40,000 gil
DC to Make: 50/83/119
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +19
Dodge Penalty: -6
Skill Level Required: 1

Name: Heavy Phazite Shield
Price: 50,000 gil
DC to Make: 52/85/122
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +20
Dodge Penalty: -6
Skill Level Required: 1

Name: Heavy Neosteel Shield
Price: 65,000 gil
DC to Make: 55/87/125
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +21
Dodge Penalty: -6
Skill Level Required: 2

Name: Heavy Solinium Shield
Price: 80,000 gil
DC to Make: 68/112/160
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +22
Dodge Penalty: -6
Skill Level Required: 2

Name: Heavy Starmetal Shield
Price: 95,000 gil
DC to Make: 70/114/162
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +23
Dodge Penalty: -7
Skill Level Required: 2

Name: Heavy Orichalcum Shield
Price: 110,000 gil
DC to Make: 72/116/165
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +24
Dodge Penalty: -7
Skill Level Required: 2

Name: Heavy Aetherium Shield
Price: 130,000 gil
DC to Make: 74/118/167
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +25
Dodge Penalty: -7
Skill Level Required: 2

Name: Heavy Duralloy Shield
Price: 150,000 gil
DC to Make: 76/120/170
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +26
Dodge Penalty: -7
Skill Level Required: 3

Radiant Gem

Name: Heavy Amber Shield
Price: 175,000 gil
DC to Make: 102/172/252
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +27
Dodge Penalty: -8
Skill Level Required: 3

Name: Heavy Garnet Shield
Price: 200,000 gil
DC to Make: 104/174/254
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +28
Dodge Penalty: -8
Skill Level Required: 3

Name: Heavy Jasper Shield
Price: 225,000 gil
DC to Make: 106/176/256
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +29
Dodge Penalty: -8
Skill Level Required: 3

Name: Heavy Pyrite Shield
Price: 250,000 gil
DC to Make: 108/178/258
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +30
Dodge Penalty: -8
Skill Level Required: 3

Name: Heavy Kunzite Shield
Price: 275,000 gil
DC to Make: 110/180/260
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +31
Dodge Penalty: -8
Skill Level Required: 4

Name: Heavy Ruby Shield
Price: 300,000 gil
DC to Make: 112/182/262
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +32
Dodge Penalty: -9
Skill Level Required: 4

Name: Heavy Jadeite Shield
Price: 330,000 gil
DC to Make: 114/184/264
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +33
Dodge Penalty: -9
Skill Level Required: 4

Name: Heavy Cardinal Shield
Price: 360,000 gil
DC to Make: 116/186/266
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +34
Dodge Penalty: -9
Skill Level Required: 4

Name: Heavy Celestial Phazon Shield
Price: 390,000 gil
DC to Make: 118/188/268
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +35
Dodge Penalty: -9
Skill Level Required: 4

Name: Heavy Alabaster Shield
Price: 420,000 gil
DC to Make: 120/190/270
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +36
Dodge Penalty: -9
Skill Level Required: 5

Name: Heavy Opal Shield
Price: 450,000 gil
DC to Make: 122/192/272
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +37
Dodge Penalty: -10
Skill Level Required: 5

Name: Heavy Bloodstone Shield
Price: 490,000 gil
DC to Make: 124/194/274
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +38
Dodge Penalty: -10
Skill Level Required: 5

Name: Heavy Lazurite Shield
Price: 530,000 gil
DC to Make: 126/196/276
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +39
Dodge Penalty: -10
Skill Level Required: 5

Name: Heavy Zoisite Shield
Price: 570,000 gil
DC to Make: 128/198/278
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +40
Dodge Penalty: -10
Skill Level Required: 5

Name: Heavy Malachite Shield
Price: 620,000 gil
DC to Make: 130/200/280
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +41
Dodge Penalty: -10
Skill Level Required: 6

Prime Material

Name: Heavy Beryl Shield
Price: 670,000 gil
DC to Make: 170/270/370
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +42
Dodge Penalty: -12
Skill Level Required: 6

Name: Heavy Red Beryl Shield
Price: 720,000 gil
DC to Make: 175/275/375
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +43
Dodge Penalty: -12
Skill Level Required: 6

Name: Heavy Netherite Shield
Price: 770,000 gil
DC to Make: 180/280/380
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +44
Dodge Penalty: -12
Skill Level Required: 6

Name: Heavy Obsidian Shield
Price: 820,000 gil
DC to Make: 185/285/385
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +45
Dodge Penalty: -12
Skill Level Required: 6

Name: Heavy Moonstone Shield
Price: 870,000 gil
DC to Make: 190/290/390
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +46
Dodge Penalty: -12
Skill Level Required: 7

Name: Heavy Celestine Shield
Price: 930,000 gil
DC to Make: 195/295/395
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +47
Dodge Penalty: -12
Skill Level Required: 7

Name: Heavy Celestial Diamond Shield
Price: 1,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 200/300/400
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +48
Dodge Penalty: -12
Skill Level Required: 7

Prime Metal

Name: Heavy Dragonsteel Shield
Price: 1,100,000 gil
DC to Make: 205/315/425
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +49
Dodge Penalty: -13
Skill Level Required: 8

Name: Heavy Meteorillium Shield
Price: 1,250,000 gil
DC to Make: 210/320/430
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +50
Dodge Penalty: -13
Skill Level Required: 8

Name: Heavy Duranium Shield
Price: 1,400,000 gil
DC to Make: 215/325/435
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +51
Dodge Penalty: -13
Skill Level Required: 8

Name: Heavy Sunstone Shield
Price: 1,700,000 gil
DC to Make: 220/330/440
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +52
Dodge Penalty: -14
Skill Level Required: 8

Name: Heavy Vibranium Shield
Price: 2,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 225/335/445
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +53
Dodge Penalty: -14
Skill Level Required: 8

Name: Heavy Dreamstone Shield
Price: 2,300,000 gil
DC to Make: 230/340/450
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +54
Dodge Penalty: -14
Skill Level Required: 8

Name: Heavy Carbonadium Shield
Price: 2,600,000 gil
DC to Make: 235/345/455
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +55
Dodge Penalty: -15
Skill Level Required: 8

Name: Heavy Mythril Shield
Price: 3,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 240/350/460
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +56
Dodge Penalty: -15
Skill Level Required: 8

Name: Heavy Adamantium Shield
Price: 3,500,000 gil
DC to Make: 245/355/465
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +57
Dodge Penalty: -15
Skill Level Required: 8

Transphasic Metal

Name: Heavy Fantasteel Shield
Price: 4,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 250/360/470
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +58
Dodge Penalty: -16
Skill Level Required: 9

Name: Heavy Corrodium Shield
Price: 4,500,000 gil
DC to Make: 255/365/475
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +59
Dodge Penalty: -17
Skill Level Required: 9

Name: Heavy Technobsidian Shield
Price: 5,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 260/370/480
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +60
Dodge Penalty: -17
Skill Level Required: 9

Name: Heavy Kryptonite Shield
Price: 6,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 265/375/485
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +61
Dodge Penalty: -18
Skill Level Required: 9

Name: Heavy Plasmarble Shield
Price: 7,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 270/380/490
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +62
Dodge Penalty: -18
Skill Level Required: 9

Name: Heavy Hephaestium Shield
Price: 8,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 275/385/495
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +63
Dodge Penalty: -19
Skill Level Required: 9

Name: Heavy Prismatic Shield
Price: 9,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 280/390/500
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +64
Dodge Penalty: -19
Skill Level Required: 9

Name: Heavy Antimatter Shield
Price: 10,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 285/395/505
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +65
Dodge Penalty: -20
Skill Level Required: 9

Spectral Metal

Name: Heavy Spectral Black Shield
Price: 11,500,000 gil
DC to Make: 290/400/510
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +66
Dodge Penalty: -21
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Heavy Spectral Red Shield
Price: 13,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 295/405/515
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +67
Dodge Penalty: -21
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Heavy Spectral Orange Shield
Price: 14,500,000 gil
DC to Make: 300/410/520
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +68
Dodge Penalty: -22
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Heavy Spectral Yellow Shield
Price: 16,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 310/420/530
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +69
Dodge Penalty: -22
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Heavy Spectral Green Shield
Price: 17,500,000 gil
DC to Make: 320/430/540
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +70
Dodge Penalty: -23
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Heavy Spectral Blue Shield
Price: 19,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 335/445/555
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +71
Dodge Penalty: -23
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Heavy Spectral Indigo Shield
Price: 21,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 350/460/570
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +72
Dodge Penalty: -24
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Heavy Spectral Violet Shield
Price: 23,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 365/475/585
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +73
Dodge Penalty: -24
Skill Level Required: 10

Name: Heavy Spectral White Shield
Price: 25,000,000 gil
DC to Make: 380/490/600
Augmentation Slots: 4
Block Bonus: +75
Dodge Penalty: -25
Skill Level Required: 10
Posts: 831
Joined: October 10th, 2008, 9:41 pm
Location: Lubbock, Texas

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