Artisan: Blacksmithing

The new merge of Craft and Knowledge skills, the Artisan skill pulls double-duty in various subjects.
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Artisan: Blacksmithing


Post by Strato »

Artisan: Blacksmithing

The art of blacksmithing refers to forging melee weapons and armor, ranging from gloves and gauntlets to battleaxes and warhammers. These weapons are made out of materials, such as Iron, Diamond, or Durallium. These materials are classified by "tiers," which are...
  • radiant metal, a special type of rare, elemental-level metals that possess extensive magical qualities not found in conventional metals (equipment lists begin here);
  • radiant gem, a rare type of gemstone that is already primed with magical energy, making them potent and dangerous to wield and craft;
  • prime materials, one of the rarest types of material, includes some of the most exotic and innately powerful and densely magical gemstones and alloys that were thought to go extinct long before the formation of the planets.
Note: While blacksmiths may still produce weapon and equipment utilizing conventional metals and gem-based materials, these are no longer considered practical or effective within the DW's ranks.

These incremental types of material working makes it difficult to transition from one type of material to the other, but moving from one similar material to another is much easier for an experienced smith. Therefore, in order to make different tiers of materials, one must buy advanced skills to unlock smithing of the higher tiers. Everyone with Artisan: Weaponsmithing can craft Metal items, but to start on Gems one must dedicate time to learn Gem Weaponsmithing.

For more information on Smithing, see the Smithing tutorial.


Radiant Metal Smelting
Cost: 30 SP
Level Required: 3
Prerequisites: None
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the character to smelt Tier 1 equipment for materials. These can be contributed toward a new piece of equipment of the same material grade. You must still pay the material cost difference between the gear you smelted and the gear you are making. Excess material cannot be sold.

Radiant Gem Smelting
Cost: 120 SP
Level Required: 6
Prerequisites: Radiant Metal Smelting
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the character to smelt Tier 2 equipment for materials. These can be contributed toward a new piece of equipment of the same material grade. You must still pay the material cost difference between the gear you smelted and the gear you are making. Excess material cannot be sold.

Prime Material Smelting
Cost: 275 SP
Level Required: 9
Prerequisites: Radiant Gem Smelting
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the character to smelt Tier 3 equipment for materials. These can be contributed toward a new piece of equipment of the same material grade. You must still pay the material cost difference between the gear you smelted and the gear you are making. Excess material cannot be sold.


Radiant Metal Crafting
Cost: 60 SP
Level Required: 4
Prerequisites: None
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Unlocks crafting of Tier 1 weapons/armor.

Radiant Gem Crafting
Cost: 200 SP
Level Required: 8
Prerequisites: Radiant Metal Crafting
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Unlocks crafting of Tier 2 weapons/armor.

Prime Material Crafting
Cost: 350 SP
Level Required: 10
Prerequisites: Radiant Gem Crafting
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Unlocks crafting of Tier 3 weapons/armor.
Last edited by Tony on July 16th, 2023, 8:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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