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Post by Kalem »

<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: MurderHobo
Real Name (Optional): Mr Hobo to you.
Time Zone: The Land of tomorrow.

<<> Character Info <>>
Name: Ainara
Race: Corrupted Solar
Sheet Approved by: (leave blank)
<<> Base Statistic modifiers <>>
<<> Traits and Feats <>>
-= Traits =-
Points: 1/18

* Ferocity (3 pts) - This character is considered to be consistently under Mild "Endure" status. The character is able to survive one one-hit/area attack that would normally render him/her unconscious (below 0 HP, above Death Threshold) with 1 HP.

* Born Alone (3 pts) - When this character reduces a target below 0 HP, character gains the HP from the felling blow back as restored HP.

* Striking (-1.5 pts) - This character has some kind of natural attribute, whether it's skin color, hair color, eye color, etc., that makes it very easy to pick out in a crowd. If this character is recognized by a group, it will be easier to recognize and memories don't fade easily.

* Unusual Eyes (-1.5 pts) - Your eyes give you away. Something about your eyes is inhuman, they may be cat, demonic, fae, cetran, or other, but your eyes will give away your nature to anyone who looks at you close enough. Players must actively note this in conversation or interaction with a character.

* Scion (2.5 pts) - This character is considered to be constantly under the effect of "Detect Magic," able to discern magical or spiritual energies within one Area. This will alert them of creatures and objects that are magical in nature, but with the effect "always on," it doesn't guarantee recognition, identification, or a precise location.

* Astral Chameleon (2 pts) - This character's spiritual signature blends into the background of its environment. When magical, spiritual, etc. detection is being used, this character is considered under Mild "Invisibility" status, raising its anti-detection roll result by 25% (if the character rolls a 60, the result is treated as 75).

* Eternal Hope (2.5 pts) - Once per mission, when this character rolls a super-botch (bottom 1% of roll value), this character may roll a second time, but must accept the outcome of that second result.

* Emissary (2 pts) - Once per encounter, when making a Speechcraft check, this character may roll twice and take the better of the two results.

* Flight (2 pts) - The ability to travel without touching the ground, whether it's by jetboots, wings, telekinesis, or any other myriad ways to accomplish this feat. Can fly short distances.

* Improved Flight (3 pts) - The ability to travel without touching the ground, whether it's by jetboots, wings, telekinesis, or any other myriad ways to accomplish this feat. Can fly long distances.

-= Character Classes =-
1) Illusionist
Effect: +5 Arcana, +3 Stealth, Perception, Search, Speechcraft

2) Class - Thaumaturge
Effect: +5 Arcana, +3 Artisan: Medicine, Monster Training, Artisan: Arcane Science, Concentration

3) Witch
Effect: +5 Arcana, Artisan: Arcane Science, Speechcraft
-= Feats =- (* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
(* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
*Feat 1(200XP) - Illusory Spell
Associated Class: Illusionist
Effect: An illusionist's non-illusion spells and magical abilities can be, with no additional MP cost, treated as nonlethal and illusory, meaning they will only be perceived by the targets of them mentally, but will still lose HP in the form of stamina and mental fortitude.

*Feat 2(400XP) - Sickening Spell
Associated Class: Thaumaturge
Effect: Any spell the Thaumaturge possesses that does not inflict a status effect already may be altered at no additional MP cost to inflict a Mild or Moderate status effect of his/her choice from the following: Disease, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Feeble, Fatigue.

*Feat 3(600XP) - And Now, You're Mine
Associated Class: Witch
Effect: A witch has the ability to conceal and obfuscate her magicks, moreso than most other casters. By expending double MP for a spell, a witch may conceal her magic casting with another action, such as a speech, a dance, a song, or some other distracting maneuver, allowing for the spell to go unnoticed. If the spell deals damage, it may be considered a Sneak Attack in some (not all) circumstances.

*Feat 4(800XP) - Transformation

*Feat 5(1000XP) - Dark Affinity: 1

Feat 6(1200XP) - Dazing Spell
Associated Class: Illusionist
Effect: Any spell the Illusionist possesses that does not inflict a status effect normally may be imbued with a Mild or Moderate severity effect from one of the following: Blind, Confuse, Slow, Stop, Off Guard.

Feat 7(1400XP) - Thanatopic Spell
Associated Class: Thaumaturge
Effect: Undead/Devil/Dark-type enemies normally unaffected by status effects have their immunities removed against this character. May not work on all enemies of this type.

Feat 8(1600XP) - Hex
Associated Class: Witch
Effect: If the Witch casts a spell that deals damage and inflicts the target with a status effect, they may negate the damage and add a bonus to their attack roll equal to the spell level * 2 (+2 for a level 1 spell, +20 for a level 10 spell).

Feat 9(1800XP) - Manadrive
Effect: Every round in combat, restore 2% maximum MP to a total of 10%. Outside of combat, MP gradually restores itself to 10% MP. This feat only activates when a character is reduced below 10% max MP, and will only restore up to 10% max MP (that is, a 1500 MP character will not regen past 150 MP).

Feat 10(2000XP) - Feral Heart
Associated Statistic: Health
Effect: When this character is affected by the Offense, Defense, Berserk, Fury, Endure, or Fury status effects, this character rolls one "step" higher. Once the effect fades, the character rolls one "step" lower than normal for two rounds.

Feat 11(2200XP) -
Feat 12(2400XP) -
Feat 13(2600XP) -
Feat 14(2800XP) -
Feat 15(3000XP) -
Feat 16(3200XP) -
Feat 17(3400XP) -
Feat 18(3600XP) -
Feat 19(3800XP) -
Feat 20(4000XP) -
Experience Total:
Skill Points Total:
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Resistance: +% -> +5% resistance to negative Status Effects (Capts at 50%)
( )  Health: [] + | Bonus: +
HP: ((health * 50) + Milestones) | Armor: (health + Milestones) | Physical Soak: (health + Milestones + traits)
Magical Soak: (health + Milestones + traits) | Status Resistance: (See Milestones) | Death Threshold: (Milestones)
Endure: (Milestones) | Survival Result Bonus: (Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Resistance: +%
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 exp) Improved Resistance: +5% (x10)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic: + -> +5 awareness bonus on magic attacks
( )  Awareness: [] + | Bonus: +
Initiative: 1d300 | Base Attack Bonus: | Perception Bonus:
Melee: (See Milestones) | Ranged: (See Milestones) | Magic: (See Milestones)
True Sight: (See Milestones) | Combat Reflexes: (See Milestones) | Sneak Attack Negation: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic: +
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 exp) Improved Magic: +5 (x6)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Dodge: + -> +5 Dexterity bonus when dodging an attack
(PC)  Dexterity: [] + | Bonus: +
Full Dodge: (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Flat-foot Dodge: (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Block Bonus: (See Milestones)
Dodge Bonus: (See Milestones) | Agility Bonus: (See Milestones) | Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: (See Milestones)
Style Points: (dexterity * 5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Dodge: +
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 exp) Improved Dodge: +5 (x8)
Evasive Action
Description: Your presence in combat is ephemeral, a natural dancer to the rhythm of battle. To attack you, the enemy must first catch up.
Effect: On a Dodge or a Block, this character may spend 5 LP before making their roll, allowing them to roll twice and take the higher of the two rolls. This must be declared before rolling, and cannot be used after the dodge/block roll is made. This cannot be used with DC checks, will resists, or Royal Guard.
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Momentum: + -> +5 Strength roll bonus when performing skill checks
( )  Strength: [] + | Bonus: +
Base Physical Damage: ((strength + strength_temp) * 2) + Milestones | Inventory Size: (strength / 10) + Milestones | Momentum: (See Milestones)
Item Effect: (See Milestones) | Pierce: (See Milestones) | Brace: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Momentum: +
(50, 100, 150, 200 exp) Improved Momentum: +5 (x4)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Damage: + -> +250 magic damage
Improved Magic Defense: + -> +5 Spirit roll bonus when resisting magic
(PC)  Spirit: [] + | Bonus: +
Base Magical Damage: (500 * 2) + 1000 | Spell Points: (spirit * 5) + Milestones | MP: (spirit * 10) + Milestones
Magic Defense: (See Milestones) | Item Defense: (See Milestones) | Crafting: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Damage: +
Improved Magic Defense: +
(50, 100, 150, 200 exp) Improved Magic Damage: +250 (x4)
(250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 exp) Improved Magic Defense: +5 (x6)
Iron Will
Description: A talented mage seeks to exert their will upon the universe, made manifest by their talents, and their imposition when another seeks to do the same.
Effect: On a magic defense or Royal Guard roll, you may spend 5 LP prior to rolling, allowing you to roll twice and take the higher of the two rolls. This must be declared before defending, and cannot be used after the roll is made.
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Luck: + -> +5 luck roll result
( )  Luck: [] + | Bonus: +
Luck Points: | Critical Damage: (See Milestones) | Luck roll result: (See Milestones)
Draw chance: (See Milestones) | Critical Defense: (See Milestones) | Draw defense: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Luck: +
(50, 100, 150, 200 exp) Improved Luck: +5 (x4)

0: Untrained | 1: Hobbyist | 2: Novice/Beginner | 3: Dedicated Student | 4: Educated/Trained | 5: Professional | 6: Advanced | 7: Specialist | 8: Expert | 9: Adept/Prodigy | 10: Master

Bonuses: Dexterity: +, Full Dodge: +, Flat-foot Dodge: +, Agility Bonus: + | Strength: +, Momentum: +
General - Athletics
    Name: Hauling
    Cost: 30
    Required Skill Level: 3
    Untrained: Yes; may result in status effect or stat injury to either character.
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Proper technique allows this character to physically carry another character its own size class or smaller through an Athletics check.
    Name: Dodge Leap
    Cost: 60
    Required Skill Level: 4
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Use an athletic maneuver -- a dash, a skid, a slide, a jump -- to evade an incoming melee, projectile, or ranged attack. This can also be used to avoid environmental hazards or magic attacks. A successful check with this Advanced Skill allows the character to fully avoid an attack, while a failed check with this Advanced Skill allows the character to reduce incoming damage by 10%. This can stack with other Brace-enhancing feats, traits, or primary characteristics, up to a maximum of 50%. This maneuver can only be used once a round.
Bonuses: Health: + | Awareness: +, Perception Bonus: +, True Sight: +
General - Speechcraft
General - Perception
Bonuses: Awareness: +, Base Attack Bonus: +, Melee: +, Ranged: +, Combat Reflexes: +, Sneak Attack Negation: + | Dexterity: +, Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +
Bonuses: Spirit: +, Magic Defense: + | Awareness: +, Magic: +
Magic - Arcana
    Name: Arcane Intuition
    Cost: 10
    Required Skill Level: 1
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: Gives the ability to recognize the discipline of an Arcana spell.
    Name: Arcane Defense
    Cost: 10
    Required Skill Level: 1
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: Enables you to defend against magic by adding your skill bonus to your will roll.
    Name: Scribe Scroll
    Cost: 15
    Required Skill Level: 2
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: Gives you the ability to write a scroll that another person can use. The roll to create this scroll is your spell-learning roll, and the DC is 20*spell level. The limit on scrolls you can create per week is the same as the spells you can learn per week. You cannot learn a spell via Scribe Scroll; it is treated as a one-use item.
    Name: Extension Meta-Magic
    Cost: 60
    Required Skill Level: 4
    Untrained: No
    Type: Ability
    Effect: Like the other meta-magic skill, this allows you to modify a spell on the fly. +2 rounds to the given duration for a spell for 2x mp cost.
    Name: Improved Spell Damage
    Cost: 160
    Required Skill Level: 7
    Untrained: No
    Type: Bonus
    Effect: Boost Arcana magic damage by +500.
Bonuses: Spirit: +, Crafting: +
Artisan - Arcane Science
    Name: Scholarly Identification
    Cost: 15
    Required Skill Level: 2
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Allows an arcane scientist to immediately identify the class, element, and type of spell across any magic school. This also allows an Arcane Scientist to study Alchemy works, including transmutation circles, results, and experiments.
    Name: Golem
    Cost: 60
    Required Skill Level: 4
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Enables construction of golems, elemental machinations that have very low forms of sentience and directly obey orders.
    Name: Arcane Research
    Cost: 120
    Required Skill Level: 6
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: This allows a character to study various forms of magic with greater ease than his/her peers. This characte, when learning spells, may substitute his/her Arcane Science roll for his/her magic school roll when learning ANY magical spells.
    Name: Homunculus
    Cost: 200
    Required Skill Level: 8
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Enables construction of homunculi, or artificial sentient creatures. Generally considered to be soulless, the homunculus is a strange, rare creature that owes usually unwavering obedience to its master.
Field Training
Bonuses: Awareness: +, Perception Bonus: +, True Sight: +
<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP

-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
<<> Equipment Slots <>>
Note: Dual-Wielded items occupy 1 Equipment Slot (not Inventory Slot).

Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Gil: 35000
<<> Inventory <>>
<<> Character Description <>>
Age: Eternal
Height: 6'5"
Weight: (optional)
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Notable Features: Tall, sexy, horns, wings, clearly a devil.

<<> Character Personality <>>
Favorite Food: Specific vintages of blood.
Likes: Sound, excitement, mischief.
Dislikes: Boredom, quiet, waiting.
Favorite Color: Black contrasted against a bright color
Fears: Undiscovered.

<<>Character Background<>>
<<> Special Notes <>>
Last edited by Kalem on October 7th, 2023, 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 57
Joined: July 4th, 2009, 4:46 am

Re: Ainara


Post by Kalem »

<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick:
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone:

<<> Character Info <>>
Name: Ainara
Race: Fallen solar
Sheet Approved by: (leave blank)
<<> Base Statistic modifiers <>>