Argoratha Athenianna Tatheen

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Argoratha Athenianna Tatheen


Post by Kalem »

<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: MurderHobo
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone:

<<> Character Info <>>
Name: Agoratha
Race: Dimensional Dragon
Sheet Approved by: (leave blank)
<<> Traits and Feats <>>

-= Traits =-
Points: 0.5/18
  • Ferocity (3 pts) - This character is considered to be consistently under Mild "Endure" status. The character is able to survive one one-hit/area attack that would normally render him/her unconscious (below 0 HP, above Death Threshold) with 1 HP.
  • Born Alone (3 pts) - When this character reduces a target below 0 HP, character gains the HP from the felling blow back as restored HP.
  • Striking (-1.5 pts) - This character has some kind of natural attribute, whether it's skin color, hair color, eye color, etc., that makes it very easy to pick out in a crowd. If this character is recognized by a group, it will be easier to recognize and memories don't fade easily.
  • Unusual Eyes (-1.5 pts) - Your eyes give you away. Something about your eyes is inhuman, they may be cat, demonic, fae, cetran, or other, but your eyes will give away your nature to anyone who looks at you close enough. Players must actively note this in conversation or interaction with a character.
  • Addiction (substance) (-1 pts) - This character is chemically or physically dependent on an external subject of some kind, whether it's a drug, a chemical, or something simply necessary for them to live. Without this substance/item, a character will begin undergoing various forms of withdrawal syndrome as determined by a GM.
  • Scion (2.5 pts) - This character is considered to be constantly under the effect of "Detect Magic," able to discern magical or spiritual energies within one Area. This will alert them of creatures and objects that are magical in nature, but with the effect "always on," it doesn't guarantee recognition, identification, or a precise location.
  • Astral Beacon (-2 pts) - This character's spiritual presence, even if not manifested as magical power, makes it very apparent to magical, spiritual, psionic, astral, etc. detection. this character rolls a step lower on Stealth checks if another creature or object is using spiritual means of detecting this character.
  • Critter Spook (-2 pts) - This character puts off a vibe that subsentient creatures just do not like. When confronted by monsters or subsentient creatures, this character is the primary target out of fear or agitation.
  • Emissary (2 pts) - Once per encounter, when making a Speechcraft check, this character may roll twice and take the better of the two results.
  • Scavenger (3 pts) - When making a loot or a Search check, this character may roll twice and take the better of the two results.
  • Sky Sentinel (2 pts) - This character benefits from a +10 bonus to Athletics checks while flying.
  • Analytical Mind (2 pts) - When performing checks involving complex problems (traps, puzzles, etc.), this character gains a +10 bonus to the required skill; or, if the puzzle is unchecked, the character can be given a "hint" by a GM to solve the puzzle.
  • Confidence (1 pts) - Your character exudes confidence. Gain a +5 to diplomacy and intimidation checks, and a +5 to your characters main skill (chosen by gm).
  • Species Communication (2 pts) - You possess an ability to communicate with your fellow species. This can be telepathic, electric signals, echo communication, growls/chirps, or any other form of communication. This does not require a skill
  • Hunted (-2 pts) - Someone or something is tracking your character, and they want to find you. It may be that you are wanted, angered the wrong person, or they want to give you something, but your pursuers are closing. Any GM, at any point in time can call for a luck role with a player and initiate combat vs. an monster, being or entity.
  • Flight (2 pts) - The ability to travel without touching the ground, whether it's by jetboots, wings, telekinesis, or any other myriad ways to accomplish this feat. Can fly short distances.
  • Improved Flight (3 pts) - The ability to travel without touching the ground, whether it's by jetboots, wings, telekinesis, or any other myriad ways to accomplish this feat. Can fly long distances.
  • Natural Weapon (2 pts) - This character can use protrusions (claws, bone spikes, horns, proboscis, etc.) on its limbs as Martial Arts weapons. These weapons cannot be removed from the character, are treated as "Favored Weapons," and are upgraded as normal Gloves (DC, cost, etc.).
-= Character Classes =-
1) Blacksmith
Effect: +5 to Artisan: Blacksmithing, Artisan: Engineering, +3 to Weapon Proficiency: Axes/Hammers, Speechcraft

2) Machinist
Effect: +5 Artisan: Engineering, Subterfuge, 1 Vehicle Operation skill

3) Class - Conjurer
 Effect: +5 Arcana, +3 Artisan: Arcane Science, Speechcraft, Perform, Subterfuge

-= Feats =- (* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
(* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
*Feat 1(200XP) - Spon's Table
Effect: Reduces Tempering DC by 10%. Increases tempering bonus by 50%. (Instead of a +10 damage modifier bonus, weapon receives a +15 bonus.)
Effect: When "Tuning" a firearm, Gunsmiths can place an additional 10% bonus onto a weapon's Damage above the standard threshold. The DCs do continue to go up appropriately.

*Feat 2(400XP) - Xenotech
Associated Class: Machinist
Effect: Crafting energy weapon DCs are reduced by 10%. The Machinist can use items, weapons, vehicles, devices, et cetera made by "alien" species (determinable by GM) without an Unskilled restriction.

*Feat 3(600XP) - Creature Charisma
Associated Class: Conjurer
Effect: When calling upon lesser Summon Beasts, two of such creatures will arrive instead of one. If multiple creatures would already come, the total number is increased by half the maximum (round down).

*Feat 4(800XP) - Manadrive
Effect: Every round in combat, restore 2% maximum MP to a total of 10%. Outside of combat, MP gradually restores itself to 10% MP. This feat only activates when a character is reduced below 10% max MP, and will only restore up to 10% max MP (that is, a 1500 MP character will not regen past 150 MP).

*Feat 5(1000XP) - Elemental Affinity - Holy 1

Feat 6(1200XP) - Aerodynamic Design
Effect: Reduces Refined Aerodynamics DC by 10%. Gain an additional +1 bonus to the weapon's accuracy every 2 refinement levels.
Effect: When "Tuning" a firearm, Gunsmiths can place an additional 10% bonus onto a weapon's Roll Bonus above the standard threshold. The DCs do continue to go up appropriately.

Feat 7(1400XP) - My Metal Boy!
Associated Class: Machinist
Description: The owner of this Feat is especially affectionate towards his creations, some going so far as to treat them like children rather than inventions. This leads to a certain fervor when it comes to their well being.
Effect: Repair efforts on a machine originally built by the Machinist will progress at twice the normal rate. If one is outright destroyed in the heat of battle, the Machinist gets a +5 morale bonus to harming the enemy responsible.

Feat 8(1600XP) - Mana Fist
Associated Class: Conjurer
Effect: The Conjurer can perform single magic-damage attacks without expending MP. These attacks are performed at spell level damage (Level 5 Arcana = +1000 "spell" damage), only deal a single full-power "hit" (can be described however), and are counted as normal, non-elemental magic damage, even if the character possesses an elemental affinity.

Feat 9(1800XP) - Elemental Affinity - Holy 2

Feat 10(2000XP) - Elemental Affinity - Holy 3

Feat 11(2200XP) - Master Smith
Effect: Reduces DC of any smithing modification to a melee weapon/armor by 10%. This stacks with Spon's Table & Aerodynamic Design. All smithing modifications take up -1 augmentation slot. If the augment takes up 1 slot ordinarily, it now takes up 1/2 slot.
Effect: Reduces Gunsmithing DCs by a standard 20% across the board.
Class - Machinist

Feat 12(2400XP) - Inside and Out
Associated Class: Machinist
Effect: Grants a +5 Competence Bonus to any rolls a Machinist makes involving a machine they themselves made.

Feat 13(2600XP) - Elemental Affinity - Holy 4

Feat 14(2800XP) -
Feat 15(3000XP) -
Feat 16(3200XP) -
Feat 17(3400XP) -
Feat 18(3600XP) -
Feat 19(3800XP) -
Feat 20(4000XP) -
Experience Total: 2650
Total: 2650/2650, 0 free

( ) Health: [500]+0 | Bonus: +50
HP: 25000 ((health * 50) + Milestones) | Armor: 500(base) (health + Milestones) | Physical Soak: 1000 (health + Milestones + traits)
Magical Soak: 1000 (health + Milestones + traits) | Status Resistance: 50% (See Milestones) | Death Threshold: +0 (Milestones)
Endure: 0% (Milestones) | Survival Result Bonus: +0 (Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Resistance: +50% -> +5% resistance to negative Status Effects (Capts at 50%)
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 exp) Improved Resistance: +5% (x10)

( ) Awareness: [500]+0 | Bonus: +50
Initiative: 1d500 1d500 | Base Attack Bonus: +50 | Perception Bonus: +50
Melee: +0 (See Milestones) | Ranged: +0 (See Milestones) | Magic: +25 (See Milestones)
True Sight: -50 (See Milestones) | Combat Reflexes: 0 (See Milestones) | Sneak Attack Negation: 0 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
True Sight: -50 -> -10 to Illusion or Invisibility detection DCs
Improved Magic: +25 -> +5 awareness bonus on magic attacks
(50, 100, 150, 450, 500 exp) True Sight: -10 (x5)
(200, 250, 300, 350, 400 exp) Improved Magic: +5 (x5)

(PC) Dexterity: [500]+0 | Bonus: +50
Full Dodge: 100 (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Flat-foot Dodge: 50 (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Block Bonus: +0 (See Milestones)
Dodge Bonus: +50 (See Milestones) | Agility Bonus: +0 (See Milestones) | Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +0 (See Milestones)
Style Points: 2500 (dexterity * 5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Dodge: +50 -> +5 Dexterity bonus when dodging an attack
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 exp) Improved Dodge: +5 (x10)
Evasive Action
Description: Your presence in combat is ephemeral, a natural dancer to the rhythm of battle. To attack you, the enemy must first catch up.
Effect: On a Dodge or a Block, this character may spend 5 LP before making their roll, allowing them to roll twice and take the higher of the two rolls. This must be declared before rolling, and cannot be used after the dodge/block roll is made. This cannot be used with DC checks, will resists, or Royal Guard.

( ) Strength: [300]+0 | Bonus: +30
Base Physical Damage: 600 ((strength + strength_temp) * 2) + Milestones | Inventory Size: 30 (strength / 10) + Milestones | Momentum: 30 (See Milestones)
Item Effect: 0 (See Milestones) | Pierce: 0 (See Milestones) | Brace: 0 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Momentum: +30 -> +5 Strength roll bonus when performing skill checks
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 exp) Improved Momentum: +5 (x6)

(PC) Spirit: [500]+0 | Bonus: +50
Base Magical Damage: 1000 (500 * 2) + 0 | Spell Points: 2500 (spirit * 5) + Milestones | MP: 5000 (spirit * 10) + Milestones
Magic Defense: +0 (See Milestones) | Item Defense: +0 (See Milestones) | Crafting: +50 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Crafting: +50 -> +5 Spirit roll bonus when crafting
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 exp) Improved Crafting: +5 (x10)
Ease of Efficiency
Description: You are very good at making use of the time you have, and your work ethic gives you a refreshing boost of energy upon completion of a project.
Effect: When completing an Artisan or Repair check, the 'overflow' past the DC can be immediately passed on to another project, whether new or in progress. If use of this feat completes the project that inherits this overflow, it will NOT trigger again however.

( ) Luck: [350]+0 | Bonus: +35
Luck Points: 35 | Critical Damage: +0 (See Milestones) | Luck roll result: +35 (See Milestones)
Draw chance: +0% (See Milestones) | Critical Defense: 0 (See Milestones) | Draw defense: +0% (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Luck: +35 -> +5 luck roll result
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 exp) Improved Luck: +5 (x7)

5270 (Used) / 5300 (Maximum) / 30 (Free) (Skill Points (Max XP*2))

0: Untrained | 1: Hobbyist | 2: Novice/Beginner | 3: Dedicated Student | 4: Educated/Trained | 5: Professional | 6: Advanced | 7: Specialist | 8: Expert | 9: Adept/Prodigy | 10: Master

Bonuses: Dexterity: +50, Full Dodge: +100, Flat-foot Dodge: +50, Agility Bonus: +0 | Strength: +30, Momentum: +30

General - Athletics  335 = Level 5

  Name: Dodge Leap
  Cost: 60
  Required Skill Level: 4
  Untrained: No
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Use an athletic maneuver -- a dash, a skid, a slide, a jump -- to evade an incoming melee, projectile, or ranged attack. This can also be used to avoid environmental hazards or magic attacks. A successful check with this Advanced Skill allows the character to fully avoid an attack, while a failed check with this Advanced Skill allows the character to reduce incoming damage by 10%. This can stack with other Brace-enhancing feats, traits, or primary characteristics, up to a maximum of 50%. This maneuver can only be used once a round.

General - Reaction  335 = Level 5

  Name: Block
  Cost: 10
  Required Skill Level: 1
  Untrained: No
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Use a melee weapon to block another melee attack.

  Name: Quick-Draw
  Cost: 15
  Required Skill Level: 2
  Untrained: No
  Type: Action
  Effect: Allows for the change of 1 piece of equipment per round as a free action.

  Name: Recovery
  Cost: 30
  Required Skill Level: 3
  Untrained: Yes; requires a Luck roll.
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Train the body to reactively protect itself from injury, allowing the character to grab the closest ledge/handhold, move its hands to protect its head/chest, or other similar last-ditch efforts to mitigate harm when failing a check.

Bonuses: Health: +50 | Awareness: +50, Perception Bonus: +50, True Sight: +-50

General - Speechcraft  335 = Level 5

  Name: Sense Motive
  Cost: 30
  Required Skill Level: 3
  Untrained: No
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Attempt to see the underlying reasoning in the subject’s mind. This allows a character to use Speechcraft to resist other Speechcraft checks against them.

  Name: Shift Attitude
  Cost: 30
  Required Skill Level: 3
  Untrained: No
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Use convincing arguments to change a target audience’s perception of the character and their party, for at least a short time. Consider perceptions to be “Hostile,” “Unfriendly, “Neutral,” “Friendly,” “Fanatic.” A successful Speechcraft check with this Advanced Skill will change the target audience’s view of the character and their party one “step” in the direction it desires (positive or negative), whereas a failure will move it one “step” in the opposite direction.

  Name: Silver Tongue
  Cost: 90
  Required Skill Level: 5
  Untrained: Yes; the target becomes hostile.
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Use convincing arguments or coercion to convince a target entity to behave the way the character wants, even if it goes against its direct nature. This may not work on all requests (based on emotional or intellectual traits related to said request), but can be used to issue specific or vague directions to a target in a way that makes the behavior appealing to the target (or to its benefit). May not work on all targets.

General - Perception  220 = Level 4

Bonuses: Awareness: +50, Base Attack Bonus: +50, Melee: +0, Ranged: +0, Combat Reflexes: +0, Sneak Attack Negation: +0 | Dexterity: +50, Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +0

Bonuses: Spirit: +50, Magic Defense: +0 | Awareness: +50, Magic: +25

Magic - Summoning  830 = Level 8

  Name: Creation Summoning
  Cost: 15
  Required Skill Level: 2
  Untrained: No
  Type: Action
  Effect: Allows summoning of multiple instances of simple monsters such as chocobo, porings, skeletons, etc. These spells must be learned and you may summon a maximum of your skill level/5 monsters at any given time. These summons disappear in 1d3 rounds.

  Name: Sustainable Summoning
  Cost: 60
  Required Skill Level: 4
  Untrained: No
  Type: Bonus
  Effect: This increases the duration creation summoned monsters remain around from 1d3 to 1d5 rounds.

  Name: Improved Sustainable Summoning
  Cost: 200
  Required Skill Level: 8
  Untrained: No
  Prerequisites: Sustainable Summoning
  Type: Bonus
  Effect: An improvement upon previous sustained summoning allows your summon to remain on field for up to 1d8 rounds before needing to return.

Bonuses: Spirit: +50, Crafting: +50

Artisan - Blacksmithing  830 = Level 8

  Name: Radiant Metal Smelting
  Cost: 30
  Required Skill Level: 3
  Untrained: No
  Type: Action
  Effect: Allows the character to smelt Tier 1 equipment for materials. These can be contributed toward a new piece of equipment of the same material grade. You must still pay the material cost difference between the gear you smelted and the gear you are making. Excess material cannot be sold.

  Name: Radiant Gem Smelting
  Cost: 120
  Required Skill Level: 6
  Untrained: No
  Prerequisites: Radiant Metal Smelting
  Type: Action
  Effect: Allows the character to smelt Tier 2 equipment for materials. These can be contributed toward a new piece of equipment of the same material grade. You must still pay the material cost difference between the gear you smelted and the gear you are making. Excess material cannot be sold.

  Name: Radiant Metal Crafting
  Cost: 60
  Required Skill Level: 4
  Untrained: No
  Type: Action
  Effect: Unlocks crafting of Tier 1 weapons/armor.

  Name: Radiant Gem Crafting
  Cost: 200
  Required Skill Level: 8
  Untrained: No
  Prerequisites: Radiant Metal Crafting
  Type: Action
  Effect: Unlocks crafting of Tier 2 weapons/armor.

Artisan - Engineering  830 = Level 8

  Name: Radiant Metal Energy Weaponsmithing
  Cost: 60
  Required Skill Level: 4
  Untrained: No
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Allows crafting of Tier 1 Energy Weapons.

  Name: Craft Ground Vehicles
  Cost: 15
  Required Skill Level: 2
  Untrained: No
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Allows a character to craft and modify ground-class vehicles & mecha.

  Name: Radiant Gem Energy Weaponsmithing
  Cost: 200
  Required Skill Level: 8
  Untrained: No
  Prerequisites: Radiant Metal Energy Weaponsmithing
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Allows crafting of Tier 2 Energy Weapons.

  Name: Simple Gadgets/Instruments
  Cost: 30
  Required Skill Level: 3
  Untrained: No
  Type: Bonus
  Effect: Grants an Engineer an additional bonus of (Engineering Skill Level / 5) (round up) to any Artisan roll he/she performs.

  Name: Complex Gadgets/Instruments
  Cost: 120
  Required Skill Level: 6
  Untrained: No
  Prerequisites: Simple Gadgets/Instruments
  Type: Bonus
  Effect: Grants an Engineer an additional bonus of (Engineering Skill Level / 2) (round up) to any Artisan roll he/she performs.

  Name: Craft Aircraft
  Cost: 60
  Required Skill Level: 4
  Untrained: No
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Allows a character to craft and modify aircraft-class vehicles & air-capable mecha.

  Name: Craft Spacecraft
  Cost: 120
  Required Skill Level: 6
  Untrained: No
  Prerequisites: Craft Aircraft
  Type: Enabler
  Effect: Allows a character to craft and modify space-class vehicles & spacefaring mecha.

Field Training
Bonuses: Awareness: +50, Perception Bonus: +50, True Sight: +-50

<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP

-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
Current Spell Points: 0 (Used) / 2500 (Free) / 2500 (Max) SpP

Level 8: Hastera II - Inflicts Moderate Haste for 1d5 rounds on 3 targets.

Reaper's Gate
100 Spell points, 1920 MP (magic)
Combo 4: 1d5
Range 5: 5 targets
Damage 1: *1

Level 1: 15 (60)
Acolyte of Lumina (Holy)
Cultist of D'Ran (Dark)
Forest Wolves (Earth)
Dwarven Engineer (Fire)

Level 2: 25 (100)
Knight of the Realm (Holy)
Sage of the Great Library (Holy)
Goblin War Party (Fire)
Mighty Owl (Wind)

Level 3: (175)
Bone Shaman (Dark)
Paladin of Theron (Holy)
Goblin Engineer (Fire)
Dwarven Artillery (Fire)
Motavian Osprey (Wind)

Level 4: 45 (270)
Seraph (Holy)
Dwarven Bard (Fire)
Dread Pirate (Water)
Sylph (Wind)
Stone Sentinel (Neutral)

Level 5: 60 (60)
Hellhound (Dark)

Level 6: 80 (320)
Master Cultist (Dark)
Saint Gestalt (Holy) Engineering/Blacksmithing/Summoning/Sword
Garuda (Wind)
Pulsework Centurion (Neutral)

Level 7
Pegasus (Holy)
Elfborn Ent (Earth)
Dullahan (Neutral)

<<> Equipment Slots <>>
Note: Dual-Wielded items occupy 1 Equipment Slot (not Inventory Slot).

Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Gil: 35000
<<> Inventory <>>
<<> Character Description <>>
Height: 5'8"
Weight: (optional)
Eye Color: Ruby/Diamond
Hair Color: Ruby
Notable Features:

<<> Character Personality <>>
Favorite Food: Fish
Likes: Engineered devices, long naps, feeling satisfied
Dislikes: Hunger, cages, lightning
Favorite Color: Ruby
Fears: Inprisonment.

<<>Character Background<>>
<<> Special Notes <>>
Posts: 57
Joined: July 4th, 2009, 4:46 am

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