Dante Sparda

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Dante Sparda


Post by Oceanblaze »

<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: Oceanblaze
Real Name (Optional): Ahmad
Time Zone: GMT -6

<<> Character Info <>>
Name: Dante
Race: Human/Greater Demon Hybrid
Sheet Approved by: (leave blank)

Gil - 3325381
Zollar: 220000
Crowns: 600000

<<> Character Description <>>
Age: ???
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210 (optional)
Appearance: Dante is a tall and lean young man with a strong, muscular build. He has a striking and confident demeanor that reflects his devil-may-care attitude. He has striking white hair that is slicked back, often falling over his forehead. His hair is a prominent and iconic feature, emphasizing his unique appearance.
Dante's clothing style varies , but he's most commonly seen wearing a long, red trench coat that reaches down to his ankles. The coat is often open, revealing his well-built physique and various weapons holstered on his body. He might wear a black or dark-colored t-shirt or tank top underneath the coat, further emphasizing his rebellious and edgy look.
He is usually adorned with a variety of accessories, including belts, straps, and buckles, which add to his rugged appearance. He often wears fingerless gloves, and his pants are usually black or dark in color. His overall attire is both functional and stylish, reflecting his demon hunting lifestyle.
Dante's face is characterized by his sharp features, a strong jawline, and piercing blue eyes that reflect his determination and confidence. He might have a scar or two on his face, indicating his battles against demonic forces.
In terms of weaponry, Dante is known for his vast arsenal of weapons, including swords, guns, and various other supernatural tools. These weapons contribute to his imposing and powerful presence.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White/Silver
Notable Features:

<<> Character Personality <>>
Favorite Food: Strawberry Sunday
Likes: Relaxing / A good time/ Money
Dislikes: Debt, People he owes debt, jobs that ironically would get him out of debt
Favorite Color: Red
Fears: Negative Number

<<>Character Background<>>
Dante is a paranormal investigator, mercenary, and hunter of demonic entities. He is the son of a human named Eva and a powerful Demon Knight named Sparda who saved the world of humans with his allies in the battle against the devils many years ago.
Dante has been known to occasionally work with two others. A black haired female named Lady and a blonde haired female named Trish. However....he occasionally strays from them when its time for them to collect on what he owes. There partner ships are also slightly one sided and they seperate often with a "Whoever gets there first" policy between the three of them. In the world of mercenaries or finding help in general Dante is something of a myth only very few seem to know how get to him. One major contact is a man named Morrison who relays MOST of his information to him about a job and handles most of the information gathering about the people and the situation. Dante's office however is quite noticeable and has the words "Devil May Cry" in neon lights above it. He is often sought after by many demons and entities from the other plane because he is as far as understanding goes is the only remaining Heir of Sparda. Because of Sparda's high ranking and power during his time its believed that if one can defeat dante they must then clearly have the strength to take over the devils world. This has sent many a demon and beast to dante doorstep which then followed a long irritating day of cleaning up the mess caused by there deaths by Dante. If one can find Dante and if he deems the cause worthy he can be a reliable and trust worthy ally with a style all his own.
<<> Special Notes <>>
<<> Base Statistic modifiers <>>
<<> Traits and Feats <>>
-= Traits =-
Points: 0.5/18

* Hunted (-2 pts) - Someone or something is tracking your character, and they want to find you. It may be that you are wanted, angered the wrong person, or they want to give you something, but your pursuers are closing. Any GM, at any point in time can call for a luck role with a player and initiate combat vs. an monster, being or entity.

* Dirty Reputation (-2 pts) - Your character is well known to be devious and double dealing. While this may or may not mean evil, it does mean your word can not be trusted at times, which makes you the bane of law enforcement. Your questionable morality also gives you a +10 to intimidation, while accepting a -10 to diplomacy.

* Famous/Infamous (2 pts) - Your characters reputation proceeds you. People in distant lands will have heard of your deeds and may react accordingly.

* Combat Junkie (-2.5 pts) - This character loves to fight. LOVES to fight. The character rolls a step lower on Speechcraft checks naturally. This character also feels compelled to attack first to solve problems, requiring a Concentration check to resist the urge, the DC equaling that character's highest Weapon Proficiency skill plus their current equip weapons to-hit.

* Bad Luck (-3 pts) - This character suffers from poor luck by nature, so influencing it is an uphill battle. Luck points are only half-effective, each one only granting a +5 to a roll result rather than +10.

* Unholy (-3 pts) - You may not be of the darkness but you have a bond to something dank and dark. Regardless of how it affects or does not affect your personality divine objects deal double damage to you. THIS is not darkness, merely a state of being.

* Astral Beacon (-2 pts) - This character's spiritual presence, even if not manifested as magical power, makes it very apparent to magical, spiritual, psionic, astral, etc. detection. this character rolls a step lower on Stealth checks if another creature or object is using spiritual means of detecting this character.

* Unusual Eyes (-1.5 pts) - Your eyes give you away. Something about your eyes is inhuman, they may be cat, demonic, fae, cetran, or other, but your eyes will give away your nature to anyone who looks at you close enough. Players must actively note this in conversation or interaction with a character.

* Wild Skill (0 pts) - A skill has a wide degree of variance. You may be a savant one day, or a moron the next. This can have a wide range of effects which may save or destroy you. The general template works on a 1d5 whenever the skill is used. 1: Catastrophic (Automatic 1, negates Inspector Gadget Syndrome) 2: Bad (Roll is reduced by ½) 3: Normal Performance 4: Good (Roll is doubled) 5: Excellent (Roll is doubled and counted as a divine, adding a second roll to the total)

* Daredevil (1 pts) - When in mortal danger by circumstance, below 50% HP, or actively attempting something that promises injury on a failure, the human with this feat gains a +10 to whatever roll is called for. If more than one of these are true, each additional grants another +5. The third only applies to dodges if an Athletic skill is used instead of Reaction.

* Ambidextrous (2.5 pts) - This character halves penalties incurred from Dual Wielding.

* Bully (3 pts) - This character specializes in defeating creatures smaller than it. When fighting creatures using the "Giant" or "Tiny" traits, this character gains a +10 bonus to physical attacks and physical defense against that target for each level that creature is below the character (i.e.: a Giant 2 character vs. a character without a size trait would benefit from +20, while a Giant 2 character vs. a Tiny 2 character character would gain a +40 bonus).

* Giant Killer (3 pts) - This character specializes in fighting creatures larger than it. When fighting creatures using the "Giant" or "Tiny" traits, this character gains a +10 bonus to physical attacks and physical defense against that target for each level that creature is above the character (i.e.: a Giant 1 character vs a Giant 3 character would benefit from +20, while a Tiny 2 character vs a Giant 2 character would gain a +40 bonus).

* Defensive Training (3 pts) - This character is considered always under the effect of Moderate "Counter" status. A counter attack that comes with a Critical defense receives a +500 damage bonus.

* Improved Sense (3 pts) - Your senses are more advanced than other races or beings, and give you a +25 to Perception checks using that sense.

* Improved Sense (3 pts) - Your senses are more advanced than other races or beings, and give you a +25 to Perception checks using that sense.

* Resilient Brute (4 pts) - When this character uses "Brace" to defend against a melee attack, this character may use "Counterstrike" advanced skills as if the attack had been blocked.

* Ferocity (3 pts) - This character is considered to be consistently under Mild "Endure" status. The character is able to survive one one-hit/area attack that would normally render him/her unconscious (below 0 HP, above Death Threshold) with 1 HP.

* Kneecapper (3 pts) - When this character inflicts the "Off Guard" status effect, it is considered to be one severity higher than normal.

* Relentless (3 pts) - When this character inflicts the "Knockback/Wall Rush" status, it is considered to be one severity higher than normal.

-= Character Classes =-
-= Feats =- (* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
(* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
*Feat 1(200XP) -
*Feat 2(400XP) -
*Feat 3(600XP) -
*Feat 4(800XP) -
*Feat 5(1000XP) -
Feat 6(1200XP) -
Feat 7(1400XP) -
Feat 8(1600XP) -
Feat 9(1800XP) -
Feat 10(2000XP) -
Feat 11(2200XP) -
Feat 12(2400XP) -
Feat 13(2600XP) -
Feat 14(2800XP) -
Feat 15(3000XP) -
Feat 16(3200XP) -
Feat 17(3400XP) -
Feat 18(3600XP) -
Feat 19(3800XP) -
Feat 20(4000XP) -
Experience Total:
Skill Points Total:
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Soak: +
Improved Resistance: +%
( )  Health: [] | Bonus: +50
HP: ((health * 50) + Milestones) | Armor: (health + Milestones) | Physical Soak: (health + Milestones + traits)
Magical Soak: (health + Milestones + traits) | Status Resistance: (See Milestones) | Death Threshold: (Milestones)
Endure: (Milestones) | Survival Result Bonus: (Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Soak: +
Improved Resistance: +%
(50, 150, 250, 350, 450 exp) Improved Soak: +25 (x5)
(100, 200, 300, 400, 500 exp) Improved Resistance: +5% (x5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Melee: +
Improved Ranged: +
( )  Awareness: [] | Bonus: +50
Initiative: 1d500 | Base Attack Bonus: | Perception Bonus:
Melee: (See Milestones) | Ranged: (See Milestones) | Magic: (See Milestones)
True Sight: (See Milestones) | Combat Reflexes: (See Milestones) | Sneak Attack Negation: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Melee: +
Improved Ranged: +
(50, 150, 250, 350, 450 exp) Improved Melee: +5 (x5)
(100, 200, 300, 400, 500 exp) Improved Ranged: +5 (x5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Block: +
Improved Dodge: +
Improved Reaction: +
(PC)  Dexterity: [] | Bonus: +55
Full Dodge: ((dexterity / 10) + See Milestones) | Flat-foot Dodge: ((dexterity / 10) + See Milestones) | Block Bonus: (See Milestones)
Dodge Bonus: (See Milestones) | Agility Bonus: (See Milestones) | Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: (See Milestones)
Style Points: (dexterity * 5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Block: +
Improved Dodge: +
Improved Reaction: +
(50, 200, 350, 500 exp) Improved Block: +5 (x4)
(100, 250, 400, 550 exp) Improved Dodge: +5 (x4)
(150, 300, 450 exp) Improved Reaction: +5 (x3)
Counter Force
Description: You’re so quick that, while others may not be able to make the dash, you can clear a gap between a character you normally wouldn’t be able to counterattack in time to do so.
Effect: Allows a character to dodge a ranged attack and counter it (no bonuses to either) with a single strike from a melee weapon. Only works if the target is within melee range of the attacker and vice versa. Character must have purchased “Reaction: Counter Strike” advanced skill.
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Physical Damage: +
Improved Momentum: +
(PC)  Strength: [] | Bonus: +55
Base Physical Damage: (strength * 2) + Milestones | Inventory Size: (strength / 10) + Milestones | Momentum: (See Milestones)
Item Effect: (See Milestones) | Pierce: (See Milestones) | Brace: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Physical Damage: +
Improved Momentum: +
(50, 150, 250, 350 exp) Improved Physical Damage: +100 (x4)
(100, 200, 300, 400, 550 exp) Juggernaut: -100 (x5)
(450, 500 exp) Improved Momentum: +5 (x2)
Monkey Grip
Description: The character has freakish upper body strength, allowing them to use heavier weapons with greater ease than the average warrior.
Effect: This character may dual wield 6-, 7-, and 8-slot weapons at the penalty of 4- and 5-slot weapons(-40), 4- and 5-slot weapons at the penalty of 2- and 3-slot weapons(-30), and 3-slot weapons or smaller without penalty.
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Defense: +
( )  Spirit: [] | Bonus: +30
Base Magical Damage: (300 * 2) + 0 | Spell Points: (spirit * 5) + Milestones | MP: (spirit * 10) + Milestones
Magic Defense: (See Milestones) | Item Defense: (See Milestones) | Crafting: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Defense: +
(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 exp) Improved Magic Defense: +5 (x6)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Critical: +
( )  Luck: [] | Bonus: +16
Luck Points: | Critical Damage: (See Milestones) | Luck roll result: (See Milestones)
Draw chance: (See Milestones) | Critical Defense: (See Milestones) | Draw defense: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Critical: +
(50, 100, 150 exp) Improved Critical: +500 (x3)

0: Untrained | 1: Hobbyist | 2: Novice/Beginner | 3: Dedicated Student | 4: Educated/Trained | 5: Professional | 6: Advanced | 7: Specialist | 8: Expert | 9: Adept/Prodigy | 10: Master

Bonuses: Dexterity: +, Full Dodge: +, Flat-foot Dodge: +, Agility Bonus: + | Strength: +, Momentum: +
General - Acrobatics
    Name: Dodge Roll
    Cost: 60
    Required Skill Level: 4
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Perform a tumbling maneuver to evade an incoming melee, projectile, or ranged attack. This can also be used to avoid environmental hazards or magic attacks. An Acrobatics check with this Advanced Skill prevents this character from being the target of that attacker’s next immediate attack. This does not apply in one-on-one combat or against area-of-effect attacks that include the character, and can only apply to the most recent attacker.
General - Athletics
    Name: Dodge Leap
    Cost: 60
    Required Skill Level: 4
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Use an athletic maneuver -- a dash, a skid, a slide, a jump -- to evade an incoming melee, projectile, or ranged attack. This can also be used to avoid environmental hazards or magic attacks. A successful check with this Advanced Skill allows the character to fully avoid an attack, while a failed check with this Advanced Skill allows the character to reduce incoming damage by 10%. This can stack with other Brace-enhancing feats, traits, or primary characteristics, up to a maximum of 50%. This maneuver can only be used once a round.
    Name: Wall Running
    Cost: 120
    Required Skill Level: 6
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Use momentum to defy gravity for a brief time. This allows the character to run across vertical surfaces for a single standard move action.
General - Swimming
General - Reaction
    Name: Block
    Cost: 10
    Required Skill Level: 1
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Use a melee weapon to block another melee attack.
    Name: Counter Strike
    Cost: 15
    Required Skill Level: 2
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: Negates the block bonus, but allows for a single melee physical retaliatory strike
    Name: Quick-Draw
    Cost: 15
    Required Skill Level: 2
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: Allows for the change of 1 piece of equipment per round as a free action.
    Name: Recovery
    Cost: 30
    Required Skill Level: 3
    Untrained: Yes; requires a Luck roll.
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Train the body to reactively protect itself from injury, allowing the character to grab the closest ledge/handhold, move its hands to protect its head/chest, or other similar last-ditch efforts to mitigate harm when failing a check.
    Name: Redirect Attack
    Cost: 90
    Required Skill Level: 5
    Untrained: No
    Prerequisites: Block
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Allows a character to block a melee attack and, in lieu of a counterattack, direct the opponent’s attack toward another target within melee range.
    Name: Aggressive Block
    Cost: 90
    Required Skill Level: 5
    Untrained: No
    Prerequisites: Block
    Type: Action
    Effect: Allows a person to block with a weapon.. If successful, the attacker must pass a Reaction check or suffer Mild “Off Guard” status plus half of the character’s normal melee damage. The DC to beat is half of the attacker's total roll.
    Name: Riposte
    Cost: 90
    Required Skill Level: 5
    Untrained: No
    Prerequisites: Block
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Allows a character to block an attack and counterattack with a single strike against the assailant’s flat-foot defense roll. This is not compatible with “Combo Counter.”
    Name: Combo Counter
    Cost: 90
    Required Skill Level: 5
    Untrained: No
    Prerequisites: Counter Strike
    Type: Action
    Effect: Allows for a successful block to be followed up with 1d2-hit melee attack.
Bonuses: Health: + | Awareness: +, Perception Bonus: +, True Sight: +
General - Speechcraft
    Name: Sense Motive
    Cost: 30
    Required Skill Level: 3
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Attempt to see the underlying reasoning in the subject’s mind. This allows a character to use Speechcraft to resist other Speechcraft checks against them.
    Name: Shift Attitude
    Cost: 30
    Required Skill Level: 3
    Untrained: No
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Use convincing arguments to change a target audience’s perception of the character and their party, for at least a short time. Consider perceptions to be “Hostile,” “Unfriendly, “Neutral,” “Friendly,” “Fanatic.” A successful Speechcraft check with this Advanced Skill will change the target audience’s view of the character and their party one “step” in the direction it desires (positive or negative), whereas a failure will move it one “step” in the opposite direction.
    Name: Terrorize
    Cost: 90
    Required Skill Level: 5
    Untrained: Yes; the target becomes hostile.
    Type: Enabler
    Effect: Using some display or suggestion of harm without inflicting it, this character can frighten a target audience into behaving the way the character wants, even if it goes against its direct nature. This may not work on all requests (based on emotional or intellectual traits related to said request), but can be used to issue specific or vague directions to a target. Using this Advanced Skill allows the character to substitute a Weapon Proficiency, a Magic skill, or a Psionic skill in lieu of Speechcraft to make this check. May not work on all targets.
General - Perception
Bonuses: Awareness: +, Base Attack Bonus: +, Melee: +, Ranged: +, Combat Reflexes: +, Sneak Attack Negation: + | Dexterity: +, Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +
Weapon Proficiency - Swords
    Name: Dual Strike
    Cost: 15
    Required Skill Level: 2
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: Allows a 1d2 hit combo.
    Name: Triple Strike
    Cost: 60
    Required Skill Level: 4
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: Allows a 1d3 hit combo.
    Name: Rapid Strike
    Cost: 120
    Required Skill Level: 6
    Untrained: No
    Prerequisites: Triple Strike
    Type: Action
    Effect: Allows a 1d4 hit combo.
    Name: Cleave
    Cost: 15
    Required Skill Level: 2
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: A wide swing that targets up to 2 enemies.
    Name: Improved Cleave
    Cost: 60
    Required Skill Level: 4
    Untrained: No
    Prerequisites: Cleave
    Type: Action
    Effect: A wide swing that targets up to 3 enemies.
    Name: Power Strike
    Cost: 30
    Required Skill Level: 3
    Untrained: No
    Type: Action
    Effect: Allows for a single strike at a -5 penalty that deals 1.5x damage.
    Name: Improved Power Strike
    Cost: 90
    Required Skill Level: 5
    Untrained: No
    Prerequisites: Power Strike
    Type: Action
    Effect: Allows for a single strike at a -5 penalty that deals 2x damage.
Weapon Proficiency - Pistols
    Name: Show Off
    Cost: 30
    Required Skill Level: 3
    Untrained: No
    Type: Bonus
    Effect: A flashy style of using the pistol is to spin it and attempt tricks while shootin. While it's not the most effective... it looks good. Reduces to-hit penalty of additional controlled shots to -1 per shot.
    Name: Gunslinging
    Cost: 90
    Required Skill Level: 5
    Untrained: No
    Prerequisites: Show Off
    Type: Bonus
    Effect: After a little practice, a flashy pistolier may remove penalties from additional pistol shots.
Weapon Proficiency - Shotguns
    Name: Knockdown
    Cost: 15
    Required Skill Level: 2
    Untrained: No
    Type: Bonus
    Effect: The shotgun user has learned the correct angle and distance it takes to exert blunt force on an enemy with the shotgun, givin them a 15% chance of knockdown on a 1d100.
Bonuses: Spirit: +, Magic Defense: + | Awareness: +, Magic: +
Magic - Weapon Arcana
Bonuses: Spirit: +, Crafting: +
Artisan - Arcane Science
Field Training
Bonuses: Awareness: +, Perception Bonus: +, True Sight: +
General - Vehicle Operation: Light Vehicle
<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP

-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-

Weapon Arcana
Level 1:
Expeditious Retreat (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell grants a single target a Running skill bonus of (Mage Level * 2) (+20 at Level 10). Each time this bonus is used costs requisite MP.
Feather Fall (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell allows a target to fall to the ground at a slow, safe speed, preventing fall damage/injury. Each cast of this lasts only one "fall."
Jump (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell allows a subject to add his/her magic school bonus to his/her Jumping skill. Each use of this bonus spends requisite MP.
Magic Weapon (10 mp, 10 SpP): For 5 rounds, the character is able to imbue the weapons of one target with their spiritual energy, adding 100 to the character's normal damage.
Reinforce Armaments (10 mp, 10 SpP): The character is able to improve the performance of others' defensive equipment. Physical armor soak on 1 target is raised to 150% for (Mage Level) rounds.
Returning Weapon (10 mp, 10 SpP): The character is able to put a temporary enchantment on a weapon that returns it to its point of origin safely when thrown. Lasts for 5 rounds.
True Strike (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell grants a boon to a single target's next action. Imbues a single target with a bonus equal to (+10 * Mage Level) (+100 at Level 10) on its next offensive combat action.
Unerring Weapon (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell grants a single target a boosted ability to deal critical damage on its next strike. Inflicts Mild "Sharpen" status on a single target for a single offensive action per cast.
Level 2:
Bestow Weapon Proficiency (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character is able to bestow divine knowledge onto a character temporarily. This spell removes the Unskilled penalty from a single weapon for a character's use, and lasts for 5 rounds.
Blur (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell makes a target appear blurred and distorted in view, making him/her more difficult to strike. Grants a single target Mild (Alt) "Invisible" status for (Mage Level) rounds.
Bull's Strength (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character grants a bonus of +20 Strength/Mage Level to a character for lifting and damage purposes (+200 at Level 10).
Cat's Grace (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character grants a bonus of +20 Dexterity/Mage Level to a character for movement and dodging purposes (+200 at Level 10).
Tactical Acumen (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell grants a target great insight on the tactical and strategic movements of enemies for a short time; patterns become more obvious and gut feelings feel stronger. Grants a bonus of (+5 * Mage Level) (+50 at Level 10) to stealth-based movements and Sneak Attacks/ambushes, as well as macro-level strategerie.
Level 3:
Haste (90 mp, 20 SpP): This spell allows a single target to move much quicker for a short time. Grants Mild "Haste" status to a single target for (Mage Level) rounds.
Keen Edge (90 mp, 20 SpP): This spell makes a single target's strikes much more potent when the time is right. Grants a single target Mild "Sharpen" effect for (Mage Level) rounds.
Locate Weakness (90 mp, 20 SpP): This spell allows a single target's most dangerous blows be exactly that -- most dangerous. For (Mage Level) rounds, on a critical hit, draw 2 crit cards and choose one..
Magic Weapon, Greater (90 mp, 20 SpP): For 5 rounds, the character is able to imbue the melee weapons of one target with their spiritual energy, adding magic damage +300 to the character's normal damage.
Water Breathing (90 mp, 20 SpP): The character is able to breathe underwater for a short time. This effect lasts for 5 rounds.
Level 5:
Fire Snake (250 mp, 40 SpP): This spell creates a series of fire gouts that blast along the ground, which can be directed to strike up to (Mage Level) targets in a series. The path of the flames flows from one target to the next each round. Should a target already be removed it will move onto the next.
<<> Equipment Slots <>>
Note: Dual-Wielded items occupy 1 Equipment Slot (not Inventory Slot).

Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Gil: 35000
<<> Inventory <>>
1.Rebellion(Phazite) - Sparda's keepsake to dante. Like the Yamato this is dante's own sword and is a representation of his own power physically manifested.
Weapon Type: Long Sword Cost +25%, Damage Modifier +25%, To-hit bonus -25%
Skill Level To Use: 17
Price: N/A
Augmentation Slots: 3
[+16 Spirit][+16 WIll][+40 Swords][+16 Strength]
Roll Bonus: +21
Damage Mod: 36
Weapon Description: Rebellion is a massive sword with a heavy double-edged blade, notched on both sides near the tip. The pommel is a split into several spikes. The grip is plain, but the guard is skeletal, with a skull-design on each side leading into a rib cage esque structure from which the blade emerges; on one side of the blade, the skull is that of a human gaped open screaming, while the other uses a horned demon skull with the horns coming out of the eyesockets.

2.Sparda, is the legendary blade that holds the lionshare of the great demon knight sparda withen. It is a powerful relic as its energy is so vast that it can be used for a myraid number of a reasons and is highly sought after for this power. Despite its demonic origen it is said Sparda can only be wilded by those who truly posses 'humanity'. Those that give up there humanity for power and lose themselves to the truest since of the word will never be able to use the sword to its full potential. Despite this truth the massive power this sword holds is tempting to the touch and if ones will is not strong enough find themselves consumed in the ectasy of its sheer power untell its taken out of there hands. Sparda is unique in that it is a devil arm sword that can take on several forms but revert back to sword form after use. Despite its immense power and versitile abilities dante rarely pics up the blade. Relying on his own power and namesake.(This is however represented only in sword skill.)
Effect 1: As a free action alter the form of sparda to another mode for the period of a round at that roudns end the weapon returns to sword form.
Effect 2: Devil Trigger - One who devil triggers using sparda will take on the powers of the demon knight himself. These are exclusive to the devil arm Sparda. This also gives access to the abiilty (Demonic Dragon Wave) which can only be used in a devil trigger state with sparda equipped.
Effect 3: Abilities in this form innately gain a +20 to hit bonus. Humans & Demonic entities not chosen to wield the blade must roll a willpower check for so long as it is in there keeping. Failed checks will result in a slow loss of sanity and a thirst for power.

Ebony & Ivory
Are a pair of semi automatic pistols made by .45 Artworks. They where made for dante under the Alias 'Tony Redgrave' and are more of a trade mark weapon than even rebellion.
On their grips are portraits of Victorian women; as befits their names, Ebony's is dark-haired, and Ivory's is fair-haired. Their are also engraved with a dedication to Dante:
For Tony Redgrave
By .45 Art Warks

3/4.Ebony & Ivory (Left Hand/Right Hand) Walther: P99
Augmentation Slots: 3
[Extended Magazine][MR Scope (+10)][Hammer Head]/[Armor Pierce]
Roll Bonus: +64, Damage:11497 x 1d3
DC:3827, Skill Required:25
Tuning: Damage 25% To hit: 50%

Double Dragon
Level/Material: 30/Duralloy
Augment Slots: 3/9
[+14 Will][+14 Spirit][+30 Reaction][Thrift 25%(7)]
Bonus: 29
Shifter Runeblade:
Form 1: Red Dragon: A crimson blade with a constant fiery aura, this form has a +10 to hit bonus
Form 2: Mazarine Dragon: A cyan blade with an slow flowing tranquil aura, this form +10 block bonus, During DT royal release is unsoakable with +1 cast level

Hi-Potion x15
Ether x7
Phionex Downs x5
Delta Etherx5
M-Potion x5

Mail of the Blade(Aetherium Mail)
Price: 492750 gil Crafting DC: 4728
Physical Soak Bonus: 5000 Magical Soak Bonus: 2500
Status : [+14 End] [+14 Will] [+20 Str]
Support: [Dark Barrier:50% ][Shadow Barrier:50%][Fire Barrier:50%][ HP+20%][MP+20%] Barrier negation is applied after soak

Name: Jasper Amulet of Holy Resistance
Price: 245700 gil
Crafting DC: 5840
Max Enchantment Level: 6
Natural Property:
Strength stat +40
Holy damage -75%
Last edited by Oceanblaze on August 22nd, 2023, 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 184
Joined: October 13th, 2008, 7:47 pm

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