Magic: Divine Arcana

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Magic: Divine Arcana


Post by Strato »

Divine Arcana

Often called Clerical Magic, the Divina Arcana school of magic deals with the passage of spirits and souls from life to the Lifestream, but unlike necromancy, the Divine Arts do not tamper with the souls themselves, only interact with them or store them away from the Lifestream from one reason or another. Only those with holy affinity are capable of using this magic, as those who wield it fear its power in the wrong hands.

Arcane Intuition
Cost: 10 SP
Required Skill Level: 1
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Gives the ability to recognize the discipline of a Divine Arcana spell.

Arcane Defense
Cost: 10 SP
Required Skill Level: 1
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Enables you to defend against magic by adding your skill bonus to your will roll.

Enchant Potion
Cost: 15 SP
Required Skill Level: 2
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: This allows you to improve the effects of a given potion with a positive effect. Any potion this is cast upon adds the mage's level's spell modifier to any HP-restoring potion, or half that to any MP-restoring potion. This does not affect percentage-based healing. Costs 300 MP.

Scribe Scroll
Cost: 15 SP
Required Skill Level: 2
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Gives you the ability to write a scroll that another person can use. To write a scroll, the roll is the mage's standard spell-learning level, and the DC is 20*spell level. The limit to how many you can write in a week is equal to the spell-learning limit. You cannot learn a spell via Scribe Scroll; it is treated as a one-use item.

Arcane Identification
Cost: 30 SP
Required Skill Level: 3, 'Arcane Intuition' Advanced Skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Recognize a spell cast in the Divine Arcana discipline.

Religious Caste
Cost: 60 SP
Required Skill Level: 4
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Enables a cleric to choose a specific diety. This far into their training, the diety may offer specific bonuses to their actions, a special effect, or a power. Clerics may also request the aid of their diety, although how this is provided is determined by the specific diety.

Soul Retention
Cost: 120 SP
Required Skill Level: 6
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: This allows a cleric to retain a soul, delaying the death of a person by 1 minute per level of the skill. This can buy time to get the person proper medical assistance.

Improved Healing
Cost: 160 SP
Required Skill Level: 7
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: Boost all healing modifiers by +500.

Obscure Casting
Cost: 200 SP
Required Skill Level: 8
Untrained: No.
Type; Action
Effect: Obscure a spellcast. It cannot be identified by anyone with a less arcane arts level than you. Obscured spells can not be countered, but cost triple MP.

Self Sacrifice
Cost: 275 SP
Required Skill Level: 9
Untrained: No.
Type: Ability
Effect: This allows a caster to sacrifice their max hp to cast spells in a pinch. The cost of any given spell is 4x (150 mp is 600 max hp), and this can only be done with spells up to level 3. Max HP is only restored through rest at an inn or on the Destiny's Ascension.

Master Magic
Cost: 400 SP
Required Skill Level: 10, 'Obscure Casting' Advanced Skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Your spells can not be countered or identified by anyone below mage level 10. Cost on mp is *5.

Soul Binding
Cost: 400 SP
Required Skill Level: 10, 'Soul Retention' Advanced Skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: This allows you to permanently bind a willing soul to an object, giving time to properly save its body. Unlike necromancy, a soul with this bind is capable of opting not to return to its body, not to accept the bind, or to cancel the bind at any time.
Last edited by Tony on April 30th, 2023, 4:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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