Customs: Physical Attacks

Information on how to create Custom Special Abilities for your character, whether it be magical or physical!
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Customs: Physical Attacks


Post by Strato »

Custom / Special Physical Techniques (Style Points)

This section will describe the brand new system for creating proprietary physical attacks or techniques. These may apply to any physical skill within reason -- not limited to in-combat activities -- and are typically left up to the mind of the creator, with Game Master reasonable restriction of course. This opens up a new world of originality and creativity for players and characters, and will allow for feats previously occupied by skills to be freed up.

The System

The system is based on what are called Style Points, which are determined by a character's Dexterity stat. However, these abilities are also supported by the skill that they are purchased under. That is, the strength of your ability depends on the level of skill that it is purchased at.

Skill Level 1
10 Style points
3 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 2
Max Damage Level 2, 20 MP to use

Skill Level 2
15 Style points
4 Attribute Points available Max Attribute Level 4
Max Damage Level 4, 80 MP to use

Skill Level 3
30 Style points
5 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 4
Max Damage Level 6, 180 MP to use

Skill Level 4
50 Style points
6 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 4
Max Damage Level 8, 320 MP to use

Skill Level 5
70 Style points
7 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 5
Max Damage Level 10, 500 MP to use

Skill Level 6
100 Style points
8 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 6
Max Damage Level 12, 720 MP to use

Skill Level 7
130 Style points
9 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 7
Max Damage Level 14, 980 MP to use

Skill Level 8
150 Style points
10 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 8
Max Damage Level 15, 1280 MP to use

Skill Level 9
175 Style points
12 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 9
Max Damage Level 15, 1620 MP to use

Skill Level 10
200 Style points
15 Attribute Points available, Max Attribute Level 10
Max Damage Level 15, 2000 MP to use

It is in this way that Abilities are similar to Advanced Skills: once you reach a certain skill level, you may make an Ability for that level or lower, pay a one-time Style Point cost, and the Ability is yours.

The system will revolve around a set of 5 different attributes. These attributes will be raised by Attribute Points listed above. For instance, if you buy a Level 5 Ability with 10 Style Points, you have 3 Attribute Points to divide between the four Attributes, with no one attribute higher than Level 2.


Accuracy: how much of a roll bonus the skill receives.

Level 1: +2
Level 2: +4
Level 3: +6
Level 4: +8
Level 5: +10
Level 6: +15
Level 7: +20
Level 8: +25

Combo: represents multiple hits.

Level 1: 1d2 hits
Level 2: 1d3 hits
Level 3: 1d4 hits
Level 4: 1d6 hits
Level 5: 1d8 hits
Level 6: 1d10 hits
Level 7: 1d12 hits
Level 8: 1d16 hits

Range: represents how many targets can be struck.

Level 1: 1 target
Level 2: 2 targets
Level 3: 3 targets
Level 4: 4 targets
Level 5: 5 targets
Level 6: 6 targets
Level 7: 7 targets
Level 8: 8 targets

Damage: the damage modification added.

Level 1: +100
Level 2: +200
Level 3: +300
Level 4: +400
Level 5: +600
Level 6: +800
Level 7: +1000
Level 8: +1200
Level 9: +1600
Level 10: +2000
Level 11: +2500
Level 12: +3000
Level 13: +3500
Level 14: +4000
Level 15: +5000

Effect: any special effects the ability may entail, including status effects or special circumstances.

Only the following statuses can be placed on an Ability, for 1d3 rounds unless specified:
  • Negative: Blind, Confuse, Disease, Freeze, Petrify, Poison, Reverse, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Transform, Zombie, Off Guard, Knockback/Wall Rush, Feeble, Fatigue, Sadness, Sprain, Burning, Melting, Soaked, Clod, Berserk, Infested, Shock, Bleeding
  • Positive: Cover, Counter, Defense, Offense, Fury, Regen, Endure, Provoke, En-element
See the Status Effects pages for definitions

Level 1 (2 Attribute Points): "Mild" Status
Level 2 (4 Attribute Points): "Moderate" Status
Level 3 (6 Attribute Points): "Acute" Status
Level 4 (8 Attribute Points): "Chronic" Status
Level 5 (10 Attribute Points): "Terminal" Status

It is also possible to apply exclusive Special Attributes to your abilities.
All status effects from customs last 1d3 rounds.

[ ] Restoratve
-- This ability restores HP instead of damaging it.
-- This does not affect attribute points.

[ ] Elemental
-- Costs 2 Attribute points.
-- If character possesses an Elemental Affinity, Abilities of that element do not cost Attribute Points.
-- Additional elements to one attack cost 1 attribute point apiece. You may not add opposing elements in this manner (wind/earth, fire/water, etc).

[ ] Limit Break Attack (Requires 'Limit Break' Feat)
-- Provides +2 attribute point bonus per Limit Break level (1, 2, 3, 4)

[ ] Trance Attack (Requires 'Trance' Feat)
-- Provides +2 attribute points

[ ] Dual Tech
-- Provides +1 attribute point bonus
-- Can be linked to magic
-- Requires a second character to take the exact same Ability and they both must be executed simultaneously. Assist bonus of secondary attacker is added to primary's attack roll.

[ ] Triple Tech
-- Provides +2 attribute point bonus
-- Can be linked to magic
-- Requires a second and third character to take the exact same Ability and they all must be executed simultaneously. Assist bonus of secondary & tertiary attackers are added to primary's attack roll.

[ ] Skill Chain
-- A perfect combo on this Ability leads to a Finishing Strike (only applies to multi hits of 1d3 or more). The finishing strike must be used on your next turn.
-- The Ability level of the Finishing Strike can not exceed +1 of this skill

[ ] Finishing Strike
-- Provides +2 attribute point bonus.
-- An Ability designed to be used with a Skill Chain Ability

[ ] Mystic Arte
-- Provides +1 attribute point bonus.
-- Can only be performed after a non-Ability 1d3 combo or greater. (Triple Strike, Rapid Strike, Flash Strike, etc.) The Mystic Arte can only be used on your next turn; if you take another action, you need to land another full combo as above to use Mystic Arte.

[ ] Dual Wield
-- This attack can be performed with two weapons acting in sync, giving 2dx instead of 1dx hits
-- This ability costs 3 attribute points.

[ ] Nonlethal
-- This attack can be performed without the risk of killing the target. It will not lower them to less than 1 HP.
-- This has no effect on attribute points.

[ ] Extended Charging Time
-- Ability requires 1 full round of charge time. (Round 1: Declare/Charge. Round 2: Use)
-- Grants 2 attribute point

[ ] Extreme Charging Time
-- Ability requires 2 full rounds of charge time. (Round 1: Declare/Charge, Round 2: Charge, Round 3: Use.)
-- Grants 3 attribute points


To properly write up a Special Ability, a template is provided here.

Cost: StP
Required Skill Level:
Attribute 1:
Attribute 2:
Attribute 3:


Things You Should Know

Some of the technicalities of the above system may not be quite obvious, so we're going to point out a few of them.

1) Without placing at least 1 Attribute Point into Targets, your ability automatically targets yourself. This is useful for characters who wish to use an ability as a self-buff or a self-heal.

2) Without placing at least 1 Attribute Point into Damage, your ability automatically will not deal or cure damage. It is considered an HP-ineffective ability. This is useful for characters who wish to create a status-inflicting ability.

3) The Special Effect Attribute can be purchased multiple times, each time starting with Level 1 of course. That is to say, that you can spend 6 Attribute Points on a Special Effect to reach Level 3, then use another 4 Attribute Points to reach Level 2 for a second lower-level effect.

4) Creative Intent: Beyond what is listed if something CAN be made into ability we will consider such if it is presented. Our decision on such and its assigned attribute cost is final.

5) If you have any questions, ASK.
Last edited by Strato on July 17th, 2023, 8:32 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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