New Character Sheet(NeXT)

The blank character sheet, a guide on it, and other information regarding the sheet itself will be kept here.
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New Character Sheet(NeXT)


Post by Strato »

This sheet can also be partially generated using the character sheet generator.

<<> Player Info <>>

{Just some basic information here like your name, your character's name, the time zone you play in, et cetera. Leave th approval field blank; a GM will fill in their name once the sheet has been approved.}

IRC Nick:
Real Name (Optional):
Character Name:
Character Race:
Time Zone: PST
Sheet Approved by:



Total Experience Points: 1000

{1000 XP is the XP of a starting character. These points can be spent on your statistics at your discretion.}

{When writing out your sheet, choose two statistics to serve as Primary Characteristics. Each stat offers additional bonuses when chosen as a Primary Characteristic. When you choose a statistic as a Primary Characteristic, please do so by placing a 'P' in the parentheses to the left of the statistic. Additionally, for every 50 points spent in a statistic, you may take one Milestone, granting additional, relevant bonuses.}

{For more information on Statistics, Primary Characteristics, and Milestones, please consult this thread.}

{Health is effectively the measure of how durable your character is. It primarily affects your HP and your soak values.}

( ) Health: [] | Bonus +
HP: (Health * 50) | Natural Soak: (Health) | Status Resistance: (See Milestones) | Endure %: (See Milestones)

{Awareness is effectively the measure of your awareness of the environment around you, and the accuracy of your attacks, physical and magical alike.}

( ) Awareness: [] | Bonus +
Base Attack Bonus: + | Perception Bonus: +

{Dexterity is the measure of how agile and elusive your character is, affecting primarily dodge/block rolls as well as style points.}

( ) Dexterity: [] | Bonus +
Full Dodge: | Flat-Foot Dodge: | Style Points: (Dexterity * 5)

{Strength is, obviously, the measure of how strong your character is, affecting carry weight and melee/bow damage/}

( ) Strength: [] | Bonus +
Base Physical Damage: (Strength * 2) | Inventory Size: (Strength / 10)

{Spirit is the measure of magical prowess and creativity, affecting magic damage & capacity, and the ability to craft.}

( ) Spirit: [] | Bonus: +
Base Magical Damage: (Spirit * 2) | Spell Points: (Spirit * 5) | MP: (Spirit * 10)

{Luck is the measure of how fortunate your character is.}
{Luck points each add 5 to a roll result.}
{Luck points must be used as you roll. Declare their use in the roll itself, such as [1s5+40 Athletics (5 luck points)]}
{You may not use more than 10 luck points on one roll result.}
{Luck points cannot affect a botch. If a botch is rolled, any luck points used in the roll are refunded.}
{If you choose Luck as a Primary Statistic, then once per mission, you may spend luck points in this manner after your roll. All other limitations still apply.}

( ) Luck: [] | Bonus: +
Luck Points: (Luck / 10) | Draw Chance: (See Milestones) | No-Sell Chance: (See Milestones)


(Used) / (Maximum) Skill Points

{Your skill points are equal to your current XP * 2.}

{Skill levels are measured from levels 1 to 10. The following are their costs.}

Level 1 - 25 SkP
Level 2 - 65 SkP
Level 3 - 130 SkP
Level 4 - 220 SkP
Level 5 - 335 SkP
Level 6 - 475 SkP
Level 7 - 640 SkP
Level 8 - 830 SkP
Level 9 - 1045 SkP
Level 10 - 1285 SkP

{Find more information about general and advanced skills here.}
{Find more information about combat skills here.}
{Find more information about magic skills here.}
{Find more information about artisan skills here.}

Movement Skills

Utility Skills

Combat Skills

Magic Skills

Artisan / Knowledge Skills

Field Training Skills


<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP

{Physical abilities are, specifically, customized attacks you may create for your character, within reason and within their skill limits. For more information on physical customs, click here.}

-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
Current Spell Points: (Used) / (Max) SpP

{Your character may start with up to ten levels' worth of spells on creation. Level 0 spells taken at creation are considered 0.5 levels' worth. You may also take custom spells, which are covered in greater detail here..}


<<> Traits and Feats <>>

-= Traits =-

{For more information on traits, click here. You will start out with 18 points to spend on traits.}

-= Character Classes =-

{Your character may choose 3 classes, to further specific abilities and skills your character is centered around. For more information on classes and class feats, click here.}


-= Feats =-

{Feats are designed to be extraordinary deeds a character can perform. You may choose a feat for a slot once that character has reached the prerequisite XP for that slot. For more information on feats, click here.}

(* denotes feats taken at character creation.)

*Feat 1(200XP) -
*Feat 2(400XP) -
*Feat 3(600XP) -
*Feat 4(800XP) -
*Feat 5(1000XP) -
Feat 6(1200XP) -
Feat 7(1400XP) -
Feat 8(1600XP) -
Feat 9(1800XP) -
Feat 10(2000XP) -
Feat 11(2200XP) -
Feat 12(2400XP) -
Feat 13(2600XP) -
Feat 14(2800XP) -
Feat 15(3000XP) -
Feat 16(3200XP) -
Feat 17(3400XP) -
Feat 18(3600XP) -
Feat 19(3800XP) -
Feat 20(4000XP) -


<<> Equipment Slots <>>

Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:

{All characters start with a stipend of 60,000 gil, and over time may earn money through crafting, monthly stipends, and other means.}

Zollar: 0
Gil: 60000
Crowns: 0

<<> Inventory <>>

{Here, you will list off the items in your character's inventory. You may start with Denzium-level equipment, or in the case of firearms, the first CFC(Carbon Fiber Ceramic) weapon on the list.}


<<> Character Description <>>

{Here, feel free to tell us more about your character and their appearance/background/et cetera.}

Weight: (optional)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Notable Features:

<<> Character Personality <>>

Favorite Food:
Favorite Color:

<<>Character Background<>>


<<> Special Notes <>>

Last edited by Strato on August 12th, 2024, 1:49 am, edited 11 times in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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