Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadow the Hedgehog
<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick:
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone:
<<> Character Info <>>
Name: Shadow
Race: Hedgehog (Genetically Engineered)
Sheet Approved by: (leave blank)
<<> Traits and Feats <>>
-= Traits =-
Points: 0/18
1) Fighter
Description: Fighters are very basic combatants at their cores; they do battle in rain, sleet, snow, wind, or sand, and can be turned to for direct problem solving. Their athletic training and brawn allows them to surpass obstacles in their path -- including other people, through sheer presence or violence.
Effect: +5 to [Weapon Proficiency: Swords], +5 to Athletics, +3 to Acrobatics, Reaction
2) Class - Rogue
Associated Statistic:
Description: "Rogue" is another polite term for "thief," or a euphemism for other generally frowned-upon trades. Rogues are crafty, clever, and talented infiltration experts, and are generally motivated by personal gain.
Effect: +3 to Weapon Proficiency: Daggers/Knives OR Swords OR Pistols OR Sub-Machine Guns OR Bows/Crossbows, +3 Sneak Attack, +3 to Stealth, Subterfuge, Acrobatics, Search
3) Class - Athlete
Associated Statistic:
Description: At the peak of physical development, athletes are among the strongest, fastest, or hardiest of their peers. Often involved in competitions, athletes can be either quiet professionals or boisterous superstars.
Effect: +5 Athletics, Acrobatics, +3 to Reaction, Swimming
-= Feats =- (* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
(* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
*Feat 1(200XP) - Can't Touch This
Associated Class: Athlete
Description: Even in the heat of the moment or unusually tight, enclosed spaces, the athlete is able to use his/her physical training to its utmost, becoming more agile and fleet enough of foot to avoid damage in unusual and creative ways.
Effect: Allows an Athlete to substitute Athletics or Acrobatics to perform a dodge check, even when otherwise inapplicable (a tight hallway, from a standing start). Some areas may still not be applicable.
*Feat 2(400XP) - Improved Combo
Associated Class: Fighter
Description: Fighters know how to squeeze the most out of a single attack action, and can land one extra regular hit when performing a regular attack.
Effect: Fighters engaging with weapons that support combo strikes may add a +1 to their number of possible hits(1d2 becomes 1d3, etc). This does not apply to dual wielding.
*Feat 3(600XP) - Rouge - Semper Peratis - Trickster
Air Trick
Associated Class: Trickster
Description: By utilizing any sort of visual distraction, whether it's a flash, smoke, a shimmer of light, a teleportation-like effect, or simply a 'what's that!?', this character can deceive others at a crucial moment to execute their own attack flawlessly.
Effect: Allows a character to counterattack ranged attacks by disappearing and reappearing above the target if the character's dodge beats the roll by 25.
*Feat 4(800XP) - Flying - Jet boots
*Feat 5(1000XP) - Mysterious Power: Chaos Control: With the use of a chaos emerald shadow is able to control the flow. While he himself is not a being of time this lets him use abilities from the Time Affinity list by expending MP. The more mp spent the more abilities shadow can use. To do this shadow requires a chaos emerald.
Chaos moves give shadow 5 additional attribute points to use, these moves cannot be used without the power of a chaos emerald or chaos emerald-like device.
Feat 6(1200XP) -
Feat 7(1400XP) -
Feat 8(1600XP) -
Feat 9(1800XP) -
Feat 10(2000XP) -
Feat 11(2200XP) -
Feat 12(2400XP) -
Feat 13(2600XP) -
Feat 14(2800XP) -
Feat 15(3000XP) -
Feat 16(3200XP) -
Feat 17(3400XP) -
Feat 18(3600XP) -
Feat 19(3800XP) -
Feat 20(4000XP) -
Experience Total: 1000
Total: 1000/1000, 0 free
( ) Health: [100]+0 | Bonus: +10
HP: 5000 ((health * 50) + Milestones) | Armor: 100(base) (health + Milestones) | Physical Soak: 100 (health + Milestones + traits)
Magical Soak: 100 (health + Milestones + traits) | Status Resistance: 0% (See Milestones) | Death Threshold: +0 (Milestones)
Endure: 0% (Milestones) | Survival Result Bonus: +0 (Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
(PC) Awareness: [200]+0 | Bonus: +20
Initiative: 1d200 1d200 | Base Attack Bonus: +20 | Perception Bonus: +20
Melee: +10 (See Milestones) | Ranged: +0 (See Milestones) | Magic: +10 (See Milestones)
True Sight: 0 (See Milestones) | Combat Reflexes: 0 (See Milestones) | Sneak Attack Negation: 0 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Melee: +10 -> +5 awareness bonus on melee attacks
Improved Magic: +10 -> +5 awareness bonus on magic attacks
(50, 150 exp) Improved Melee: +5 (x2)
(100, 200 exp) Improved Magic: +5 (x2)
(PC) Dexterity: [300]+0 | Bonus: +30
Full Dodge: 50 (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Flat-foot Dodge: 40 (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Block Bonus: +0 (See Milestones)
Dodge Bonus: +20 (See Milestones) | Agility Bonus: +0 (See Milestones) | Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +10 (See Milestones)
Style Points: 1500 (dexterity * 5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Dodge: +20 -> +5 Dexterity bonus when dodging an attack
Improved Reaction: +10 -> +5 Dexterity Bonus when performing Flat Foot or Reaction-based dodges
(50, 100, 250, 300 exp) Improved Dodge: +5 (x4)
(150, 200 exp) Improved Reaction: +5 (x2)
( ) Strength: [150]+0 | Bonus: +15
Base Physical Damage: 600 ((strength + strength_temp) * 2) + Milestones | Inventory Size: 15 (strength / 10) + Milestones | Momentum: 0 (See Milestones)
Item Effect: 0 (See Milestones) | Pierce: 0 (See Milestones) | Brace: 0 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Physical Damage: +300 -> +100 damage
(50, 100, 150 exp) Improved Physical Damage: +100 (x3)
( ) Spirit: [100]+0 | Bonus: +10
Base Magical Damage: 450 (100 * 2) + 250 | Spell Points: 500 (spirit * 5) + Milestones | MP: 1200 (spirit * 10) + Milestones
Magic Defense: +0 (See Milestones) | Item Defense: +0 (See Milestones) | Crafting: +0 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Damage: +250 -> +250 magic damage
Improved MP: +200 -> +200 Max MP
(50 exp) Improved Magic Damage: +250 (x1)
(100 exp) Improved MP: +200 (x1)
( ) Luck: [150]+0 | Bonus: +15
Luck Points: 18 | Critical Damage: +0 (See Milestones) | Luck roll result: +0 (See Milestones)
Draw chance: +0% (See Milestones) | Critical Defense: 0 (See Milestones) | Draw defense: +0% (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Luck Points: +3 -> +1 Luck Point
(50, 100, 150 exp) Improved Luck Points: +1 (x3)
1990 (Used) / 2000 (Maximum) / 10 (Free) (Skill Points (Max XP*2))
0: Untrained | 1: Hobbyist | 2: Novice/Beginner | 3: Dedicated Student | 4: Educated/Trained | 5: Professional | 6: Advanced | 7: Specialist | 8: Expert | 9: Adept/Prodigy | 10: Master
Bonuses: Dexterity: +30, Full Dodge: +50, Flat-foot Dodge: +40, Agility Bonus: +0 | Strength: +15, Momentum: +0
General - Athletics 475 = Level 6
Name: Wall Running
Name: Dodge Leap
General - Acrobatics 220 = Level 4
Name: Leaping Strike
Name: Tumble
Name: Dodge Roll
Bonuses: Health: +10 | Awareness: +20, Perception Bonus: +20, True Sight: +0
General - Concentration 65 = Level 2
Name: Spiritual Ward
General - Perception 65 = Level 2
General - Computer Use 65 = Level 2
General - Search 65 = Level 2
Bonuses: Awareness: +20, Base Attack Bonus: +20, Melee: +10, Ranged: +0, Combat Reflexes: +0, Sneak Attack Negation: +0 | Dexterity: +30, Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +10
Weapon Proficiency - Martial Arts 220 = Level 4
Name: Dual Strike
Name: Triple Strike
Name: Rapid Strike
Name: Chi Arts
Name: Chi Bolt
Bonuses: Spirit: +10, Magic Defense: +0 | Awareness: +20, Magic: +10
Magic - Arcana 65 = Level 2
Name: Arcane Defense
Bonuses: Spirit: +10, Crafting: +0
Field Training
Bonuses: Awareness: +20, Perception Bonus: +20, True Sight: +0
General - Vehicle Operation: Light 220 = Level 4
<<> Abilities <>>
-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP
-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
Current Spell Points: 280 (Used) / 220 (Free) / 500 (Max) SpP
Sorceror's Arcana
Level 0:
Resistance (5 mp, 5 SpP): Allows up to (Mage Level) targets to roll one step higher on Magic Defense checks for a single round. Each additional target raises the MP Cost of this spell to that corresponding level (i.e.: a single target costs Level 0 MP, two targets cost Level 1 MP, 5 targets cost Level 6 MP).
Detect Magic (5 mp, 5 SpP): Detects magical auras within one Area for (Mage Level) actions; this spell allows closer inspection the more time is dedicated to it. First, the presence of an aura; then how many and how strong each is; then, further inspection can allow checks to further determine the specifics of the aura. Overly powerful auras may mask weaker ones, and magic-rich areas may distort the effect.
Spark (5 mp, 5 SpP): Allows the caster to ignite flammable objects. This function grows more powerful as a character's mage level increases; the Level 0 version is equivalent to using flint and steel, so as the character progresses, its Mage Level determines how potent its Spark is. A master mage may be able to ignite rocket fuel inside an engine.
Level 1:
Air Bubble (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to create a small pocket of breathable air that surrounds a target's head or a target object. The air bubble allows the target to breathe underwater or in similar airless environments, or protects an object from water damage. This will allow a target to breathe in a vaccuum, but will not prevent the other effects from exposure to vaccuum. This will not stop a directed gas or vapor-like attack (a chemical thrower, for example) but will permit a target to ignore or decrease the effects of environmental hazards (choking gas clouds, et cetera) at GM discretion. The Air Bubble is considered self-sustaining for 1d5 rounds.
Alarm (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows a caster to create a subtle ward on a selected Area. Once the spell effect is in place, it thereafter sounds a mental or audible alarm each time a creature enters the warded area or touches it. A creature that speaks the password (determined at the time of casting) does not set off the alarm. The caster decides at the time of casting whether the alarm will be mental or audible in nature. Mental Alarm: A mental alarm alerts you (and only you) so long as you remain within a reasonable distance of the warded area. The caster notes a single mental "ping" that can awaken the caster from normal sleep but does not otherwise disturb concentration. Audible Alarm: An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell. The sound lasts for 1 round.
Alter Winds (10 mp, 10 SpP): The character is able to minorly shift and adjust existing wind currents within (+1 per 2 Mage Levels) Areas. The wind can be increased or decreased, its direction can be subtly changed, and other similar adjustments, but it cannot be completely banished or created.
Cause Fear (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell grants a bonus of +2 per mage level(+20 at L10) to a Speechcraft check for the purposes of intimidation. Requisite MP is spent for this spell each time it is used.
Comprehend Languages (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables the caster to understand or read some unknown languages, not speak or write it. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magic. It does not decipher codes or reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text.
Detect Secret Doors (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to detect secret doors, compartments, caches, and so forth. Only passages, doors, or openings that have been specifically constructed to escape detection are detected by this spell. This can be used to allow Search checks to roll one step higher. This spell can penetrate small barriers, and the effect lasts for 5 checks.
Endure Elements (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to target (Mage Level) creatures, permitting them to endure reasonable environmental discomforts. These can include hot or cold temperatures, increasing in severity as the caster's Mage Level goes up. A target's equipment is likewise protected. Endure elements doesn't provide any protection from elemental damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.
Expeditious Excavation (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to excavate and move earth, dust, and sand. If the caster is buried, it may open a cube around itself, but the spell cannot be used for tunneling. Besides its mundane applications, the caster can open a pit at a creature's feet, forcing it to pass a Reaction check or suffer the "Off Guard" status at +1 Severity level per 2 Mage Levels (Mild at Level 1, Chronic at Level 7).
Expeditious Retreat (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows multiple targets, up to Mage Level, to roll one step higher while performing Athletics checks for 5 checks.
Feather Fall (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to select (Mage Level) targets; these targets fall more slowly, preventing them from taking damage when they land. This does not grnt the subjects the ability to fly, nor overly guide their descent. When the spell fades, a normal rate of falling resumes. This spell works only upon free-falling objects. It does not affect a sword blow or a charging or flying creature.
Jump (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to grant a single target a (+2 per Mage Level) bonus to Acrobatics checks for 1d5 checks.
Mage Armor (10 mp, 10 SpP): An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of this spell. This adds the caster's Spell Damage to that target's physical and magical armor soaks for 1d5 rounds.
Magic Missile (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell creates a cluster of magical projectiles that barrage a single target. Creates 2 (+1 every 2 Mage Levels) (7 at Level 10) missiles that deal +200 spell damage apiece; however, when damage is entered, it counts as 1 hit for soak purposes).
Reinforce Armaments (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows a caster to reinforce a weapon or armor piece temporarily. If this is cast on a character's weapon, that weapon will behave the same as its original iteration, but deals the damage of a weapon up to (Mage Level) slots larger than it is of the same material; that is, a 3-slot Short Sword boosted by a Level 3 caster may deal the damage of a 5-slot Sword of the same material. This does not affect roll bonus. If this spell is cast on a character's armor, that armor's physical and magical damage soak values are raised by half (a 100-soak armor would enhance to 150). This effect lasts for 1d5 rounds.
Unerring Weapon (10 mp, 10 SpP): When targeted by this spell, a character benefits from an enhanced critical attack range. For 1d5 rounds, the target's critical hit range expands by (+2% per Mage Level).
Vanish (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to make a single target invisible to the normal perceptable light spectrum. If the target is carrying gear or equipment, it becomes invisible as well. This spell functions against allies as well as enemies. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Of course, the subject is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as swimming in water or stepping in a puddle). The character is still visible using other forms of perception on different spectra of light (ultraviolet, infrared, sonic, et cetera). If a check is required, a stationary invisible creature has a +40 bonus on its Stealth checks. This bonus is reduced to +20 if the creature is moving. The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character's perceptions. Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks directly, however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its gear. This effect will fade within 1d5 rounds.
Level 2:
Bullet Shield (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell allows a caster to use his/her magic defense roll as a shield against projectile weapons. This spell is cast on a single target and lasts for (Mage Level) rounds, and each time a projectile attack is used on the affected target, the caster's magic defense roll is used, then the target character's dodge may be used after.
Cat's Grace (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character grants a bonus of +20 Dexterity/Mage Level to a character for movement and dodging purposes (+200 at Level 10).
Darkvision (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell allows a single target to see in total darkness. This spell negates low-light/no-light penalties and negates +1 Severity/2 Mage Levels (Terminal at Level 10) "Blind" status effects when cast. Lasts for (Mage Level) rounds.
Glide (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell allows a character and (Mage Level * 2) Allies to not take fall damage, and even move around while falling (not self-propelled flight) at 2x Running Speed as if hang-gliding. Each cast of this spell lasts for 5 rounds.
Spider Climb (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell allows a character to walk and climb on parallel surfaces and remain upside down on surfaces for a short time. This effect does not add to Climbing checks, and lasts for (Mage Level) rounds per cast.
Tactical Acumen (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell grants a target great insight on the tactical and strategic movements of enemies for a short time; patterns become more obvious and gut feelings feel stronger. Grants a bonus of (+2 * Mage Level) (+20 at Level 10) to stealth-based movements and Sneak Attacks/ambushes, as well as macro-level strategerie.
Twisted Space (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell warps and distorts time-space around a single target that makes its attacks strike different areas than intended. For (Mage Level) rounds, the target's actions are randomly targetted (1d(number of possible targets)), including allies, AFTER they are declared.
<<> Equipment Slots <>>
Note: Dual-Wielded items occupy 1 Equipment Slot (not Inventory Slot).
Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Gil: 35000
<<> Inventory <>>
Inhibitor Ring: Reduces the cost of any magical based ability by by 20%, reduce potential damage by 10%
While worn shadow gains a round of 'charge', each counting for +100, or a +2 to a bonus. This charge stops at a total of 10 rounds.
If the rings are released shadow gains that bonus for the duration of the battle at which point the charge must be built up again.
<<> Character Description <>>
Age: 50ish
Height: 3 Ft 3 In
Weight: 33 lbs (optional)
Appearance: He stands around three feet tall, yet his stance radiates confidence and power. His sleek, jet-black fur is marked by striking red streaks running along his quills, arms, and legs, giving him a fierce, almost fiery aura. His sharp quills curve back, setting him apart with a fierce silhouette, and a tuft of white fur rests proudly on his chest, contrasting against the dark.
Eye Color: Crimson
Hair Color: Black / Red / White
Notable Features:
<<> Character Personality <>>
Favorite Food: Hot Chocolate
Likes: Exploring Solitary Locations
Dislikes: Being Manipulated
Favorite Color:
<<>Character Background<>>
Shadow the Hedgehog's backstory is one of tragedy, resilience, and identity. Created over 50 years ago by Dr. Gerald Robotnik on the Space Colony ARK, Shadow was designed as the "Ultimate Lifeform" to cure diseases and bring hope. His DNA includes alien elements from Black Doom, a leader of the Black Arms alien race, which enhances his powers. Shadow developed a strong bond with Gerald’s granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, whose death during a raid on the ARK led him to vow to protect humanity. Though initially driven by vengeance, Maria's memory inspires Shadow to pursue a path of justice, even as he grapples with his own dark origins.
<<> Special Notes <>>
IRC Nick:
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone:
<<> Character Info <>>
Name: Shadow
Race: Hedgehog (Genetically Engineered)
Sheet Approved by: (leave blank)
<<> Traits and Feats <>>
-= Traits =-
Points: 0/18
- Nimble Faller (2 pts) - When this character suffers the "Knockdown/Wall Rush" status effect, reduce the damage inflicted by 25%.
- Ferocity (3 pts) - This character is considered to be consistently under Mild "Endure" status. The character is able to survive one one-hit/area attack that would normally render him/her unconscious (below 0 HP, above Death Threshold) with 1 HP.
- Born Alone (3 pts) - When this character reduces a target below 0 HP, character gains the HP from the felling blow back as restored HP.
- Resilient Brute (4 pts) - When this character uses "Brace" to defend against a melee attack, this character may use "Counterstrike" advanced skills as if the attack had been blocked.
- Improved Sense (3 pts) - Your senses are more advanced than other races or beings, and give you a +25 to Perception checks using that sense.
Enhanced Sight - Status Effect Resistance (3 pts) - Occurrence rate of [Blind], [Confuse], [Disease], [Poison], [Silence], [Bleeding], and [Shock] up to Acute reduced by 10%, and Duration of any such status reduced by 1.
- Bioluminescence (-2 pts) - This character, or a portion of it (eyes, hair, etc.) emits a glow that is only visible in the darkness. That makes it easier to pick them out in otherwise difficult situations. This character rolls a step down on stealth roles in this situation. But hey, they are a great source of light!
- Hunted (-2 pts) - Someone or something is tracking your character, and they want to find you. It may be that you are wanted, angered the wrong person, or they want to give you something, but your pursuers are closing. Any GM, at any point in time can call for a luck role with a player and initiate combat vs. an monster, being or entity.
- Dirty Reputation (-2 pts) - Your character is well known to be devious and double dealing. While this may or may not mean evil, it does mean your word can not be trusted at times, which makes you the bane of law enforcement. Your questionable morality also gives you a +10 to intimidation, while accepting a -10 to diplomacy.
- Tiny 1 (2 pts) - Your character is smaller than the average person, and as such is a harder target to hit. You gain a +15% to dodge and a +5 to diplomacy checks (you look harmless), but your muscles deal 15% less the damage of a normal person.
- Unusual Eyes (-1.5 pts) - Your eyes give you away. Something about your eyes is inhuman, they may be cat, demonic, fae, cetran, or other, but your eyes will give away your nature to anyone who looks at you close enough. Players must actively note this in conversation or interaction with a character.
- Astral Beacon (-2 pts) - This character's spiritual presence, even if not manifested as magical power, makes it very apparent to magical, spiritual, psionic, astral, etc. detection. this character rolls a step lower on Stealth checks if another creature or object is using spiritual means of detecting this character.
- Quick Reactions (2 pts) - This character benefits from a +10 bonus when rolling flat-footed or against Reaction checks.
- Black Cat (2 pts) - Once per encounter, this character may expend 5 Luck Points and force an attacker to re-roll its attack. This must be declared before the character makes its defense roll, and the attacking target must use the second result.
- Burst Speed (2 pts) - Once per half hour, the character can double his running speed for one round. This is accompanied by an Endurance check vs one's own Dexterity, failure resulting in exhaustion (one round spent recovering)
- Striking (-1.5 pts) - This character has some kind of natural attribute, whether it's skin color, hair color, eye color, etc., that makes it very easy to pick out in a crowd. If this character is recognized by a group, it will be easier to recognize and memories don't fade easily.
- Mistaken Identity (1 pts) - Your character is confused commonly with someone famous or infamous. This can be both a boon and a burden depending on the circumstances.
- Famous/Infamous (2 pts) - Your characters reputation proceeds you. People in distant lands will have heard of your deeds and may react accordingly.
- Intelligence Network (0 pts) - You have access to a network of resources which can obtain information in the right circuits. The broader the scope of the network, the broader the information, but the more general it becomes. Use of the network is an IC action and must be roleplayed. This trait has no function if the network can not be reached.
Gun via Rouge the Bat
1) Fighter
Description: Fighters are very basic combatants at their cores; they do battle in rain, sleet, snow, wind, or sand, and can be turned to for direct problem solving. Their athletic training and brawn allows them to surpass obstacles in their path -- including other people, through sheer presence or violence.
Effect: +5 to [Weapon Proficiency: Swords], +5 to Athletics, +3 to Acrobatics, Reaction
2) Class - Rogue
Associated Statistic:
Description: "Rogue" is another polite term for "thief," or a euphemism for other generally frowned-upon trades. Rogues are crafty, clever, and talented infiltration experts, and are generally motivated by personal gain.
Effect: +3 to Weapon Proficiency: Daggers/Knives OR Swords OR Pistols OR Sub-Machine Guns OR Bows/Crossbows, +3 Sneak Attack, +3 to Stealth, Subterfuge, Acrobatics, Search
3) Class - Athlete
Associated Statistic:
Description: At the peak of physical development, athletes are among the strongest, fastest, or hardiest of their peers. Often involved in competitions, athletes can be either quiet professionals or boisterous superstars.
Effect: +5 Athletics, Acrobatics, +3 to Reaction, Swimming
-= Feats =- (* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
(* denotes feats taken at character creation.)
*Feat 1(200XP) - Can't Touch This
Associated Class: Athlete
Description: Even in the heat of the moment or unusually tight, enclosed spaces, the athlete is able to use his/her physical training to its utmost, becoming more agile and fleet enough of foot to avoid damage in unusual and creative ways.
Effect: Allows an Athlete to substitute Athletics or Acrobatics to perform a dodge check, even when otherwise inapplicable (a tight hallway, from a standing start). Some areas may still not be applicable.
*Feat 2(400XP) - Improved Combo
Associated Class: Fighter
Description: Fighters know how to squeeze the most out of a single attack action, and can land one extra regular hit when performing a regular attack.
Effect: Fighters engaging with weapons that support combo strikes may add a +1 to their number of possible hits(1d2 becomes 1d3, etc). This does not apply to dual wielding.
*Feat 3(600XP) - Rouge - Semper Peratis - Trickster
Air Trick
Associated Class: Trickster
Description: By utilizing any sort of visual distraction, whether it's a flash, smoke, a shimmer of light, a teleportation-like effect, or simply a 'what's that!?', this character can deceive others at a crucial moment to execute their own attack flawlessly.
Effect: Allows a character to counterattack ranged attacks by disappearing and reappearing above the target if the character's dodge beats the roll by 25.
*Feat 4(800XP) - Flying - Jet boots
*Feat 5(1000XP) - Mysterious Power: Chaos Control: With the use of a chaos emerald shadow is able to control the flow. While he himself is not a being of time this lets him use abilities from the Time Affinity list by expending MP. The more mp spent the more abilities shadow can use. To do this shadow requires a chaos emerald.
Chaos moves give shadow 5 additional attribute points to use, these moves cannot be used without the power of a chaos emerald or chaos emerald-like device.
Feat 6(1200XP) -
Feat 7(1400XP) -
Feat 8(1600XP) -
Feat 9(1800XP) -
Feat 10(2000XP) -
Feat 11(2200XP) -
Feat 12(2400XP) -
Feat 13(2600XP) -
Feat 14(2800XP) -
Feat 15(3000XP) -
Feat 16(3200XP) -
Feat 17(3400XP) -
Feat 18(3600XP) -
Feat 19(3800XP) -
Feat 20(4000XP) -
Experience Total: 1000
Total: 1000/1000, 0 free
( ) Health: [100]+0 | Bonus: +10
HP: 5000 ((health * 50) + Milestones) | Armor: 100(base) (health + Milestones) | Physical Soak: 100 (health + Milestones + traits)
Magical Soak: 100 (health + Milestones + traits) | Status Resistance: 0% (See Milestones) | Death Threshold: +0 (Milestones)
Endure: 0% (Milestones) | Survival Result Bonus: +0 (Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
(PC) Awareness: [200]+0 | Bonus: +20
Initiative: 1d200 1d200 | Base Attack Bonus: +20 | Perception Bonus: +20
Melee: +10 (See Milestones) | Ranged: +0 (See Milestones) | Magic: +10 (See Milestones)
True Sight: 0 (See Milestones) | Combat Reflexes: 0 (See Milestones) | Sneak Attack Negation: 0 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Melee: +10 -> +5 awareness bonus on melee attacks
Improved Magic: +10 -> +5 awareness bonus on magic attacks
(50, 150 exp) Improved Melee: +5 (x2)
(100, 200 exp) Improved Magic: +5 (x2)
(PC) Dexterity: [300]+0 | Bonus: +30
Full Dodge: 50 (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Flat-foot Dodge: 40 (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Block Bonus: +0 (See Milestones)
Dodge Bonus: +20 (See Milestones) | Agility Bonus: +0 (See Milestones) | Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +10 (See Milestones)
Style Points: 1500 (dexterity * 5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Dodge: +20 -> +5 Dexterity bonus when dodging an attack
Improved Reaction: +10 -> +5 Dexterity Bonus when performing Flat Foot or Reaction-based dodges
(50, 100, 250, 300 exp) Improved Dodge: +5 (x4)
(150, 200 exp) Improved Reaction: +5 (x2)
( ) Strength: [150]+0 | Bonus: +15
Base Physical Damage: 600 ((strength + strength_temp) * 2) + Milestones | Inventory Size: 15 (strength / 10) + Milestones | Momentum: 0 (See Milestones)
Item Effect: 0 (See Milestones) | Pierce: 0 (See Milestones) | Brace: 0 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Physical Damage: +300 -> +100 damage
(50, 100, 150 exp) Improved Physical Damage: +100 (x3)
( ) Spirit: [100]+0 | Bonus: +10
Base Magical Damage: 450 (100 * 2) + 250 | Spell Points: 500 (spirit * 5) + Milestones | MP: 1200 (spirit * 10) + Milestones
Magic Defense: +0 (See Milestones) | Item Defense: +0 (See Milestones) | Crafting: +0 (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Damage: +250 -> +250 magic damage
Improved MP: +200 -> +200 Max MP
(50 exp) Improved Magic Damage: +250 (x1)
(100 exp) Improved MP: +200 (x1)
( ) Luck: [150]+0 | Bonus: +15
Luck Points: 18 | Critical Damage: +0 (See Milestones) | Luck roll result: +0 (See Milestones)
Draw chance: +0% (See Milestones) | Critical Defense: 0 (See Milestones) | Draw defense: +0% (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Luck Points: +3 -> +1 Luck Point
(50, 100, 150 exp) Improved Luck Points: +1 (x3)
1990 (Used) / 2000 (Maximum) / 10 (Free) (Skill Points (Max XP*2))
0: Untrained | 1: Hobbyist | 2: Novice/Beginner | 3: Dedicated Student | 4: Educated/Trained | 5: Professional | 6: Advanced | 7: Specialist | 8: Expert | 9: Adept/Prodigy | 10: Master
Bonuses: Dexterity: +30, Full Dodge: +50, Flat-foot Dodge: +40, Agility Bonus: +0 | Strength: +15, Momentum: +0
General - Athletics 475 = Level 6
Name: Wall Running
Name: Dodge Leap
General - Acrobatics 220 = Level 4
Name: Leaping Strike
Name: Tumble
Name: Dodge Roll
Bonuses: Health: +10 | Awareness: +20, Perception Bonus: +20, True Sight: +0
General - Concentration 65 = Level 2
Name: Spiritual Ward
General - Perception 65 = Level 2
General - Computer Use 65 = Level 2
General - Search 65 = Level 2
Bonuses: Awareness: +20, Base Attack Bonus: +20, Melee: +10, Ranged: +0, Combat Reflexes: +0, Sneak Attack Negation: +0 | Dexterity: +30, Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +10
Weapon Proficiency - Martial Arts 220 = Level 4
Name: Dual Strike
Name: Triple Strike
Name: Rapid Strike
Name: Chi Arts
Name: Chi Bolt
Bonuses: Spirit: +10, Magic Defense: +0 | Awareness: +20, Magic: +10
Magic - Arcana 65 = Level 2
Name: Arcane Defense
Bonuses: Spirit: +10, Crafting: +0
Field Training
Bonuses: Awareness: +20, Perception Bonus: +20, True Sight: +0
General - Vehicle Operation: Light 220 = Level 4
<<> Abilities <>>
-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP
-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
Current Spell Points: 280 (Used) / 220 (Free) / 500 (Max) SpP
Sorceror's Arcana
Level 0:
Resistance (5 mp, 5 SpP): Allows up to (Mage Level) targets to roll one step higher on Magic Defense checks for a single round. Each additional target raises the MP Cost of this spell to that corresponding level (i.e.: a single target costs Level 0 MP, two targets cost Level 1 MP, 5 targets cost Level 6 MP).
Detect Magic (5 mp, 5 SpP): Detects magical auras within one Area for (Mage Level) actions; this spell allows closer inspection the more time is dedicated to it. First, the presence of an aura; then how many and how strong each is; then, further inspection can allow checks to further determine the specifics of the aura. Overly powerful auras may mask weaker ones, and magic-rich areas may distort the effect.
Spark (5 mp, 5 SpP): Allows the caster to ignite flammable objects. This function grows more powerful as a character's mage level increases; the Level 0 version is equivalent to using flint and steel, so as the character progresses, its Mage Level determines how potent its Spark is. A master mage may be able to ignite rocket fuel inside an engine.
Level 1:
Air Bubble (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to create a small pocket of breathable air that surrounds a target's head or a target object. The air bubble allows the target to breathe underwater or in similar airless environments, or protects an object from water damage. This will allow a target to breathe in a vaccuum, but will not prevent the other effects from exposure to vaccuum. This will not stop a directed gas or vapor-like attack (a chemical thrower, for example) but will permit a target to ignore or decrease the effects of environmental hazards (choking gas clouds, et cetera) at GM discretion. The Air Bubble is considered self-sustaining for 1d5 rounds.
Alarm (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows a caster to create a subtle ward on a selected Area. Once the spell effect is in place, it thereafter sounds a mental or audible alarm each time a creature enters the warded area or touches it. A creature that speaks the password (determined at the time of casting) does not set off the alarm. The caster decides at the time of casting whether the alarm will be mental or audible in nature. Mental Alarm: A mental alarm alerts you (and only you) so long as you remain within a reasonable distance of the warded area. The caster notes a single mental "ping" that can awaken the caster from normal sleep but does not otherwise disturb concentration. Audible Alarm: An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell. The sound lasts for 1 round.
Alter Winds (10 mp, 10 SpP): The character is able to minorly shift and adjust existing wind currents within (+1 per 2 Mage Levels) Areas. The wind can be increased or decreased, its direction can be subtly changed, and other similar adjustments, but it cannot be completely banished or created.
Cause Fear (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell grants a bonus of +2 per mage level(+20 at L10) to a Speechcraft check for the purposes of intimidation. Requisite MP is spent for this spell each time it is used.
Comprehend Languages (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables the caster to understand or read some unknown languages, not speak or write it. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magic. It does not decipher codes or reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text.
Detect Secret Doors (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to detect secret doors, compartments, caches, and so forth. Only passages, doors, or openings that have been specifically constructed to escape detection are detected by this spell. This can be used to allow Search checks to roll one step higher. This spell can penetrate small barriers, and the effect lasts for 5 checks.
Endure Elements (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to target (Mage Level) creatures, permitting them to endure reasonable environmental discomforts. These can include hot or cold temperatures, increasing in severity as the caster's Mage Level goes up. A target's equipment is likewise protected. Endure elements doesn't provide any protection from elemental damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.
Expeditious Excavation (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to excavate and move earth, dust, and sand. If the caster is buried, it may open a cube around itself, but the spell cannot be used for tunneling. Besides its mundane applications, the caster can open a pit at a creature's feet, forcing it to pass a Reaction check or suffer the "Off Guard" status at +1 Severity level per 2 Mage Levels (Mild at Level 1, Chronic at Level 7).
Expeditious Retreat (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows multiple targets, up to Mage Level, to roll one step higher while performing Athletics checks for 5 checks.
Feather Fall (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to select (Mage Level) targets; these targets fall more slowly, preventing them from taking damage when they land. This does not grnt the subjects the ability to fly, nor overly guide their descent. When the spell fades, a normal rate of falling resumes. This spell works only upon free-falling objects. It does not affect a sword blow or a charging or flying creature.
Jump (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to grant a single target a (+2 per Mage Level) bonus to Acrobatics checks for 1d5 checks.
Mage Armor (10 mp, 10 SpP): An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of this spell. This adds the caster's Spell Damage to that target's physical and magical armor soaks for 1d5 rounds.
Magic Missile (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell creates a cluster of magical projectiles that barrage a single target. Creates 2 (+1 every 2 Mage Levels) (7 at Level 10) missiles that deal +200 spell damage apiece; however, when damage is entered, it counts as 1 hit for soak purposes).
Reinforce Armaments (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows a caster to reinforce a weapon or armor piece temporarily. If this is cast on a character's weapon, that weapon will behave the same as its original iteration, but deals the damage of a weapon up to (Mage Level) slots larger than it is of the same material; that is, a 3-slot Short Sword boosted by a Level 3 caster may deal the damage of a 5-slot Sword of the same material. This does not affect roll bonus. If this spell is cast on a character's armor, that armor's physical and magical damage soak values are raised by half (a 100-soak armor would enhance to 150). This effect lasts for 1d5 rounds.
Unerring Weapon (10 mp, 10 SpP): When targeted by this spell, a character benefits from an enhanced critical attack range. For 1d5 rounds, the target's critical hit range expands by (+2% per Mage Level).
Vanish (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to make a single target invisible to the normal perceptable light spectrum. If the target is carrying gear or equipment, it becomes invisible as well. This spell functions against allies as well as enemies. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Of course, the subject is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as swimming in water or stepping in a puddle). The character is still visible using other forms of perception on different spectra of light (ultraviolet, infrared, sonic, et cetera). If a check is required, a stationary invisible creature has a +40 bonus on its Stealth checks. This bonus is reduced to +20 if the creature is moving. The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character's perceptions. Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks directly, however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its gear. This effect will fade within 1d5 rounds.
Level 2:
Bullet Shield (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell allows a caster to use his/her magic defense roll as a shield against projectile weapons. This spell is cast on a single target and lasts for (Mage Level) rounds, and each time a projectile attack is used on the affected target, the caster's magic defense roll is used, then the target character's dodge may be used after.
Cat's Grace (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character grants a bonus of +20 Dexterity/Mage Level to a character for movement and dodging purposes (+200 at Level 10).
Darkvision (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell allows a single target to see in total darkness. This spell negates low-light/no-light penalties and negates +1 Severity/2 Mage Levels (Terminal at Level 10) "Blind" status effects when cast. Lasts for (Mage Level) rounds.
Glide (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell allows a character and (Mage Level * 2) Allies to not take fall damage, and even move around while falling (not self-propelled flight) at 2x Running Speed as if hang-gliding. Each cast of this spell lasts for 5 rounds.
Spider Climb (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell allows a character to walk and climb on parallel surfaces and remain upside down on surfaces for a short time. This effect does not add to Climbing checks, and lasts for (Mage Level) rounds per cast.
Tactical Acumen (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell grants a target great insight on the tactical and strategic movements of enemies for a short time; patterns become more obvious and gut feelings feel stronger. Grants a bonus of (+2 * Mage Level) (+20 at Level 10) to stealth-based movements and Sneak Attacks/ambushes, as well as macro-level strategerie.
Twisted Space (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell warps and distorts time-space around a single target that makes its attacks strike different areas than intended. For (Mage Level) rounds, the target's actions are randomly targetted (1d(number of possible targets)), including allies, AFTER they are declared.
<<> Equipment Slots <>>
Note: Dual-Wielded items occupy 1 Equipment Slot (not Inventory Slot).
Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Gil: 35000
<<> Inventory <>>
Inhibitor Ring: Reduces the cost of any magical based ability by by 20%, reduce potential damage by 10%
While worn shadow gains a round of 'charge', each counting for +100, or a +2 to a bonus. This charge stops at a total of 10 rounds.
If the rings are released shadow gains that bonus for the duration of the battle at which point the charge must be built up again.
<<> Character Description <>>
Age: 50ish
Height: 3 Ft 3 In
Weight: 33 lbs (optional)
Appearance: He stands around three feet tall, yet his stance radiates confidence and power. His sleek, jet-black fur is marked by striking red streaks running along his quills, arms, and legs, giving him a fierce, almost fiery aura. His sharp quills curve back, setting him apart with a fierce silhouette, and a tuft of white fur rests proudly on his chest, contrasting against the dark.
Eye Color: Crimson
Hair Color: Black / Red / White
Notable Features:
<<> Character Personality <>>
Favorite Food: Hot Chocolate
Likes: Exploring Solitary Locations
Dislikes: Being Manipulated
Favorite Color:
<<>Character Background<>>
Shadow the Hedgehog's backstory is one of tragedy, resilience, and identity. Created over 50 years ago by Dr. Gerald Robotnik on the Space Colony ARK, Shadow was designed as the "Ultimate Lifeform" to cure diseases and bring hope. His DNA includes alien elements from Black Doom, a leader of the Black Arms alien race, which enhances his powers. Shadow developed a strong bond with Gerald’s granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, whose death during a raid on the ARK led him to vow to protect humanity. Though initially driven by vengeance, Maria's memory inspires Shadow to pursue a path of justice, even as he grapples with his own dark origins.
<<> Special Notes <>>
Last edited by Oceanblaze on November 1st, 2024, 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.