Aldo Philious
Aldo Philious
<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: Oceanblaze
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone:
<<> Character Info <>>
Sheet Approved by: (leave blank)
[sheet character=]
<<> Base Statistic modifiers <>>
<<> Traits and Feats <>>
0: Untrained | 1: Hobbyist | 2: Novice/Beginner | 3: Dedicated Student | 4: Educated/Trained | 5: Professional | 6: Advanced | 7: Specialist | 8: Expert | 9: Adept/Prodigy | 10: Master
Bonuses: Dexterity: +, Full Dodge: +, Flat-foot Dodge: +, Agility Bonus: + | Strength: +, Momentum: +
Bonuses: Health: + | Awareness: +, Perception Bonus: +, True Sight: +
Bonuses: Awareness: +, Base Attack Bonus: +, Melee: +, Ranged: +, Combat Reflexes: +, Sneak Attack Negation: + | Dexterity: +, Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +
Bonuses: Spirit: +, Magic Defense: + | Awareness: +, Magic: +
Bonuses: Spirit: +, Crafting: +
Field Training
Bonuses: Awareness: +, Perception Bonus: +, True Sight: +
<<> Abilities <>>
-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP
-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:
Level 6:
General Magic
Level 2:
Level 5:
Level 6:
Level 1:
Level 3:
Level 5:
Level 2:
Level 5:
IRC Nick: Oceanblaze
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone:
<<> Character Info <>>
Sheet Approved by: (leave blank)
[sheet character=]
<<> Base Statistic modifiers <>>
<<> Traits and Feats <>>
Experience Total:
Skill Points Total:
HP: ((health * 50) + Milestones) | Armor: (health + Milestones) | Physical Soak: (health + Milestones + traits)
Magical Soak: (health + Milestones + traits) | Status Resistance: (See Milestones) | Death Threshold: (Milestones)
Endure: (Milestones) | Survival Result Bonus: (Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Resistance: +%
Initiative: 1d600 | Base Attack Bonus: | Perception Bonus:
Melee: (See Milestones) | Ranged: (See Milestones) | Magic: (See Milestones)
True Sight: (See Milestones) | Combat Reflexes: (See Milestones) | Sneak Attack Negation: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Melee: +
Improved Ranged: +
Improved Magic: +
Full Dodge: (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Flat-foot Dodge: (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Block Bonus: (See Milestones)
Dodge Bonus: (See Milestones) | Agility Bonus: (See Milestones) | Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: (See Milestones)
Style Points: (dexterity * 5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Block: +
Improved Dodge: +
Improved Agility: +
Improved Reaction: +
Base Physical Damage: ((strength + strength_temp) * 2) + Milestones | Inventory Size: (strength / 10) + Milestones | Momentum: (See Milestones)
Item Effect: (See Milestones) | Pierce: (See Milestones) | Brace: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Physical Damage: +
Base Magical Damage: (600 * 2) + 1000 | Spell Points: (spirit * 5) + Milestones | MP: (spirit * 10) + Milestones
Magic Defense: (See Milestones) | Item Defense: (See Milestones) | Crafting: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Defense: +
Improved Magic Damage: +
Luck Points: | Critical Damage: (See Milestones) | Luck roll result: (See Milestones)
Draw chance: (See Milestones) | Critical Defense: (See Milestones) | Draw defense: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Luck: +
_______________________________________________________________________Skill Points Total:
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Resistance: +% -> +5% resistance to negative Status Effects (Capts at 50%)
( ) Health: [] + | Bonus: +Improved Resistance: +% -> +5% resistance to negative Status Effects (Capts at 50%)
HP: ((health * 50) + Milestones) | Armor: (health + Milestones) | Physical Soak: (health + Milestones + traits)
Magical Soak: (health + Milestones + traits) | Status Resistance: (See Milestones) | Death Threshold: (Milestones)
Endure: (Milestones) | Survival Result Bonus: (Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Resistance: +%
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Melee: + -> +5 awareness bonus on melee attacks
Improved Ranged: + -> +5 awareness bonus on ranged attacks
Improved Magic: + -> +5 awareness bonus on magic attacks
(PC) Awareness: [] + | Bonus: +Improved Melee: + -> +5 awareness bonus on melee attacks
Improved Ranged: + -> +5 awareness bonus on ranged attacks
Improved Magic: + -> +5 awareness bonus on magic attacks
Initiative: 1d600 | Base Attack Bonus: | Perception Bonus:
Melee: (See Milestones) | Ranged: (See Milestones) | Magic: (See Milestones)
True Sight: (See Milestones) | Combat Reflexes: (See Milestones) | Sneak Attack Negation: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Melee: +
Improved Ranged: +
Improved Magic: +
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Block: + -> +5 Dexterity bonus when blocking a melee attack
Improved Dodge: + -> +5 Dexterity bonus when dodging an attack
Improved Agility: + -> +5 Dexterity bonus when performing skill checks
Improved Reaction: + -> +5 Dexterity Bonus when performing Flat Foot or Reaction-based dodges
( ) Dexterity: [] + | Bonus: +Improved Block: + -> +5 Dexterity bonus when blocking a melee attack
Improved Dodge: + -> +5 Dexterity bonus when dodging an attack
Improved Agility: + -> +5 Dexterity bonus when performing skill checks
Improved Reaction: + -> +5 Dexterity Bonus when performing Flat Foot or Reaction-based dodges
Full Dodge: (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Flat-foot Dodge: (((dexterity / 10) + (dexterity_temp / 10)) + See Milestones) | Block Bonus: (See Milestones)
Dodge Bonus: (See Milestones) | Agility Bonus: (See Milestones) | Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: (See Milestones)
Style Points: (dexterity * 5)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Block: +
Improved Dodge: +
Improved Agility: +
Improved Reaction: +
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Physical Damage: + -> +100 damage
( ) Strength: [] + | Bonus: +Improved Physical Damage: + -> +100 damage
Base Physical Damage: ((strength + strength_temp) * 2) + Milestones | Inventory Size: (strength / 10) + Milestones | Momentum: (See Milestones)
Item Effect: (See Milestones) | Pierce: (See Milestones) | Brace: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Physical Damage: +
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Defense: + -> +5 Spirit roll bonus when resisting magic
Improved Magic Damage: + -> +250 magic damage
( ) Spirit: [] + | Bonus: +Improved Magic Defense: + -> +5 Spirit roll bonus when resisting magic
Improved Magic Damage: + -> +250 magic damage
Base Magical Damage: (600 * 2) + 1000 | Spell Points: (spirit * 5) + Milestones | MP: (spirit * 10) + Milestones
Magic Defense: (See Milestones) | Item Defense: (See Milestones) | Crafting: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Magic Defense: +
Improved Magic Damage: +
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Luck: + -> +5 luck roll result
(PC) Luck: [] + | Bonus: +Improved Luck: + -> +5 luck roll result
Luck Points: | Critical Damage: (See Milestones) | Luck roll result: (See Milestones)
Draw chance: (See Milestones) | Critical Defense: (See Milestones) | Draw defense: (See Milestones)
Milestone Derivatives:
Improved Luck: +
0: Untrained | 1: Hobbyist | 2: Novice/Beginner | 3: Dedicated Student | 4: Educated/Trained | 5: Professional | 6: Advanced | 7: Specialist | 8: Expert | 9: Adept/Prodigy | 10: Master
Bonuses: Dexterity: +, Full Dodge: +, Flat-foot Dodge: +, Agility Bonus: + | Strength: +, Momentum: +
General - Acrobatics
Name: Dodge Roll
General - Athletics
Name: Dodge Leap
Name: Wall Running
General - Reaction
Name: Block
Name: Counter Strike
Name: Quick-Draw
Name: Aggressive Block
Bonuses: Health: + | Awareness: +, Perception Bonus: +, True Sight: +
General - Gather Info
Name: Local Sources
Name: Procedural Research
General - Stealth
Name: Conceal Self
Name: Move Silently
Name: Shadowing
General - Subterfuge
Name: Steal
Name: Mug
Name: Sleight of Hand
General - Search
Name: Scrutinize
Name: Locate Hidden Compartment
Name: Locate Trap Mechanism
Name: Sustained Search
General - Perception
Name: Tremor Sense
Bonuses: Awareness: +, Base Attack Bonus: +, Melee: +, Ranged: +, Combat Reflexes: +, Sneak Attack Negation: + | Dexterity: +, Flat-foot/reaction Bonus: +
Weapon Proficiency - Chakram
Name: Dual Wielding
Name: Close Range Combat
Name: Improved Dual Wielding
Name: Dual Strike
Name: Triple Strike
Name: Boomerang Throw
Name: Improved Boomerang Throw
Bonuses: Spirit: +, Magic Defense: + | Awareness: +, Magic: +
Magic - Bardic Arcana
Name: Arcane Defense
Bonuses: Spirit: +, Crafting: +
Artisan - Performance
Name: Captivating Performance
Field Training
Bonuses: Awareness: +, Perception Bonus: +, True Sight: +
<<> Abilities <>>
-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP
-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
Level 0:
Dancing Lights (5 mp, 5 SpP): Create up to (Mage Level/2) floating lights that offer the same amount of light as a lantern or torch. If this spell is cast more than once, the previous instances of light wink out. These lights can move up to (Mage Level) Areas away from the caster; beyond that, the light will dissipate. These offer visibility in low-light or dark areas, can be different colors, and these lights can function in lieu of flashlights or torches.
Daze (5 mp, 5 SpP): Cancels 1 action of target, sending them in a slight daze. (Will Resist Only)
Ghost Sound (5 mp, 5 SpP): Create phantom sounds at a particular location; once the type and placement of a sound is specified, it cannot be changed until it is either dispelled or fades naturally. You can produce as much noise as four normal humans per Mage Level (maximum 40 humans). Thus, talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running sounds can be created. The noise a ghost sound spell produces can be virtually any type of sound within the volume limit. A horde of rats running and squeaking is about the same volume as eight humans running and shouting. A roaring lion is equal to the noise from 16 humans, while a roaring dragon is equal to the noise from 32 humans. [Magic Defense Only]
Haunted Fey Aspect (5 mp, 5 SpP): You surround yourself with disturbing illusions, making you appear as a strange, insane fey creature. +200 physical soak per mage level for 1d5 rounds or until you're hit.
Light (5 mp, 5 SpP): Give an object a torch-like glow for (Mage Level) rounds that will illuminate up to (Mage Level/2) Areas around the lit item. Only one Light spell can be active at a time; if it is cast again on another object, the previous Light will fade.
Mage Hand (5 mp, 5 SpP): Can move objects weighing up to 5 pounds at will. Range is 15 feet per mage level.
Mending (5 mp, 5 SpP): Allows the caster to gradually repair inanimate objects. All of the object's pieces, or replacements for it, must be present in order to proceed. This cannot create new objects, does not conjure tools or parts, nor is it an instant effect. A caster's Mage Level improves the caster's ability to Mend more complicated objects (GM discretion).
Open/Close (5 mp, 5 SpP): Allows the caster to open or close objects at a distance, including doors, windows, chests, barrels, boxes, etc. If something is preventing that object from simply opening (a lock, a bar, a latch, etc.) that object does not open. Large or heavy objects (a reinforced door, a bulkhead, etc.) may not work with this spell, depending on the caster's Mage Level (GM discretion).
Prestidigitation (5 mp, 5 SpP): Allows a caster to perform minor magical tricks for an hour; these include sleight of hand tricks, cleaning or soiling an area, slowly lift and move small objects, chill, warm or flavor non-living material, create small, crude, and artificial, fragile objects, and perform minor "stage magician" tricks.
Read Magic (5 mp, 5 SpP): Read scrolls and spellbooks if they bear magical writing that is otherwise undecipherable.
Resistance (5 mp, 5 SpP): Allows up to (Mage Level) targets to roll one step higher on Magic Defense checks for a single round. Each additional target raises the MP Cost of this spell to that corresponding level (i.e.: a single target costs Level 0 MP, two targets cost Level 1 MP, 5 targets cost Level 6 MP).
Summon Instrument (5 mp, 5 SpP): Summons one handheld musical instrument of typical quality for 1d5 hours.
Level 1:
Adoration (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell makes a single character appeal much easier to others. This spell grants a Diplomacy bonus of (+10 * Mage Level) to a single target for (Mage Level) rounds.
Alarm (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows a caster to create a subtle ward on a selected Area. Once the spell effect is in place, it thereafter sounds a mental or audible alarm each time a creature enters the warded area or touches it. A creature that speaks the password (determined at the time of casting) does not set off the alarm. The caster decides at the time of casting whether the alarm will be mental or audible in nature. Mental Alarm: A mental alarm alerts you (and only you) so long as you remain within a reasonable distance of the warded area. The caster notes a single mental "ping" that can awaken the caster from normal sleep but does not otherwise disturb concentration. Audible Alarm: An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell. The sound lasts for 1 round.
Animate Rope (10 mp, 10 SpP): You can animate a nonliving rope-like object. The possible commands are "coil" (form a neat, coiled stack), "coil and knot," "loop," "loop and knot," "tie and knot," and the opposites of all of the above ("uncoil," and so forth). Commands can be given once per round as a support action; this includes directly interacting with an enemy. The rope does not deal damage, but it can be used as a trip line or to cause a single opponent that fails a Reaction check against the caster's magic roll to become entangled. Targets can use a standard action to fight off the coil, dealing its physical or magical damage against the caster's Spell Level damage as if it were the rope's hit points. The rope itself and any knots tied in it are not magical. The spell cannot affect objects carried or worn by a creature.
Anticipate Peril (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell grants a character a bonus to Initiative rolls equivalent to the caster's magic roll bonus. Once cast on a target, this spell will last until the next initiative roll required.
Beguiling Gift (10 mp, 10 SpP): Target immediately accepts an offered item and uses/consumes it unless it physically cannot. Target is beguiled for 1d5 rounds.
Borrow Skill (10 mp, 10 SpP): Make a skill check using another’s skill level for 1d5 rounds. Designate a target and a skill upon casting. You still use your own stats.
Charm Person (10 mp, 10 SpP): This charm makes a humanoid creature regard the caster as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target's attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by the caster or its allies, however, it receives a rolls a step higher against this spell. The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed person as if it were an automaton, but it perceives the caster's words and actions in the most favorable way. The target will not do something it would ordinarily not do, but Speechcraft checks can be made with more favorable conditions to persuade it. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by the caster or its apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell. This effect otherwise lasts for 1d5 actions, or will fade when the caster leaves the target's immediate area.
Compel Hostility (10 mp, 10 SpP): The character is able to direct the attention of (Mage Level) monsters and other nonsentient or semi-sentient creatures to a specific target instead of others. This effect lasts for 5 rounds. This spell is considered a "self buff" rather than a targetted spell, and creatures who may attack others around the targetted object/character must roll regular Willpower vs. DC50 + 20/Mage Level (250 at Level 10).
Comprehend Languages (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables the caster to understand or read some unknown languages, not speak or write it. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical. This spell can be foiled by certain warding magic. It does not decipher codes or reveal messages concealed in otherwise normal text.
Cultural Adaptation (10 mp, 10 SpP): You gain the correct native accent and mannerisms when you speak a language with a spell like tongues, granting you bonuses to interactions with native speakers of that language. This does not teach you the native language. 1d5 hours.
Dazzling Blade (10 mp, 10 SpP): Cast upon 1 target, their weapon becomes dazzlingly shiny and bright, able to cause Mild 'Blind' status for 1d3 rounds on a successful strike.
Detect Charm (10 mp, 10 SpP): Use extrasensory perception to recognize unnatural mental/emotional influences (magic, psionic, drug-induced, etc.) active within two Areas.
Detect Secret Doors (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to detect secret doors, compartments, caches, and so forth. Only passages, doors, or openings that have been specifically constructed to escape detection are detected by this spell. This can be used to allow Search checks to roll one step higher. This spell can penetrate small barriers, and the effect lasts for 5 checks.
Disguise Self (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to change the appearance of itself, its clothing, equipment, and whatever it's carrying. The character cannot change its size rating, its race, but can change its hair or skin color, sex, or other external appearances. The character still feels and sounds the same. This can be used to allow a character to roll a step higher on Disguise checks. Anything that interacts with the character gets a Magic Defense check against the original casting check to see through the illusion. This effect lasts for an hour.
Enhance Water (10 mp, 10 SpP): Transforms water into an alcoholic beverage of middling quality. Also purifies toxins and poisons. The more contaminants present, the darker the ale & the more full-bodied the wine.
Erase (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell completely erases the presence of mundane writing, and temporarily removes magical writing from a surface. Mundane writing is removed completely, but magical writing is removed for only 1d5 rounds/actions per cast, and can be restored by dispelling magic.
Expeditious Retreat (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows multiple targets, up to Mage Level, to roll one step higher while performing Athletics checks for 5 checks.
Feather Fall (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to select (Mage Level) targets; these targets fall more slowly, preventing them from taking damage when they land. This does not grnt the subjects the ability to fly, nor overly guide their descent. When the spell fades, a normal rate of falling resumes. This spell works only upon free-falling objects. It does not affect a sword blow or a charging or flying creature.
Fumbletongue (10 mp, 10 SpP): Target cannot speak intelligently for 1d5 rounds, instead speaking in babbling syllables.. When attempting to cast, roll luck. If the luck roll is 200 or lower, the cast fails.
Hideous Laughter (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell enchants a target and curses it to bouts of manic, unstoppable laughter, causing it to double over with maniacal cackles. Magic defense only; if the target fails, suffers Moderate "Stop" effect for (Mage Level) rounds.
Horn of Pursuit (10 mp, 10 SpP): Create three notes heard miles away, loud as a roaring dragon, short or long notes possible.
Hypnotism (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows a character to use gestures and droning incantation to fascinate nearby targets, causing them to stop and stare blankly. While under this effect, the character's suggestions and requests seem more plausible. Only creatures that can see or hear the caster are affected, but they do not need to understand it to be fascinated. If in combat, targets roll a step higher on their Magic Defens against this effect. Any requests must be brief and reasonable. Even after the spell ends, the creature retains its new attitude toward you, but only with respect to that particular request. A creature that fails its saving throw does not remember that you enspelled it. A character gets an additional request per Mage Level.
Lock Gaze (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows a caster to force a target to look at it and only it for the duration of the spell or until it is discharged. While staring at the caster, the target is considered to be distinctly averting its gaze from every other creature but the caster, granting other creatures Moderate "Concealment" status against that target's attacks. If the target leaves the caster's line of sight, it immediately suffers Mild "Blind" status for one round and the spell ends. If the caster willingly leaves the creatures's line of sight or are reduced to 0 HP, the target suffers no penalties.
Magic Aura (10 mp, 10 SpP): Alters object's magic aura. When target is subjected to a 'detect' spell, target is detected as if it either bore no magic aura or a was a magical item. Identify spell can identify this aura as false if the identifier's roll exceeds the original caster's roll.
Memory Lapse (10 mp, 10 SpP): This spell addles a single target's memories, making it difficult for them to perform common tasks. Inflicts Mild "Lapse" status for (Mage Level) rounds.
Remove Fear (10 mp, 10 SpP): The character is able to negate Mild, Moderate, and Acute "Stop" status effects.
Restful Sleep (10 mp, 10 SpP): A full night's rest leaves allies hale and hearty for the adventure ahead. For 1d5 hours after awakening from sleep, target gains 2500 temporary HP and Max HP. Can target (mage level) allies.
Saving Finale (10 mp, 10 SpP): A last-ditch effort to bring an ally from death's door. Target may reroll a Survival check once. Must be used immediately when an ally is beyond death threshold.
Solid Note (10 mp, 10 SpP): Creates tangible musical note that can be used as a hook, pulley, or what have you for 1d5 hours.
Unseen Servant (10 mp, 10 SpP): An invisible force, a servant, obeys your commands. Servant exerts at most 20 pounds of force and can perform simple tasks. Must remain within 15*mage level feet. Cannot attack.
Vanish (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to make a single target invisible to the normal perceptable light spectrum. If the target is carrying gear or equipment, it becomes invisible as well. This spell functions against allies as well as enemies. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Of course, the subject is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as swimming in water or stepping in a puddle). The character is still visible using other forms of perception on different spectra of light (ultraviolet, infrared, sonic, et cetera). If a check is required, a stationary invisible creature has a +40 bonus on its Stealth checks. This bonus is reduced to +20 if the creature is moving. The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character's perceptions. Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks directly, however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its gear. This effect will fade within 1d5 rounds.
Ventriloquism (10 mp, 10 SpP): Throws voice for 1*mage level minutes as if the voice is coming from elsewhere. Can make a magic defense check to recognize as illusory.
Vocal Alteration (10 mp, 10 SpP): Allows the caster to alter a target's voice with different qualities. for instance, the target's voice can become higher-pitched, huskier, or nasal, or the target's accent could change to one the caster is familiar with. If this spell is used as part of a disguise check, the character gets a (+2 per Mage Level) bonus to convincing checks. This effect lasts for 1d5 rounds.
Level 2:
Acute Senses (40 mp, 15 SpP): Target gains +2*mage level to sense checks for 1d5 rounds/hours, their senses sharpening to greater clarity.
Alter Self (40 mp, 15 SpP): User can assume a smaller form. Grants Tiny 2. Lasts 1d5 rounds.
Ancestral Communion (40 mp, 15 SpP): You contact your ancestors to bolster your own knowledge for 1d5 rounds/hours. You gain +2*mage level to knowledge checks during this time.
Animal Messenger (40 mp, 15 SpP): Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place to deliver a message.
Blood Biography (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character is able to gain information and knowledge about a single creature or subject by studying its blood with spiritual energy. The information gained with each use may be different, but once the spell is used on a subject once it will return the same answer regardless of how many times the spell is used on it.
Blur (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell makes a target appear blurred and distorted in view, making him/her more difficult to strike. Grants a single target Mild (Alt) "Invisible" status for (Mage Level) rounds.
Cat's Grace (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character grants a bonus of +20 Dexterity/Mage Level to a character for movement and dodging purposes (+200 at Level 10).
Darkness (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character is able to shade (Mage Level) Areas in thick clouds of spiritual energy. Any targets inside these Areas suffer Moderate "Blind" status. The clouds last for 5 rounds.
Dust of Twilight (40 mp, 15 SpP): A shower of iridescent black particles clings to and extinguishes mundane light sources (not electric) and dispels any light-casting spell within (Mage Level) Areas.
Eagle's Splendor (40 mp, 15 SpP): The character grants a bonus of +20 Spirit/Mage Level (+200 at Level 10) to a single character for 5 rounds.
Heroic Fortune (40 mp, 15 SpP): The hero is gallant, bold...and, sometimes, lucky. The target is able to force ONE reroll of an enemy or ally's action. This effect vanishes after 1d5 rounds. This spell can only be used once per day/mission, and is not effective on botches or crits.
Heroism (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell boosts a single character's ability to classically heroic levels for a short time. For (Mage Level) rounds, the subject is granted a (+2 * Mage Level) (+20 at Level 10) bonus to combat and skill checks.
Honeyed Tongue (40 mp, 15 SpP): 1 target gains the gift of honeyed words to entice a fellow negotiator. When using Diplomacy, roll twice and take the higher roll. Only affects 1 dodge atempt.
Locate Object (40 mp, 15 SpP): Senses direction toward object (specific or type). In the case of a general object, the spell will direct you to the nearest one. To find a more specific object requires a more accurate mental image. You cannot use this to find a unique item unless you have seen it firsthand before.
Tactical Acumen (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell grants a target great insight on the tactical and strategic movements of enemies for a short time; patterns become more obvious and gut feelings feel stronger. Grants a bonus of (+2 * Mage Level) (+20 at Level 10) to stealth-based movements and Sneak Attacks/ambushes, as well as macro-level strategerie.
Track Ship (40 mp, 15 SpP): Requires a nautical chart. Cast on part of a ship you wish to track. An icon of the ship appears upon the nautical chart and moves as the ship moves.
Wartrain Mount (40 mp, 15 SpP): This spell grants a boon to a mount, giving it enhanced cooperation and improving its synergy with a rider. Regardless of the rider, this mount gives a +5/Mage Level bonus to Vehicle Operation rolls when it's used, and lasts for (Mage Level * 2) rounds.
Whispering Wind (40 mp, 15 SpP): Can send a message heard only by a chosen target in a familiar place as far as 1 mile per mage level, carried as a whisper in the wind.
Level 3:
Arcane Concordance (90 mp, 20 SpP): Strengthens altering magic. Grants 'extension metamagic' effect to one target for 1d5 rounds without doubling MP costs. This spell doubles the duration of buffs/debuffs, such as 1d3 to 1d6, et cetera.
Charm Monster (90 mp, 20 SpP): This charm makes a monster regard the caster as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target's attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by the caster or its allies, however, it receives a rolls a step higher against this spell. The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed person as if it were an automaton, but it perceives the caster's words and actions in the most favorable way. The target will not do something it would ordinarily not do, but Speechcraft checks can be made with more favorable conditions to persuade it. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by the caster or its apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell. This effect otherwise lasts for 1d5 actions, or will fade when the caster leaves the target's immediate area.
Crushing Despair (90 mp, 20 SpP): This spell destroys a single target's morale for a short time. For (Mage Level) rounds, the subject suffers a (-5 * Mage Level) (-50 at Level 10) penalty to combat and skill checks.
Feather Step, Mass (90 mp, 20 SpP): (Mage Level) targets can move through treacherous terrain without penalty for 1d5 hours, their footsteps light as a feather.
Invisibility Sphere (90 mp, 20 SpP): This spell makes a small group of targets visually invisible for a short time. Grants (Mage Level) targets Moderate "Invisibility" effect for (Mage Level) rounds.
Scrying (90 mp, 20 SpP): Using a smooth, unbroken, reflective surface, the character is able to visually spy on another point through the aether. The character cannot receive audio, but can otherwise control the scry point as if it were a camera.
See Invisibility (90 mp, 20 SpP): This spell grants a target the ability to see through most forms of invisibility easier. This spell negates the detection penalties on invisibility subjects for (Mage Level) rounds.
Sepia Snake Sigil (90 mp, 20 SpP): This spell creates an embossed pattern of a slithering serpent onto a flat, smooth surface that, when viewed, stops the viewer(s) in his/her/their tracks. This spell lasts until tripped or dispelled; when viewed, subjects roll Magic Defense against the caster's creation roll to avoid Chronic "Stop" status for (Mage Level) rounds.
Terrible Remorse (90 mp, 20 SpP): Creature is compelled to strike itself once on its turn. Can only be used on a targt once every 5 rounds.(Magic Defense only)
Vision of Hell (90 mp, 20 SpP): The character is able to mentally project a powerful series of illusory flashes into a group of targets' minds, attempting to paralyze and shake them. This spell forces an image of an illusory wasteland of fire, brimstone, floating fire heads, and other horrifying visions into (Mage Level) targets' minds. Targets roll magic defense to defend, and if they fail they are struck with Moderate "Stop" status for 5 rounds.
Witness (90 mp, 20 SpP): See through the target's eyes and ears for 1d5 hours.
Level 4:
Apparent Master (160 mp, 30 SpP): Charm makes a construct regard you as its master for 1d5 hours. Affects only the mindless such as golems & animated objects.
Dance of a Hundred Cuts (160 mp, 30 SpP): Target gains +2*mage level to attack rolls and +1 combo hit every 4 mage levels for 1d5 rounds, gaining the grace of a dancer amidst his/her combat style.
Dimension Door (160 mp, 30 SpP): Teleports you a short distance, as well as one other target which you must be in contact with. Range is 200*(mage level) feet. Destination must be visible or familiar. If there is a solid body in the destination area, the spell fails and the caster (and additional target if applicable) takes +500 magic damage.
Dominate Person (160 mp, 30 SpP): This spell allows the caster to inflict its willpower on a weaker minded target for a short time. Inflicts Terminal "Confuse" status on a single target for (Mage Level) rounds.
Echolocation (160 mp, 30 SpP): The character is able to "see" within (Mage Level) areas in total darkness, or when suffering from "Blind" status up to (+1 Severity/2 Mage Levels) Severity (level 6
Envious Urge (160 mp, 30 SpP): Target becomes envious for 1d5 rounds. Will try to steal from or disarm a random ally or enemy every turn, taking a valuable, weapon, or prized possession. Can make a magic defense check every turn to negate this effect against the original cast.
Hallucinatory Terrain (160 mp, 30 SpP): This spell creates a widespread illusion across still, natural terrain, allowing the caster to make others mistake forest for plains, desert for ocean, et cetera, affecting sight, sound, and smell. This spell lasts until dispelled, and to perceive the illusion requires a Sensory Perception check, DC 25 (+15 * Mage Level) (DC175 at Level 10).
Heroic Finale (160 mp, 30 SpP): Choose a target to take an additional action at the end of the round, for an encore that may win the day.
Hold Monster (160 mp, 30 SpP): Causes Acute 'Off Guard' status on 1 target, paralyzing them momentarily.
Invisibility, Greater (160 mp, 30 SpP): This spell grants a single target a greater level of invisibility, amking them nearly impossible to detect by mundane means. Grants a single target Acute "Invisibility" effect for (Mage Level) rounds.
Legend Lore (160 mp, 30 SpP): Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing. If you are in the same general location as said legend, casting time is 1d4*10 minutes. If you only have detailed information on the legend, time is 1d10 days. If you only know rumors, time is 2d6 weeks. In this time period you cannot participate in missions and the like; you may only partake in normal activities (sleep, eating, etc). At the end of this time period, roll luck. On a 51+, more rumors and legends about this being are brought to mind. On a 501+, more current information is given into the caster's mind. On 801+, more forgotten or unknown details can be offered.
Modify Memory (160 mp, 30 SpP): Changes/alters up to the last 5 minutes of subject's memories. (Magic Defense Only)
Neutralize Poison (160 mp, 30 SpP): The character is able to dissolve and prevent against poisons and other such toxins for a short time. This spell removes Mild and Moderate "Poison" statuses, as well as Mild and Moderate "Infested" statuses. This can only be used once every 5 rounds.
Phantom Steed, Communal (160 mp, 30 SpP): This spell creates a group of shimmering, corporeal ghosts in the likeness of horses that can be used for quick traveling. Creates (Mage Level) horses that are considered in prime condition at all times, and last for (Mage Level) hours per cast.
Shadow Step (160 mp, 30 SpP): The character is able to move rapidly point-to-point within (Mage Level / 2) (round down) (5 at Level 10) Areas through naturally occurring shadows as if teleporting. The destination must be line-of-sight from the beginning point. Each individual movement spends requisite MP.
Shocking Image (160 mp, 30 SpP): The character is able to create a series of mirror images around him/herself that guise the character's own movements. When the character is attacked by anything, the defender rolls a die to determine if he/she is targeted or if it is a mirror image of him/her. A caster can have up to (Mage Level) mirror images, and "1" will always be the caster him/herself. If it is a spell or a ranged attack, the image is simply destroyed; if it is a melee attack, though, striking the image prompts a Reaction check, DC 25 + (15 * Mage Level) (DC 175 at Level 5) to avoid being shocked for the caster's magic damage +800. This effect lasts for (Mage Level) rounds or until all the images are destroyed.
Zone of Silence (160 mp, 30 SpP): Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing you. Any attempting to eavesdrop faces a Listen DC increased by 20*mage level.
Level 5:
Shadow Walk (250 mp, 40 SpP): Step into the shadow plane to travel rapidly at 50 mph. It's impossible to accurately judge distance and terrain from the shadow plane. If the caster and allies appear where there would be a solid body, they are shunted 1000 feet in a random direction and take +250 base magic damage until they reach an empty space.
Suggestion, Mass (250 mp, 40 SpP): 1 target per 2 mage levels (round down) are influenced by a 1- or 2-sentence suggested course of activity. The suggestion must be logically reasonable or the spell will not work. (Magic Defense Only)
Unwilling Shield (250 mp, 40 SpP): Target receives half the damage you receive, linking your pain to theirs. (Magic Defense Only)
Level 6:
Charm Monster, Mass (360 mp, 60 SpP): Charms up to 3 monsters to aid you for 1d5 rounds. (Magic Defense Only)
Dance of a Thousand Cuts (360 mp, 60 SpP): Adds +2*mage level to attack and +1 combo hit every 2 mage levels to 1 target, giving the target the grace and swiftness of a skilled blademaster.
Find the Path (360 mp, 60 SpP): Shows most direct way to a specified destination such as a city, lake, dungeon, or keep so long as it is prominent (a hunter's cabin, for example, is not).
Fool's Forbiddance (360 mp, 60 SpP): Confuses enemies who come within a magical emanation centered on you. Lasts 1d5 rounds. All enemies within the area are afflicted with Moderate 'Confuse' status. Area is 5 feet around the caster. (Magic Desense Only)
Getaway (360 mp, 60 SpP): Teleports a group of predetermined allies and creatures to a predetermined location. Range: within the same plane. Allies can choose to stay if they wish.
Heroes' Feast (360 mp, 60 SpP): Provides an hour-long feast for up to (mage level) allies. Grants +500 temporary Max HP per mage level and +5 to all actions for 12 hours.
Overwhelming Presence (360 mp, 60 SpP): The character exudes a powerful, intimidating spiritual pressure, causing all targets within (Mage Level) Areas to either pass a Magic Defense check or be magically forced to bow and submit themselves to the caster as if he/she were divine or had similar power over the characters. This effect lasts until the caster's concentration is broken.
Permanent Image (360 mp, 60 SpP): Permanent illusion, including sight, sound, smell, and thermal effects.
Scrying, Greater (360 mp, 60 SpP): Using a smooth, unbroken, reflective surface, the character is able to visually spy on another point through the aether. The character receives audio through the aether as well, and can otherwise control the scry point as if it were a camera.
Veil (360 mp, 60 SpP): Changes appearance of up to 3 targets to whatever you wish. A magic defense check can be made against the original cast to see through the illusion.
General Magic
Level 2:
Asper (40 mp, 15 SpP): A blast of electricity strikes a target in one of its most vulnerable places. Inflicts Mild "Shock" status for 1d5 rounds. (1000 damage) ( total damage)
Level 5:
Aspera (250 mp, 40 SpP): A series of electrical blasts strike a single target, riddling it with energy. Inflicts Moderate "Shock" status for 1d5 rounds. (3500 damage) ( total damage)
Level 6:
Stormra (360 mp, 60 SpP): A powerful volt of electricity to 1 target. Hits 1d3 times. (1500 damage) ( total damage)
Level 1:
Sleep (10 mp, 10 SpP): Lulls and soothes a target to sleep. Inflicts Mild "Sleep" status. [Will-Resist Only]
Level 3:
Sleepra (90 mp, 20 SpP): A more powerful Sleep spell that soothes 1 target to slumber. Inflicts Moderate "Sleep" status. [Will-Resist Only]
Level 5:
Sleepga (250 mp, 40 SpP): 1 target is lulled to sleep by a strong magical relaxant. Inflicts Acute "Sleep" status. [Will-Resist Only]
Level 2:
Zephyr (40 mp, 15 SpP): A powerful wind strikes a target head-on, throwing it backwards. Inflicts Mild "Knockback" status. (1000 damage) ( total damage)
Level 5:
Zephyra (250 mp, 40 SpP): A crushing crosswind strikes a single target, tossing it back and forth before hurling it backwards. Inflicts Moderate "Knockback" status. (3500 damage) (