
A place for us to stow character sheets whose players haven't been around for a while, as an alternative to deleting them in case the player does return.
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Post by Kitty »



<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: Kitty
Real Name (Optional): Sara
Time Zone (GMT Modifier): Eastern

<<> Character Information <>>

-= Basics =-

Name: Cherna D’tal
Race: Vashire
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 120#
Appearance: White Tiger with White to black hair
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color: White to black
Notable Features: Lean and toned body. White fur covers her whole body with black tiger stripes. She has long hair to the middle of her back. Usually pulled up in a pony tail, her hair is white with fading to black tips. She has ice blue eyes, tiger like claws and fangs. She wears a brown leather top that covers her chest only and a leather type skirt that has a flap in the front and back but nothing on the sides. This reaches down to about her calf.

-= Personality =-

Favorite Food: Meat
Likes: Hunting, Water, Meeting new people, Helping others
Dislikes: Archery, Cold places, People that judge others before getting to know them
Favorite Color: Blue
Fears: Being alone, Taking over her tribe.

-= Background =-

History: The younger of two children. Her parents are the leaders of their small southern tribe. They live in a tribal like community and don’t have much in the way of technology. Metal is about as complex as they get and everything is done by hand or with tools. Cherna’s brother is to take over the tribe, but before he can he has to completely one year out on his own, bringing down a certain type of plant from up north. Her brother has now been gone for three years. Everyone thinks that he is dead but Cherna. She has a special connection to her brother. Because he brother has not returned the tribe has been attacked recently by other tribes trying to take over their territory. Death has become a part of her everyday life and she has finally set off to try and find her brother. The choker she wears was given to her by her brother shortly before his departure.

Notable Accomplishments:
Training (If any):


<<> Statistics <>>
500 points to distribute

Vital Statistics


Health: 80
Hit Points: 3200/3200 HP (Health * 40)

Dexterity: 100
Style Points:400 StP (Dexterity * 4)
Dodge: +29
Flat Foot: +22
Hit: +45 - 15 duelwielding

Strength: 79
Inventory Slots: +7 (+1 Slot for every 10 Strength)
Base Physical Damage:280 (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 30)
Maximum Carry Weight: 280(+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 40) lbs (pounds)

Endurance: 80
Defense (Damage Absorb): 320 (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance * 40)


Intelligence: 100
Magic Points:500/500 MP (Intelligence * 5)
Skill Points: 400 SkP (Intelligence * 4)

Magic Affinity: 20
Spell Points:80 SpP (Magic Affinity * 4)
Magic/Psionic Level: 0 (+1 Magic Level per 5 levels of Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skills)

Spirit: 20
Base Magic Damage: 60 ( ((Spirit +1/10) + (Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skill Level)) * 30 )

Magic/Psionic Damage Soak: 80 (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower * 40)

Luck: 1
Luck Points: 0 LP (+1 Luck Point for every 50 Luck)

<<> Skills <>>
393/400 Skill Points (Current/Maximum)

0: Untrained | 5: Hobbyist | 10: Novice/Beginner | 15: Dedicated Student | 20: Educated/Trained | 25: Professional | 30: Advanced | 35: Specialist | 40: Expert | 45: Adept/Prodigy | 50: Master

Athletic Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Roll 9 55
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Helps with dodge rolls

Reaction 7 38
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Countering sneak attacks, surprises, etc

Balance 5 25
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Balancing on an object

Jumping 5 25
Statistic: Strength
Used: Movement and helps with Dodge Rolls
Level 0 - 4: 2' Clearance
Level 5 - 9: 3' Clearance
Level 10 - 19: 4' Clearance
Level 20 - 29: 5' Clearance
Level 30 - 39: 6' Clearance
Level 40 - 49: 7' Clearance
Level 50: 10' Clearance

Running - This tells how fast a character can move at a dead on run. 5 25
Statistic: Strength or Dexterity
Used: Movement
Level 0 = 30 ft per round
Level 1-49: 30+5 ft per skill level
Level 50: 300 ft per round

Climbing 5 25
Statistic: Strength
Used: Climbing Ladders, ropes, etc

Swimming 5 25
Statistic: Strength
Used: Movement
Level 0: 0.1x Running Speed
Level 10: 0.5x Running Speed
Level 20: Running Speed
Level 30: 1.25x Running Speed
Level 40: 1.5x Running Speed
Level 50: 2.0x Running Speed

Honed Perception Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Minor Skills

Survival Jungle 5 25
Statistic: Intelligence
Used: Benefits survival rolls in given environments or situations.
Environments Example (Gives +(End/20) per level to Endurance Rolls)

Combat Skills

Weapons Proficiency Short Sword 15 - 130
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Gives bonus's to physical combat

Magic Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Knowledge Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Vehicle Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Survival Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Crafting Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

-= Advanced Skills =-
Dual Strike
Cost: 15 SP
Skill Level Required: 10
Type: Enabler
Effect: Allows for an attack with two strikes. Roll 1d2 to determine hits that connect.

Dual Wielding
Cost: 30 SP
Skill Level Required: 15
Type: Enabler
Effect: Allows for a person to wield 2 short swords at once with a -15 penalty (ordinarily -30). This doubles the number of potential hits. A person dual wielding is unable to cast spells or use dodge skills other than blocks.


<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
___/___ Style Points (Current/Maximum)

-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
___/80 Spell Points (Current/Maximum)


<<> Feats <>>

(* denotes feats possessed at Character Creation)

* Feat 1 (Free)- Physical Offensive Mastery
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Description: The character has an almost intuitive grasp of inflicting harm on an object or enemy, whether it be armed with almost any weapon or completely unarmed.
Effect: +10 to physical attack rolls. (Weapons Proficiencies, Martial Arts)

* Feat 2 (100 XP)- Dodge Mastery
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Description: The character exhibits a sort of 'second nature' about 'the five D's of dodging' (dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge), whether it includes using the environment or a weapon to defend themselves, or simply getting out of the way.
Effect: +5 to flat-foot ('Reaction'-based) dodge, +10 to regular ('Roll'-based) dodge, and blocking with a weapon ('Weapons Proficiency'-based dodge)

* Feat 3 (200 XP)- Enhanced Attack Maneuver I
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Effect: The character with this Feat gains a bonus of +2 per 10 points of Dexterity to attack physically.
Example: A character with 60 Dexterity typically has an attack Dexterity bonus of +6. With this feat, that becomes +12.

* Feat 4 (300 XP)- Hammer Space
Associated Statistic: Strength
Effect: You can keep small-medium item in a pocket dimension which can be removed at any point by reaching into a bag, etc. This can be done as a free action, but it can only be one item. Items containing other items (a backpack) will be emptied by gnomes. The gnomes will also refuse to allow living things or items unwillingly taken from other people.

* Feat 5 (400 XP)- Feature
Associated Statistic: None
Effect: Give yourself a minor non combat ability dark vision

* Feat 6 (500 XP)- Improved Physical Damage
Associated Statistic: Strength
Effect: This affects Base Damage, which in turn will have an affect on Weapon Damage when used with a weapon that requires Strength. The formula regularly for Base Damage is (+1 per 10 points) * 30. The equation changes to (+1 per 10 points of Strength) * 40.
Example: The character has a 60 Strength. This would grant +6. 6*30 = 180. With the Feat, the equation changes to 6*40= 240.

Feat 7 (600 XP)-
Feat 8 (700 XP)-
Feat 9 (800 XP)-
Feat 10 (900XP)-
Feat 11(1000XP)-
Feat 12(1200XP)-
Feat 13(1400XP)-
Feat 14(1500XP)-
Feat 15(1600XP)-
Feat 16(1800XP)-
Feat 17(2000XP)-
Feat 18(2200XP)-
Feat 19(2400XP)-
Feat 20(2500XP)-

<<> Weapons/Items <>>

-= Equipment Slots =-

Weapon: Short Sword
Side Arm:
Armor: Clothes
Pendant: Leith’s Choker
Ring 1:
Ring 2:

-= Item Slots =-
Slot 1:


<<> Inventory <>>


<<> Special Notes <>>

Posts: 1
Joined: July 27th, 2009, 4:25 am

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