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Duckship-1 (Glyde Loath)

Posted: October 31st, 2008, 4:48 pm
by Tony

10 xp (1st run)
Orange Refractor (2300 credit value) (2nd run)
Duckship Card (Extreme Challenge): Glyde Vulcan - Deals *2 magic damage with 'acute suppressing fire effect' against all targets.


Description: A larger duckship with a large bill mounted with weapons, as well as wing undermounted missile pods. The arena for this fight is the chaos emerald shrine, a large stone shrine surrounded by seven marble pillars, each flanking the Master Emerald. The aircraft is not in melee range unless it is preparing for the Glyde Laser

Weapon of Choice: Missile Pods, Vulcan Cannon, Ultimate Glyde Laser

HP: 48,000
MP: 0
Physical Soak: 4000
Mental Soak: 3200

Dodge Roll: 1d130+60

Attack Behavior:

1: Missile Barrage (2000 per missile, 1d8 missiles, 1d140+65, missile damage is soaked as one attack)
2: Vulcan Rounds (5000 damage, Acute "Suppressing Fire" effect.)
3: Glyde Laser (when used, the aircraft pulls close to the platform and holds its action. Next round it unleashes a laser that will hit 1d3 targets for 10,000 damage, 1d140+65 During held round, the duckships dodge is 1d90+40)