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Posted: May 14th, 2011, 5:06 am
by Strato
It was like I couldn't do anything. I couldn't believe it...I tried so hard to be a forgiving person. I couldn't even manage to resist. It was like something looked deep inside of me and started finding those few little faults inside me and began to swallow me whole. I closed my eyes and tried to fight it, remembering who I was. I thought I could do it on my own...after all, the Atlamillia chose me to hold it. I remembered everyone in Palm Brinks...and everyone I fought alongside, there and here.

But I still couldn't do it. I couldn't defeat the darkness in my heart, no matter how hard I tried.

Then I felt my despair I cried out aloud, and I just felt like screaming. I didn't know what to do. For the first time in a long time, I was utterly helpless. Where I once got to be a hero in my own story with everyone else, I now found myself as the rescued, my eyes scrunched shut to shield myself from the oncoming horror as best I could, ready to accept the inevitability of my own demise. I thought it was over.

But it isn't. Not today. Because after all, the people I'm with...they're heroes all the same. Just as the shadows were beginning to swallow my heart whole, I felt something pull me out of the fray. I don't know who it was, but now I know I don't have to just shut myself off from people in fear of the fact they might someday not be in my life anymore.

It's okay to be afraid. I always knew that. Now is my time to embrace everyone around me, because tomorrow may be a day I never see them again. I need to relish the relationships I now have...and then maybe someday I, too, can be strong enough to save someone else. No matter what it takes, I won't give up, for the sake of whoever extended their hand and saved me from my own darkness.
