
Where one can explore the memories that lie outside of the Dimensional Wars as we know them.
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Post by Strato »


Normal - Elven Medicinal Herb(Heals 10000 HP)
Extreme - Verdant Band(Ring)

Verdant Band
Price: 800000
Max Enchantment Level: 5
Natural Properties: Determined upon acquisition.

Name: Arectaris

Description: You stand amidst a clearing in a lush, vibrant forest, the greenery providing a distinctive vibrance that bears an almost ceremonious feel to it. A small pond lays before a large, rough stone wall, looking as though it had been undisturbed in quite some time. As you approach the stone wall, a magical array appears beneath the pond...and from its surface emerges a verdure, translucent besat measuring at a 20-foot height, bearing four massive tendrils and a humanoid-like center. Soon four colored crystals materialize, surrounding the pond as Arectaris shrieks and attacks!


HP: 75000
MP: 50000
Physical Soak: 25000/1500
Magical Soak: 25000/1500

Initiative: 1d250
Block: 1d170+80 (unarmed)
Dodge Roll: 1d50+20
Willpower Defense: 1d150+70

NOTE: Arectaris' soak goes down from 25000 to 1500 when all four crystals are destroyed.

4 Crystals:

HP: 15000
MP: 20000
Physical Soak: 1000
Magical Soak: 2000

Initiative: 1d100
Block: 1d20
Dodge Roll: 1d20
Willpower Defense: 1d150+70

Attack Behavior:

Arectaris: 1d8

1: Slam(Arectaris slams its powerful appendages to crush 4 enemies. 1d160+75, 5000 damage)
2: Thunderball(A ball of lightning energy is launched from the tip of its tendril. 1d160+75, 1d3 hits, 4000 lightning damage per hit.)
3: Fire Storm(Summons a gust of flame rocketing upwards from the ground towards 3 characters. 1d150+70, 4000 fire damage)
4: Thunder Storm(Calls forth thunderbolts from the sky to strike 3 characters. 1d160+75, 4000 lightning damage)
5: Poison Blow(Summons a surge of toxins into a character's body. 1d150+70, 5000 magic damage and 1000 HP/round poison.)
6: Frigid Damsel(Summons an ice-maiden who slashes toward a character thrice with an icicle-blade. 1d150+70, 1d3 hits, 4500 ice damage per hit.)
7: Gravity Blessing(The entire party is sucked forcibly into an amplified center of gravity. This can be resisted only via arcane defense or pure strength. 1d150+70, 5000 unsoakable damage)
8: Angel Rain(The entire landscape withstands a strong downpour of holy energy. Characters now take 500 unsoakable holy damage per round. This move is stackable.)

Its melee attacks can reach 1 area away.

Crystal 1:

Fire Lance(Sends two firebolts at an enemy. 1d130+60, 1d2 hits, 3000 fire damage)

Crystal 2:

Frigid Damsel(An ice-maiden bearing an icicle blade materializes before one enemy, taking a trio of swings. 1d130+60, 1d3 hits, 2500 ice damage)

Crystal 3:

Lightning Bolt(A thunderbolt rockets forth towards one enemy. 1d130+60, 1d2 hits, 3000 lightning damage)

Crystal 4:

Earth Grave(A pair of sharp rock formations suddenly jut out towards one adversary. 1d130+60, 1d2 hits, 3000 earth damage)

Additional Notes:

Crystal 1 absorbs fire. Ice deals double damage.
Crystal 2 absorbs ice. Fire deals double damage.
Crystal 3 absorbs lightning. Darkness deals double damage.
Crystal 4 absorbs earth. Wind deals double damage.
Arectaris absorbs holy.

The crystals surround Arectaris in a helix pattern surrounding it. The party begins in Arectaris' area.


Like so.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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