Sergent Major Kululu

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Sergent Major Kululu


Post by QueenSelphie »

<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: Kurama
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone (GMT Modifier):

<<> Character Information <>>

-= Basics =-

Name: Sergant Major Kululu or just Kululu
Race: Keronian
Height: 4'0"
Weight: unknown
Appearance: Kululu is a child sized yellow anthropomorphic frog. His stomach has a red spiral mark on it; a yellow one is also located on his hat. Spirals can also be seen on his glasses. He has a pair of headphones on his head that serve as a multipurpose tool. Image
Eye Color: unknown
Hair Color: none
Notable Features: He is a yellow child sized frog. Although this is not a physical feature, Kululu has a really creepy laugh when ever he is scheming, amused, annoyed..its really an anytime laugh "Ku ku ku ku."

-= Personality =-

Favorite Food: Curry
Likes: testing out his inventions on other people
Dislikes: most everybody
Favorite Color: Yellow
Fears: unknown

-= Background =-

History: Sergent Major Kururu is the brain of the Keronian Army officially in charge of intelligence and planning. Despite his rank and possibly due to his creepy demeanor he prefers to work behind the scenes. He is extremely mischievous and enigmatic, almost to the point where some people might call him a mad scientist. He was once ranked Major in the army, because of his intelligence, but has lost his rank due to trouble making. His many inventions include a pen that can materialize anything it draws. A gun that can turn animals into people and a ray gun that can literally lift years off of someones life. He is also capable of creating shrink rays. Kululu also has an extreme love for curry going so far as to bathing in it. It is believed that Kululu was actually a different color when he was young, but his love for curry has turned him yellow.
Notable Accomplishments:
Training (If any):



Total Experience Points: 1000

Health: 120
Health Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Health)
HP: / hp (Health * 40)

Dexterity: 100
Flat Foot Dodge: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + reaction skill/2)
Dodge Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + Skill)
Physical Attack Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + skill)
Style Points: StP (Dexterity * 4)

Strength: 60
Inventory Slots/Comfortable Carry: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength)
Base Damage: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 5)
Max Carry Weight: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 40) lbs
Weapon Damage: (Base Damage * Weapon mod.)

Endurance: 60
Defense (Damage Absorb): (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance *40)
Survival Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance)

Intelligence: 220
MP: MP (Intelligence * 5)
Skill Points: SkP (Int * 4)

Magic Affinity: 10
Spell Points: SpP (Magic Affinity * 4)
Magic Attack Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Magic + Magic Level of Skill used.)
Mage Level: (Skill Level / 5)
Psionic Level: (Skill Level / 5)

Spirit: 220
Base Magic Damage: [( (+1 per 10 Spirit) + (Skill Level) ) * 5) * Mage Level]

Willpower: 110
Mental/Magic Defense Roll: / (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower + Skill Level)
Magic Damage Soak: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower * 40)

Luck: 100
Luck Roll: (+1 Bonus for every 10 Luck)
Luck Points: (+1 for every 50 Luck)

<<> Skills <>>
15/880 Skill Points (Current/Maximum)

0: Untrained | 5: Hobbyist | 10: Novice/Beginner | 15: Dedicated Student | 20: Educated/Trained | 25: Professional | 30: Advanced | 35: Specialist | 40: Expert | 45: Adept/Prodigy | 50: Master

Athletic Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Reaction 130 = Level 15

Honed Perception Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Minor Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Search 65 = Level 10

Combat Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Magic Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Knowledge Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Knowledge (Engineering) 130 = Level 15
Knowledge (Physics) 130 = Level 15
--- Advanced Knowledge: Dimensional Physics (60) SP - 5 - (25)

Vehicle Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Vehicle Operation (Mechanical Infantry) 65 = Level 10
Vehicle Operation (Mechanical Infantry) 65 = Level 10

Survival Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Crafting Skills
<skill> <points> <level>

Craft (Electronics) 65 = Level 10
Craft (Engineering) 65 = Level 10

-= Advanced Skills =-


<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
Current Style Points: (Used) / (Max) StP

-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
Current Spell Points: (Used) / (Max) SpP


<<> Traits and Feats <>>

-= Race Traits =-

Animals are a complicated breed. Some animals are humanoid, known as Anthropomorphic. Some are fully animal, mice or sheep. Some simply possess animal features. Whatever the details, animals offer a degree of complication and choice, and the details would have to be worked out with the gm. Below are common traits amongst all animal types.

Free Trait:
Tiny 2
Prerequisite: Smaller
Description: Your character is miniscule, a much harder target. You gain a +25% to dodge and a +10 to diplomacy checks (you look harmless), but your muscles deal 25% less the damage of a normal person. In addition to this, you have a +25 bonus against 'called shots', as most weapons are zero'd to a target of human size. You fit into tight spaces better than other characters, which may award you unique opportunities.

Species Communication
Free Feats: Improved Senses (+25 to rolls for Sight, Hearing and/or Smell)

Free Skill: Survival (Natural Environment) 15 (130)

Beast Power
Pre-Requisite: Racial/GM Assigned
Description: The awe inspiring variance in the animal kingdom has been a boundless mystery for ages, every breed a snowflake cornucopia of interesting biological features. Stories through the ages detail how these oddities came to be and what the spirit beasts of the past must have needed them for, and the canny heroic beast can make great use of them in its adventures.
Effect: Grants a number of free Beast Power feats, equal to the number of Biological Constraints presented by the species. Additional traits can be taken if one has the appropriate anatomy, but these cost Feat slots as normal. Note that your character may have these parts anyway, but lacking the proper Feat implies that they haven't mastered its practical use.

Pre-Requisite: Must be aquatic.
Description: Grants an overall +15 to physical actions while underwater. Depending on the exact circumstances, this will either triple the lung capacity of the holder, or allow one to breathe water.

Negative Traits:

Social Stigma: Animals are regarded as a lower form of life. Despite their intelligence, they may not be taken seriously, attempted to be captured, or even killed. This doesn't USUALLY present the Dragonian trouble of being outright hunted down, but it can happen.
Biological Constraints: This varies depending on the animal, and must be discussed. In general, biological constraints refer to complications which may arise from animal form. This includes environmental sensitivity (overheating with fur), warm or cold blooded, and other technicalities. These are far too variable to hash out in one master list, but don't be stingy admitting the weaknesses of your species.
Shorter Lifespan: Animals generally live longer than humans. This is an unfortunate fact, but many animals live far shorter than average PC's, and age faster as a result.


-= Character Traits =-

-= Feats =-

(* denotes feats taken at character creation.)

*Feat 1 (Free) -
Expert Pilot - Effect: +10 to 2 Vehicle Operations of choice, +5 Repair, +5 Navigation

*Feat 2 (100 XP) -
Gadgeteer/Tinker - Effect: +10 Artisan: Engineering, Repair, [Artisan: Electronics OR Artisan: Vehicles]

*Feat 3 (200 XP) -
Enhanced Spirit I
Associated Statistic: Spirit
Description: Remember that hamster-powered pair of scissors with nail clippers for blades and seemingly pointless streamers? Maybe not, but a taker of this feat bears a vivid imagination made to come up with crazy ideas like this. Of course...not all ideas are crazy, and it helps hone a craftsman's mental image and communicate it to his/her finished product.
Effect: For every 10 points in Spirit, thecharacter gains +2 to roll for Spirit-based skills including Craft. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT MAGIC DAMAGE!
Example: A character has 60 Spirit. Normally the character would gain a bonus of +6, but with this feat, the bonus is +12.

*Feat 4 (300 XP) -
Machinist - Effect: +10 Artisan: Engineering, Lockpicking, Vehicle Operation

*Feat 5 (400 XP) -
Robotics Expert
Associated Class: Machinist
Description: When it comes to automated units, robots, or -- as some call them, the modern golem -- this character has the know-how to take them down, dismantle them, repair them, or any number of other helpful or harmful things for these machines.
Effect: Allows a Machinist to build Custom Abilities off of his/her Artisan: Engineering skill tree. These Abilities are granted an automatic +100% damage to mechanical or synthetic life-based enemies and a +1 Severity to any status effects, AFTER the ability is created normally. These effects also work on restorative Abilities!

*Feat 6 (500 XP) -
Improved Luck I
Associated Statistic: Luck
Description: Some people are just luckier than others. A taker of this feat just seems to get things go their way more often than others.
Effect: For every 10 points in Luck, the character gains +2 to rolls.
Example: The character has an 80 Luck. Instead of +8, the character gains a +16 to Luck rolls.

*Feat 7 (600 XP) -
My Handy-Dandy...!
Associated Class: Gadgeteer/Tinker
Description: By growing fond of a particular creation or an old purchase, this craftsman is able to personalize and enhance his/her devices into something only truly usable to him/her. This goes beyond simple "jailbreaking" of a device or giving something hand-grips, it makes it truly unique to that character.
Effect: By taking an established gadget/tool/device/etc., and using the required Artisan skill to match the creation DC again, the gadgeteer can change the effectiveness of a particular gadget/tool/device/etc. to his/her liking within reason according to a GM, or enhance the device's original functions.

*Feat 8 (700 XP) -
Associated Statistic: Spirit
Description: The character is a master at thinking 'outside the box', and has a lot of quirky ideas that they may scribble on napkins, doodle in class, or dream about in board meetings. They are able to use this to build elaborate machines, modify existing ones, or figure out special ways to repair existing ones.
Effect: +10 to Craft and Repair Skill Checks

*Feat 9 (800 XP) -
Enhanced Dodge
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Description: This character has quicker reflexes and a keener sense of direction, allowing him/her to avoid or deflect blows away from his/her body, whether it's flipping, blocking, or jumping.
Effect: This improves the Flat Foot, regular Dodge, and Block rolls. Instead of a +1 bonus for every 10 points, the character earns +2 per every 10 points.
Example: A character with 80 Dexterity normally has a Dodge Dexterity bonus of +8. With this feat, that becomes +16.

*Feat 10 (900XP) -
* Feat 7 (600 XP) - Nerdy (Engineering, Chemistry, Alien Technology)
You love knowing things and it shows. Whether it be from being a bookworm, a webcrawler, a devoted student, you have a great deal of knowledge about a few subjects. The character recieves a +10 bonus to three knowledge skills of choice and these skills must be listed when the feat is taken

*Feat 11(1000XP) -
Mind Shield
Associated Statistic: Willpower
Description: The character exhibits stronger-than-average human resistance to mental and spiritual influence.
Effect: +50 to Will (Temporary). This grants +5 to the Mental Defense roll, as well as improves magical damage soak.

Feat 12(1200XP) -
Feat 13(1400XP) -
Feat 14(1500XP) -
Feat 15(1600XP) -
Feat 16(1800XP) -
Feat 17(2000XP) -
Feat 18(2200XP) -
Feat 19(2400XP) -
Feat 20(2500XP) -
Feat 21(2600XP) -
Feat 22(2800XP) -
Feat 23(3000XP) -
Feat 24(3200XP) -
Feat 25(3400XP) -
Feat 26(3500XP) -
Feat 27(3600XP) -
Feat 28(3800XP) -
Feat 29(4000XP) -
Feat 30(4200XP) -

<<> Equipment Slots <>>

Note: Dual-Wielded items occupy 1 Equipment Slot (not Inventory Slot).

Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:

Credits: 500,000 (+1,000,000 after 3 months)

<<> Inventory <>>


<<> Roll Log <>>

-= Basic =-

Init die:
Physical Soak:
Magical Soak:
Luck Roll: 1d1000+?

Health: _____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Health)

Flat Foot Dodge: ______ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + (Reaction skill / 2))
Dodge: _____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + Roll Skill)
Block: _____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + Weapons Proficiency + block advanced skills + weapon bonus

Physical Attack: _____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + Martial Arts/Weapons Proficiency Skills)

Survival: __________ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance)

Magic/Psionic Attack: _____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Magic Affinity + Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skill)

Magic/Psionic Defense Roll: ______ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower + Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skill)

Luck : ______ d1000+(1 point to 10 points in Luck)

-= Skills =-

-= Abilities =-

-= Feats =-



<<> Special Notes <>>

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Joined: October 9th, 2008, 6:12 pm

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