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Creature Vehicle Combat

Posted: May 22nd, 2015, 6:20 am
by Oceanblaze
Creature Combat
For creatures battling against vehicles, the following system is used (this includes dragons):

AP: For every 3000 HP, you gain 1 AP. Possessing Giant 1, 2, or 3 adds a one time bonus of 2, 4, or 6 AP respectively. (Example: 12,000 HP with Giant 1 would have 6 AP, 4 from the HP and 2 from the Giant). For purposes of transformation, your percent AP carries over to your your HP (for example, if you have taken 50% of your AP in damage, you are at 50% HP when it becomes relevant. Likewise, if you are poisoned for 1/8th of your health per round, you lose 1/8th of your AP per round)

Hard Points: Only creatures with Giant 3 possess Hard Points. For every 100 points in strength, you gain 1 Hard Point (+1 for each level of Improved Lift). It is generally assumed that 'mounting' equipment to a creature is done via quick release harness in the event of catastrophic failure, however fitting these quick release harnesses requires several rounds to put on. This gear can be recovered and repaired after a mission, however the harness costs 20% of the value of the item to make and fit.

AP Damage: Vehicle's Skill Level/2. Certain attacks may have special effects. (For example, a Dragon with a Level 6 breath weapon would deal 3 AP damage per hit)
AP Soak: Every 300 Health = 1 AP Soak (you may ignore 1 AP of damage from any weapon)
Manuverbility: 100%
Attack Roll: 1d100+((skill level * 5) + (weapon to-hit bonus / 5)) (Breath Weapon/Martial Arts/etc when you are the vehicle. Vehicle skill when you're on the vehicle. Weapon bonus is the to-hit bonus of what's being used, whether a claw edge, dragon totem, etc.)
Dodge/Maneuver Roll: 1d100+(skill level * 5) (Athletics when you are a vehicle. Vehicle skill when you're on the vehicle.) (running/flying/etc)

Pilot Risk: 100% for no size trait, 75% for Giant 1, 50% for Giant 2, 25% for Giant 3 (If you fail your dodge and roll a 1d100 at or under this, your passengers will take HP damage)

Chance of failure while in flight is reduced to critical hits/botches only, due to the fact that as opposed to a normal individual flying, a creature safely considered to be a 'vehicle' likely has sufficient wingspan/capability of recovery whereas an individual would be much more flimsy.