Weapon Proficiency: Martial Arts

The various weapons proficiencies have been placed here for lack of crowding.
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Weapon Proficiency: Martial Arts


Post by Strato »

Martial Arts

The art of fighting unarmed! Across the universe martial arts is used for various reasons: to hone one's concentration, to unite armies as a fighting force, to create a basis to the path of enlightenment, and to survive... for whatever the reason, those who practice don't learn to use a weapon -- THEY BECOME THE WEAPON!

FAST KICKS, HARSH PUNCHES, POWERFUL ELBOWS, THROWS, STUNS, and a trail of blood, sweat, and tears are left in the wake of the warriors who follow this road. ARE YOU READY?



Dual Strike
Cost: 10 SP
Required Skill Level: 1
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Grants the owner the ability to perform a 1-2 martial arts combo for full damage.

Triple Strike
Cost: 30 SP
Required Skill Level: 3
Prerequisites: Dual Strike
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Grants the owner the ability to perform a 3 hit martial arts combo for full damage. Roll a 1d3.

Rapid Strike
Cost: 60 SP
Required Skill Level: 4
Prerequisites: Dual Strike, Triple Strike
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for an extended combo of 1d4 hits.

Rapid Combo
Cost: 120 SP
Required Skill Level: 6
Prerequisites: Dual Strike, Triple Strike, Rapid Strike
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Gives a 5 hit combo using martial arts attacks. Roll a 1d5 to determine number of hits.

Flash Strike
Cost: 200 SP
Required Skill Level: 8
Prerequisites: Dual Strike, Triple Strike, Rapid Strike, Rapid Combo
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Gives a 6 hit combo using martial arts attacks. Roll a 1d6 to determine number of hits.

Brawl Blitz
Cost: 275 SP
Required Skill Level: 9
Prerequisites: Dual Strike, Triple Strike, Rapid Strike, Rapid Combo, Flash Strike
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a 1d7-hit combo.

Fists of Fury
Cost: 350 SP
Required Skill Level: 10
Prerequisites: Dual Strike, Triple Strike, Rapid Strike, Rapid Combo, Flash Strike, Brawl Blitz
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: The ultimate combo. Allows for a 1d8 series of martial arts attacks.


Cost: 30 SP
Required Skill Level: 3
Prerequisites: None
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the last hit of your attack (whether 1 hit, or you land a full combo on 1d2 hits or above) to be a quick grapple-and-throw. When you land full hits on a combo, roll luck. On 501+, opponent is knocked down.

Cost: 100 SP
Required Skill Level: 6
Prerequisites: Aikido
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the last hit of your attack (whether 1 hit, or you land a full combo on 1d2 hits or above) to be a strike toward a specific pressure point. When you land full hits on a combo, roll luck. On 501+, opponent is stunned, losing 1 action.

Debilitating Blow
Cost: 200 SP
Required Skill Level: 8
Prerequisites: Aikido, Shaolin
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the last hit of your attack (whether 1 hit, or you land a full combo on 1d2 hits or above) to be a strike upon the nerves in the upper body, heightening its sense of pain. When you land full hits on a combo, roll luck. On 501+, opponent is afflicted with Pain status.

Vulcan Neck Pinch
Cost: 350 SP
Required Skill Level: 10
Prerequisites: Ground Sweep, Stun Strike, Debilitating Blow
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the last hit of your attack (whether 1 hit, or you land a full combo on 1d2 hits or above) to be a swift pinch of the nerves upon the neck. When you land full hits on a combo, roll luck. On 501+, opponent is knocked out.


The way of the fist is a long and almost never ending road. The traveling warrier will find himself often at a cross roads when the body has reached its peak. In attempting to understand what comes next they often find they only need look within. Chi Arts are a sub skill set of the same set as martial arts, meaning you don't need a 'chi arts level' in order to purchase these skills.

These skills are focused on bringing out the fighters hidden spiritual potential and as they grow to understand it the full manipulation of thier own and even others chakra. Stop punching, stop fighting, relax and let your third eye open. For better....or...worse.

Chi Arts
Cost: 15 SP
Required Skill Level: 2
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Drain 100 MP to increase attack damage on a hand-to-hand attack by +100. The maximum # of times you can do this for one attack is your Spirit/50 (round down).

Chi Bolt
Cost: 60 SP
Required Skill Level: 4
Prerequisites: Chi Arts
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Augments Chi Arts, allowing the martial artist to throw ranged bolts of life force. These are identical to strikes utilizing Chi Arts, but are ranged and can optionally substitute Spirit for Strength in the damage formula. This damage is Magical in nature and non-elemental.

Dark Chi Arts
Cost: 80 SP
Required Skill Level: 5
Prerequisites: Chi Arts
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: A dangerous technique that utilizes negative as well as positive chi to channel more energy into a strike at the cost of damage to your body. This allows you to exceed your 'cap' at your current boosts on chi arts at the cost of 10 Health per increase.
Example: Joe has 150 spirit, via chi arts he can 'boost' his martial arts modifier by +300 during this round. With dark chi arts he can increase it further at the cost of 10 Health and 500 mp per increase. This can be done untill Health limit reaches 10. Those points can be regained with a day's rest.
Warning: Be aware of the effects of lowering your Health, specifically decreasing Max HP and soak values!

Chi Attunement
Cost: 100 SP
Required Skill Level: 6
Prerequisites: Chi Bolt
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows one to spend a round in light meditation to attune one's flow of chi, using any stable source of elemental power to 'color' it with that element. Normal attacks using Chi Arts, as well as Chi Bolts thrown, will be considered of the element tuned to for all intents and purposes. An ally with an elemental affinity, or one's own affinity, can be used to 'fuel' this attunement, and it lasts for the rest of combat.
In either case, the affinity fueling it is dropped by 1 level, and an item fueling is disabled until released.

Negative Chi Injection
Cost: 150 SP
Required Skill Level: 7
Prerequisites: Dark Chi Arts
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: A dangerous technique that forces a spiritual gallstone into the enemy's chakra path, causing internal disruption. Chi Arts attacks now force a Magic Defense check against their attack roll. Failure of this check, if the attack strikes, deals half the damage of it to the target's MP as well. For every successful attack landed the user will lose 10 Health.

Chakra Alignment
Cost: 200 SP
Required Skill Level: 8
Prerequisites: Chi Attunement
Untrained: No.
Type: Active
Effect: Meditates deeply to find inner peace and realign the Chakra points in the body. This can be used up to 7 times per mission, once for each chakra; Each use calculates Chi Bolt damage with Spirit, and half the value is added to a single target's HP. In addition, each of the seven uses has a unique effect.
1st: +20 bonus to the next Dexterity based action taken.
2nd: +5 to all ally's actions until next turn.
3rd: Doubles durations of all positive status effects on the target.
4th: Prevents the next negative status effect that would occur in the target.
5th: The target may have a mysterious dream...
6th: Targets two, of opposite genders. Each recieves a +20 bonus to their next action.
Final: Reraise effect on target, reviving the target on death with full HP and MP.

Chakra Overdrive
Cost: 275 SP
Required Skill Level: 9
Prerequisites: Negative Chi Injection
Untrained: No.
Type: Active
Effect: An extremely dangerous art that forces an unnatural amount of fighting spirit through the body. Health and Spirit are set to 10. Usable only once per fight, and lasts until the user is KOd or drops the form, which brings Health and Spirit back up to half their usual amount. For every 50 stat points 'lost' from the drop of Health and Spirit, evoke one of the following effects (the same effect can be evoked and stacked multiple times). Points are regained at the end of the mission and a day of rest. Critical damage to the body during this time may extend the 'rest' period.
+100 to Damage Modifier
One extra hit to all martial combos (this effect can only be taken once).
+2% Crit Chance (Maximum of +20%)
+2% to Limit Break/Trance gauge (If this is taken, your limit break/trance gauge will reset to 0 after Chakra Overdrive ends).

Cost: 350 SP
Required Skill Level: 10
Prerequisites: Chakra Alignment
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Upon reaching Enlightenment, the Martial Artist is considered to always be in a state of Chi Arts usage and the cost of using it halves (250 mp). Chi Bolts can likewise be tossed without an mp cost, and even volleyed in number using Martial Arts combo skills. Chakra Alignment effect can be chosen freely rather than following the progression of first to last. Furthermore, Martial Arts skill will from then on be added to defense rolls against magical effects.
Last edited by Strato on July 16th, 2023, 7:45 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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