Weapon Proficiency: Shields

The various weapons proficiencies have been placed here for lack of crowding.
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Weapon Proficiency: Shields


Post by Strato »


While considered equipment rather than a weapon, the occasional shieldbearer will turn their defensive cover into an offensive blunt weapon, capable of many creative things. Shield users are very versatile, and while some may remain completely defensive, others may choose the more offensive skills in order to effectively dual wield a sharp weapon and a blunt weapon. Some other users may have larger shields, and will be able to cover others with their weapons -- a good example of this are SWAT Riot Shields, as opposed to the more common knight shields.

These advanced skills will assist and WILL REPLACE, NOT STACK WITH the myriad of Advanced Skills that the Reaction Skill offers -- however, the Shield skills will only apply to using the shield to block.

That is, if a character has both the Reaction 'Block' skill and the Shield 'Shield Block' skill, their bonuses will not add together -- when the character uses a shield to block, they are to use the appropriate skill, but if they use another weapon to block, they will use the Reaction skill.

Shields are able to block many things that other weapons are not. They can block the blast of grenades, can stop bullets, arrows, and other projectiles, beam weapons, and if a shield is strong enough, will even stand up to the raging inferno of a dragon's breath, as well as the pummeling suppressing fire of a heavy machine gun.

However, this power does come with a drawback. Shields as a support for another weapon can only be wielded with a second weapon of 5 or fewer slots, and MUST be equipped in the Sidearm Equipment Slot.


Shield Block
Cost: 10 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 1
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus (+10)
Effect: Allows a user to properly use the shield to block oncoming attacks.

Shield Counter
Cost: 15 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 2, second melee weapon equipped, 'Shield Block' skill.
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for a shield user to block an incoming melee attack with the shield, then strike back at an enemy with the other weapon. Grants a +5 bonus to the shield block only.

Improved Shield Block
Cost: 60 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 4, 'Shield Block' skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: Allows a character to better deflect attacks with their shield, granting a +15 bonus to defending with a shield.

Shield Combo Counter
Cost: 90 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 5, a second melee weapon equipped, 'Shield Block,' 'Shield Counter' skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a character to block an incoming melee attack with their shield and deal two consecutive strikes from their second weapon in succession. No bonus is granted to either.

Improved Shield Counter
Cost: 90 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 5, second melee weapon equipped, 'Shield Block,' 'Shield Counter' advanced skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for a shield user to rapidly block and counter an attack with a single melee strike. Grants +10 to the block roll and +5 to the attack roll.

Advanced Shield Block
Cost: 160 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 7, 'Shield Block,' 'Improved Shield Block' skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: Allows a user intimate knowledge of defending themselves and others, granting a +20 to blocking with a shield.

Advanced Shield Counter
Cost: 205 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 8, second melee weapon equipped, 'Shield Block,' 'Shield Counter,' 'Improved Shield Counter' skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for a shield user to rapidly block and counter an attack with a single melee strike. Grants +20 to the block roll and +10 to the attack roll.

Advanced Shield Combo Counter
Cost: 260 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 9, second melee weapon equipped, 'Shield Block,' 'Shield Counter,' 'Shield Combo Counter' skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for a melee weapon user to block and counter an attack with 1d3 melee strikes with their second weapon. Grants +5 to the block roll, no bonus to the attack.


Shield Bash
Cost: 10 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 1
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows for a shield user to slam the brunt of their shield into an opponent, dealing +500 physical damage.

Shield Slam
Cost: 15 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 2, 'Shield Bash' skill.
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a shield user to attack an opponent with their shield, causing the Knockdown status if successful.

Improved Shield Bash
Cost: 60 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 4, 'Shield Bash' skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a character to use their shield better offensively, dealing +1500 physical damage to an opponent.

Improved Shield Slam
Cost: 90 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 5, 'Shield Slam' Advanced Skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a character to charge two enemies close together with the shield equipped and slam them both into the ground, incurring the Knockdown status.

Advanced Shield Bash
Cost: 160 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 7, 'Shield Bash,' 'Improved Shield Bash' skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a character to impact severe blunt force against an opponent with their shield, dealing +3000 physical damage with it.

Advanced Shield Slam
Cost: 260 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 9, 'Shield Slam,' 'Improved Shield Slam' skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a shield user to charge forward and mow over up to 5 enemies gathered together at a time, causing the Knockdown effect on them.


Shield Cover
Cost: 30 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 3, 'Shield Block' skill
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a character to plant his/her Heavy Shield into the ground and use it to protect itself and one other character from attacks. This takes a character's standard action. Using this cover functions as Moderate "Concealment" status (Accuracy -5, Dodge/Hide +5. Reduces suppressing fire damage by 50%.).

Improved Shield Cover
Cost: 110 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 6, 'Shield Block,' 'Shield Cover' Advanced Skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a character to plant his/her Heavy Shield into the ground and use it to protect itself and up to three other characters from attacks. This takes a character's standard action. Using this cover functions as Acute "Concealment" status (Accuracy -10, Dodge/Hide +10. Immune to suppressing fire.)

Advanced Shield Cover
Cost: 350 SP
Skill Level Requirements: 10, 'Shield Block,' 'Shield Cover,' 'Improved Shield Cover' skills
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows a character to plant his/her Heavy Shield into the ground and use it to protect itself and up to five other characters from attacks. This takes a character's standard action. Using this cover functions as Acute "Concealment" status (Accuracy -20, Dodge/Hide +20. Immune to suppressing fire and weapons fire that are not 'armor piercing'. Armor piercing weapons deal full damage.).
Last edited by Strato on August 29th, 2024, 9:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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