Psionics: Sonokinesis

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Psionics: Sonokinesis


Post by Strato »


Sonokinesis is the art of manipulating sonic energy. Masters of this school are capable of creating unnatural sounds and illusions, as well as creating powerful bursts of sonic energy.

Due to the nature of sound waves, damage created by sonokinesis is automatically non-armor soakable and non-lethal.

Name: Sonic Blast
Description: A blast of ultra-low or ultra-high frequency sound makes sonic attacks inaudible to many types of ears, but the effect is still tangible to the body whether the senses recognize it or not. Sound waves are still waves of energy, and can sometimes be more devastating than just noises.
Level 1: +300
Level 2: +600
Level 3: +1000
Level 4: +1500, Mild "Slow" Effect: -20 to rolls for next round.
Level 5: +2000
Level 6: +3000
Level 7: +4000
Level 8: +6000, Moderate "Slow" Effect: -40 to rolls for next round.
Level 9: +8000
Level 10: +10000, Acute "Slow" effect: -60 to rolls for next round.


Cost: 15 SP
Required Skill Level: 2
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Enables the user to increase the volume of the people or things around the area of a single person. This makes it impossible for observers to concentrate on a specific conversation, but only if there is any form of ambient noise.

Focus Sound
Cost: 30 SP
Required Skill Level: 3
Untrained: No.
Type: Bonus
Effect: A person with sonokinesis may focus and augment their hearing, granting a (Sonokinesis level * 2) bonus to any listen checks made.

Ghost Sounds
Cost: 60 SP
Required Skill Level: 4
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: This enables a person to create focused sounds in the form of noises or words by using their sonokinesis.

Cost: 90 SP
Required Skill Level: 5
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Sounds around a target (including their voice) are eliminated for 1d5 rounds. This has the effect of 'Silence'.

Greater Mute
Cost: 120 SP
Required Skill Level: 6
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Enables the user to mute an entire area for 1d5 rounds at one level of Sonokinesis per person muted. This area is considered under the effect of a silence spell.

Cost: 200 SP
Required Skill Level: 8
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the user through the use of sound to create massive vibrations in the ground. This effect generates debris, which in turn makes this a potentially lethal attack.
Opposing targets must make a jump dodge to avoid DC to beat is 110. Failing DC results in targets being assulted by debris succumbing to
Chronic: [Fractured] The characters bone mass is severely weakened. Physical actions are rolled untrained, and any action which causes damage will trigger 'Shattered' status

Greater Shockwave
Cost: 400 SP
Required Skill Level: 10
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows the user through the use of sound to create earthquake level vibrations in the ground. This effect generates debris, which in turn makes this a potentially lethal attack.
Opposing targets must make a jump dodge to avoid DC to beat is 150. Failing DC results in targets being removed from combat [Ex-Zone]
Last edited by Strato on June 9th, 2023, 7:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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