Daedalus (Fantasy Quest)

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Daedalus (Fantasy Quest)


Post by Daedalus »

<<>Player Info<>>
IRC Nick: Daedalus
Real Name (Optional): Brendan
Time Zone: Pacific, LA, Califorina
Sheet Approved by: (Leave blank)
<<>Character Description<>>
Name: Daedalus
Race: Human
Age: 40
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 200 lbs

Daedalus looks like a slightly tanned man in his 40s about 6’7” tall with brown hair that was cut short. His eyes a dark green. He didn't have any scars on his face, and his body was well built, adorned with a black leather jacket. He wore boots, but these were specially tailored so he still had contact with the earth, in the fact that their soles contained bits of rock that stretched up to meet his feet. Two gim(chinese straight swords. prounouced jin.)

Eye Color:Dark green
Hair Color: Brown
Notable Features:

<<>Character Personality<>>
Favorite Food: Beef
Likes: edged weaponary, motorcycles, speed, fighting, technology, patience, meditating, double talking, decieving, sleeping, training
Dislikes: impatience, complaining, things that take no skill to use
Favorite Color: Black
Fears: Not being able to prevent the death of friends or family, losing or breaking the only two swords that are the only link to his forgotten past.

<<>Character Background<>>
History: -Medieval era- Orignally, Dae was a wanderer. He would wander from place to place looking for a group or family, usually in the form of an army or such. This included wandering to and from the Broken Dagger tavern(many congregated there, maybe someone could help him), the castle of Camelot, and finally (if only for at least maybe a hundred years or so), Queen Sara's realm. There he joined her army and served for an unknown, but long, amount of time, fighting their battles with them and such. Dae had been wandering around mainly because he had no idea who he was, he only remembered how to fight and do magic and stuff, nothing about himself was left within his mind. A while after coming to Queen Sara's realm, a series of events started which led to Dae finding out who he was and what happened in that amount of time that had been wiped from his memory(which shall not be discussed because it has not happened yet in the other rp). Along with the knowlege that he had and has a family. Several events later, Dae had defeated his father in a draconic tournement for the position of White Draconic Elder within the clan of dragons in the mountain range far north of the Queen's realm. Unforunately (in Dae's eyes at least), Dae defeated his father through a ring-out, so he didn't really get the fight he wanted at the length he wanted.
-After medieval era and beyond to current timeframe- After more years past and times changed along with technology, Dae slowly withdrew himself from humanity, instead watching from the sidelines, learning and watching as they progressed. Dae started using his human form more often than not as time progressed. He also adapted new studies, including into that of firearms, though he never really liked them. As time progressed and new studies became availible, Dae would adapt and learn, taking in as much as possible, though mainly what he needed to survive and what would apply to combat and war along with architecture.
Eventually after learning the required studies, and becoming very intrested in motorcyles, Dae decided to, and did, build for himself a hyperbike, or superbike according to other sources of information. Dae's hyperbike was cabeable of 300 mph, thanks to a helicopter power turbine(the torque from it's shaft is used to power the blades instead of the thrust) connected directly to the back wheel's drive shaft, based loosly off of the MTT Y2K created in the year 2000 by Marine Turbine. Unlike the Y2K, Dae's hyperbike was much large, built to be able to contain his anthro form (including the tail). It also had a canopy with a roll-cage built into it. Most of the bike was enclosed. Dae built the bike for combat; It had two side compartments which would 'push out' away from the main body to fire the weapons along the inner side of the door-like compartments. There weren't many, due to weight and speed concerns. The weapons for the compartments were a high-calibur machine gun along with a small rocket pod located above it. The unused space was used for sword compartments along with temporary storage. Both compartments can be completely detachted in order for a lighter bike, the canopy can also be removed.
Once humans started going out into space and exploring and other alien species started appearing or arriving. Dae would once again amerge from the veil that he used to hide behind during the early technological boom. He would once again walk among humans in his anthro form, and only in his true form when acceptable and only to those he trusted, or other reasons if they came up. Besides, as far as everyone else knew, dragons didn't exist.
Dae however started using his true form less and less, there were too many around, and too many things were happening. He did still use it from time to time, such as sleeping in the home he made for himself on Titan’s surface, but it was much too risky to use out in the open any more.
After a few slow if not fast months at the station, Dae had aquired a few friends, and things were also looking up.. at least in some respects. He aquired a job at Security, the station’s raid on the offending pirate base was a success, and he made contact with another race from an expanding empire. Things definetly started to look up from here; his kin had existed on Earth for a long time, and while quite large in numbers, although not as many as the humans, they had stayed in hiding because of various reasons; now, after centruies past, the planet they had so well cared for had fallen into disarray at the hands of human kind; the race that Dae came in contact with was thankfully friendly, and also wouldn’t mind negociating for an M-class planet. Talks were made, things were said, and eventually agreements were made. Dae’s kin left earth after a few weeks of preperation, twenty ships in all, ten liners, and ten superfrieghters, all heavily escourted, enroute to the Sirius system. Dae wasn’t riding in one of the liners, he was flying side-by-side with the escourt, ensuring the safety of his kin. The mission was a success, so Dae returned home to get some R&R before continuing onwards.
Notable Accomplishments: none that were made puplic.
Training (If any): Pa-kua hand to hand and weapons training.


Credits: 0c

Weapon Name: Mod #: Effect of weapon

Name: Stainless Steel Short Sword
Price: 1000 credits
Augmentation Slots:1
Roll Bonus:+1
Damage Modifier:2.0
Effects: Can hit magical enemies
DC to Make:10

Name: Normal Clothes
Price: 50 credits
Benefit: +2 dodge
Description: Just a simple loose T shirt and jeans that allows for free movement, making dodging easier. Generic brand names tend to look like cheap imitations however.


Initial Experience: 500

Experience Total: 40
Unspent Experience: 0

Vital Statistics

Every 10 points in a stat offers a +1 bonus to roll, removing the divided equation.


Health: 40
Health Roll: 4 (Health/10)
HP: 1600 / 1600 hp (Health * 40)

Dexterity: 110
Flat Foot Dodge: 22 (Dexterity/5) (Improved Dodge)
Dodge Roll: 24 +2 to 10 Dex points + Skill (Improved Dodge)(Normal Clothes)
Physical Attack Roll: 22 +1 to 10 Dex points + Skill(Enhanced Attack Maneuver)

Strength: 100
Inventory Slots/Comfortable Carry: 10(+5 for 1 slot items) (Strength/10)
Base Damage: 300 (Strength/10*30)
Max Carry Weight: 400 (Strength/10*40) lbs (pounds)
Weapon Damage: _________ (Base Damage x Weapon mod.)

1 slot - light and easy to conceal items like potions, watches, small knife
2 slots - smg, can be concealed with a slight of hand roll, or the weapon can be modified to be concealable
3 slots - can't be concealed,grenade launchers, sniper rifles,large sword etc

Slot 1:Stainless Steel Short Sword
Slot 2:^^
Slot 3:^^
Slot 4:
Slot 5:
Slot 6:
Slot 7:
Slot 8:
Slot 9:
Slot 10:

Endurance: 60 +/- + 50(Armor Feat)_+10_Bonus
Defense (Damage Absorb): 440 (Endurance/10+Armor Bonus*40) (Armor, +50 to stat)
Survival Roll: +6 (Every 10 points of Endurance = +1 to roll)


Intelligence: 120
MP: 600 / _______ mp (Intelligence * 5)
Skill Points: 480 (Int * 4)

Magic Affinity: 10
Magic Attack Roll: +1 (Magic/10 + Magic Level of Skill used.)
Magic Level: 0 (This will go off of the level of the Skill)

Spirit: 40 +/- _______
Base Magic Damage: _______ 30*(((spirit/10) + skill(Arcane Arts or Psionic Mastery) x spell mod (1 to 10))

Willpower: 40 +/- +50 (Mind Shield)
Mental/Magic Defense Roll: +9/+4 (Willpower/10 +Psionics or Arcane Arts)
Magic Damage Soak: 360 (Willpower/10*40)
(Counter Magic is now on a crit and Feat can increase chances. That will go under Unique Feats)

Luck: 20
Luck Roll: +2 (Luck/10)
Luck points: 0 (Luck/100)(0 reroll(s) per day)
Damage Calculations:

Sword damage = 300 (Base damage(10 (str bonus) * 30)) * 2 (Weapon mod) = 600 damage
Dice & Damage:

Hit die: Damage:
- Unarmed: 1d60+28 300
- Sword: 1d90+40 (1d2 for hits) 600
Dodge die:
- Reaction: 1d30+11
- Dodge: 1d50+24
- Magic Dodge: 1d20+4
- Psionic Dodge: 1d20+9
Spot die:
- Spot: 1d40+15
- Listen: 1d20+5
- Search: 1d30+12

Init die: Dex: 110
Regen: 40 every round
Physical Soak: 440
Magical Soak: 360
Luck Roll: 1d1000+2

Current Skill Points: 480
Current Used Skill Points: 466
Current Unused Skill Points: 14
An (X) Beside the skill means you can try to use it with a -25 penalty even if you don't have any levels in it.
Skills add a +1 to the roll per each point given, up to +50 max in a skill.

1-5 newbie, 6-15 intermediate, 16-25 excellent, 26-40 terrific, 41-49 Master, 50 Untouchable

Athletic SKills
(Dexterity: +11 / Strength: +10)
Running 11 = Level 1
Climbing 11 = Level 1
Jumping 11 = Level 1
Balance 11 = Level 1
Move Slowly 11 = Level 1
Reaction 11 = Level 1

Honed Perception Skills
(Health: +4)
Listen 11 = Level 1
Spot 11 = Level 1

Minor Skills
(Intelligence: +11 / Willpower: +9)(Mind Shield(Mental Def rolls, otherwise, +4))
Gather Info 11 = Level 1
Intimidate 38 = Level 7
Search 11 = Level 1
Concentration 11 = Level 1
Bluff 11 = Level 1
Diplomacy 11 = Level 1

Combat Skills
(Dexerity: +22(attack))
Matrial Arts Pa-Kua hand-to-hand 31 = Level 6
Weapons Proficiency Melee Sharp 163 = Level 17

-Dual Strike
-Cost: 15 SP
-Skill Level Required: 10
-Type: Enabler
-Effect: Allows for an attack with two strikes. Roll 1d2 to determine hits that connect.

Magic Skills
(Magic: +1 / Spirit: +4)

Knowledge Skills
(Intellligence: +11)

Speak Language: English 10 = (no levels(ask Hal))
Knowledge Physics 11 = Level 1

Vehicle Skills
(Dexterity: +21(attack) / +21(dodge))

Survival Skills
(Intelligence: +11)

Survival Forest 11 = Level 1
Navigation 11 = Level 1
Repair 11 = Level 1
First Aid 11 = Level 1

Crafting Skills
(Spirit: +4)

Craft: Sword smithery 11 = Level 1


-= Feats =-

General Feats = For any character, able to be purchased by anyone
Specific Feats = For specific unique types of beings that it would make sense for them to have.
Individualized Feats = meant for only one specific character. Those Feats with a * by them indicate that these are Feat spots you choose at character creation. Do not add more.

*Feat 1 (Free) - Improved Dodge
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Effect: This improves the Flat Foot and regular Dodge Rolls. Instead of a +1 bonus for every 10 points, the character earns +2 per every 10 points.
Example: Amy has a 40 Dexterity. She would normally earn +4 to Flat Foot Dodge. She doubles this to become +8 with this Feat.

*Feat 2 (100 SP)- Mind Shield
Stat: Willpower
Enhancement: +50 to Will (Temporary). This grants +5 to the Mental Defense roll.

*Feat 3 (200 SP)- Regeneration
Associated Statistic: Health
Effect: Every round, regenerate 1/20th of your HP (Health/20)

*Feat 4 (300 SP)- Enhanced Attack Maneuver
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Effect: The character with this Feat gains a bonus of +2 per 10 points of Dexterity to attack physically.
Example: The character has an 80 Dexterity. The character would normally receive a +8 to Attack with a sword. The character with this feat gains a +16 to do so instead.

*Feat 5 (400 SP)- Heightened Senses (Sight)
Stat: Health
Enhancement: +10 to sight. The character can use this with the Skills under Honed Perception Skills.

*Feat 6 (500 SP)- Armor
Stat: Endurance
Enhancement: Represents natural skin/body armor
+50 Endurance (Put in temporary). This bonus also applies to the +5 you will place in Defense Rolls. It does not apply to Survival rolls.

Feat 7 (600 SP)-
Feat 8 (700 SP)-
Feat 9 (800 SP)-
Feat 10(1000SP)-
Feat 11(1500SP)-
Feat 12(2000SP)-
Feat 13(4000SP)-
Feat 14(6000SP)-


Zenith Stones are special stones that were given to the DW group and Zon or Sephiroth have spare ones for each new player character in the game. All characters are considered to have one once it is determined they are in the group and Sephiroth or Zon passes one to the character. For now just note that it is there.

Zenith Stones _1___

-=Zenith Stones=-
( ) ( )

( ) ( )
Zenith Stones
( ) ( )

( ) ( )



Arcane Arts: (Magic Spells)

Psionic Mastery: (Psionic Abilities)

-=Elemet Affinity Abliities=-


-=Zenith Stones=-


Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:


Item Name Purpose Effect
(Heal, Attack, Equip, Special)




Cyber Bakuroth

Special Notes:

Dragon Coder
Posts: 174
Joined: October 9th, 2008, 5:15 am

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