Artisan: Cooking

The new merge of Craft and Knowledge skills, the Artisan skill pulls double-duty in various subjects.
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Artisan: Cooking


Post by Strato »

Artisan: Cooking

Cooking is a hallowed art of combining food and fire, the two grandest things in the universe. Nearly any sentient culture will profess a deep love of their own particular style of cooking, recipes that embody the spirits of their homeland and utilize the natural flora and fauna they're most familiar with. Even the most spartan of cultures recognize the importance of the nutrition and morale derived from a good meal, and even the most stalwart warrior, ultimately, runs on food.

Cooking takes place in two basic formats:
one can cook a nice sit down meal for any number of people, a Banquet, or create individual servings of shelf-stable, ready to eat food, a Ration. Regardless of which is consumed, a person can only derive one food-based bonus at a time; Eating a ration while under the effect of a banquet or another ration replaces the effect. This applies even if the new food is an instant effect and the old one is persistant (IE; healing food is eaten while gaining a strength bonus from another food. The strength bonus will disappear and the character will be healed), but not in the reverse order (You won't just UNHEAL because you snapped into a Slim Jim).

A Banquet affects the entire party for the duration of a mission. To prepare a banquet you must spend the amount mentioned below in Credits, times the number of people you're feeding and pick a Main Course, which determines the effect of the entire meal.
Banquets can only be prepared in relative peace, and the chef must have at least a few hours warning before the mission is to take place.

A Ration is sized for a single person and can be eaten any time out of battle. This takes a bit of time, and it is polite to assume that you can only have one meal between each fight; Particularly canny enemies can and will jump you mid-meal for a surprise attack.
As before, you select a particular type of main course from the table below.

Cost Table;
LevelSkill Req.DCBanquet Cost(Per Person)Ration Cost (One Ration)

Main Course Effects
In all cases, the bonus cannot increase the given stat by more than 50%

Mundane - Has no effect, but costs 3/4ths the listed cost to create.

Meat - +5 Temporary Health points per level.
Non-Fish Seafood - +5 Temporary Spirit points per level.
Grains - +5 Temporary Strength points per level.
Green Vegetables - +5 Temporary Dexterity points per level.
Mushrooms - +5 Temporary Awareness points per level.
Candy - +5 Temporary Luck points per level. (This is to the stat, not to luck points themselves.)

Fish - +1 per level to Knowledge checks.
Not Green Vegetables - +1 per level to Accuracy or coordination based checks.
Fruit - +1 per level to Reaction, Acrobatic, and movement checks.
Dairy - +2% chance per level to resist Physical status effects.
Nuts - +2% chance per level to resist Mental status effects.




Burger Technician
Cost: 30 SP
Level Required: 3
Prerequisite: none
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Increases 'sell item' value of cooking projects by 25%.

Sous Chef
Cost: 120 SP
Level Required: 6
Prerequisite: Burger Technician
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Increases bonus to 'sell item' value of cooking projects to 50%.

Iron Chef
Cost: 350 SP
Level Required: 10
Prerequisite: Sous Chef
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Increases bonus to 'sell item' value of cooking projects to 100%.


Ingredient Proficiency
Cost: 30 SP
Level Required: 3
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Meat/Seafood/Grains/Greens/Mushrooms/Candy enhanced to +10 per level. Choose one.
Fish/Veggies/Fruit/Dairy/Nuts enhanced to +2/+4% per level.

Ingredient Expertise
Cost: 120 SP
Level Required: 6
Prerequisite: Ingredient Proficiency
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Meat/Seafood/Grains/Greens/Mushrooms/Candy enhanced to +15 per level. Choose one.
Fish/Veggies/Fruit/Dairy/Nuts enhanced to +3/+6% per level.

Ingredient Mastery
Cost: 350 SP
Level Required: 10
Prerequisite: Ingredient Expertise
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Meat/Seafood/Grains/Greens/Mushrooms/Candy enhanced to +25 per level. Choose one.
Fish/Veggies/Fruit/Dairy/Nuts enhanced to +5/+10% per level.


Soul Food
Cost: 60 SP
Level Required: 4
Prerequisite: None
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Hollistic curatives dance side by side with meat and potatoes, giving your food an amazing curative quality. Replaces the effect of a food of any type with "Recovers 500 HP per level"

Spiritual Repast
Cost: 90 SP
Level Required: 5
Prerequisite: Soul Food
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Your food is prepared in a ritualistic manner that grants it magical power. Replaces the effect of a food of any type with "Recovers 250 MP per level"


Second Course
Cost: 90 SP
Level Required: 5
Prerequisite: None.
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows one to select two Main Course effects when creating a food. Both must be ingredients the chef has Ingredient Proficiency in, and the second course has a halved effect. You cannot pick the same ingredient twice.

Third Course
Cost: 200 SP
Level Required: 8
Prerequisite: Second Course
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Allows one to select three Main Course effects when creating a food. All three must be ingredients the chef has Ingredient Proficiency in, and the extra courses have a effect. You cannot pick the same ingredient more than once.
Note: Anyone who eats a three course meal will be placed under the 'full' status. This means they can no eat any further meals for the duration of mission even if bonuses are lost upon knockout


It's Your Favorite!
Cost: 60 SP
Level Required: 4
Prerequisite: None.
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Create a Ration at +10 DC and +10% cost, tailored for one particular person, or a monster species. It has half again the effect if eaten by that person/species alone. (This person cannot be 'you'). If used on a non-friendly beast, attempts to tame or befriend it are reduced to 3/4th difficulty.

It's Now Your Favorite!!
Cost: 90 SP
Level Required: 5
Prerequisite: It's Your Favorite!
Untrained: No.
Type: Action
Effect: Your food is almost intoxicating, and those of lesser willpower must pass a Willpower check or become addicted to whatever you fed them. An addicted NPC will do just about anything for another taste of your forbidden delight. It is entirely at the GM's discretion who is or isn't likely to fall for this. Do not argue the point, ever.
Last edited by Tony on July 9th, 2023, 11:44 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 416
Joined: December 31st, 2008, 10:08 pm

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