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Independent Materia

Posted: May 13th, 2020, 8:49 pm
by Strato
From materia and enchantments, the maximum a single stat can be increased by is 100. You can have multiple sources of a stat increase, but any additional bonus points beyond 100 do not apply. In other words, if you have a Strength stat +60 and another +60, you end up with +100 total and the excess +20 does not apply.

From materia and enchantments, the maximum HP/MP can be increased by is 30%. You can have multiple sources of a HP/MP increase, but any additional bonuses beyond 30% do not apply. In other words, if you have a HP+20% and another HP+20%, you end up with +30% total and the excess +10% does not apply. This also applies to flat HP/MP bonuses from accessories.

Name: HP+
Cost: 20,000 gil
AP to Master: 1500
Description: Increases user's Health stat when equipped.
Level 1: HP+5%
Level 2: HP+10%(100 AP)
Level 3: HP+15%(200 AP)
Level 4: HP+20%(300 AP)
Level 5: HP+25%(400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER(500 AP)

Name: MP+
Cost: 20,000 gil
AP to Master: 1500
Description: Increases user's Health stat when equipped.
Level 1: MP+5%
Level 2: MP+10%(100 AP)
Level 3: MP+15%(200 AP)
Level 4: MP+20%(300 AP)
Level 5: MP+25%(400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER(500 AP)

Name: Health+
Cost: 20,000 gil
AP to Master: 1500
Description: Increases user's Health stat when equipped.
Level 1: Health Stat +10
Level 2: Health Stat +20(100 AP)
Level 3: Health Stat +30(200 AP)
Level 4: Health Stat +40(300 AP)
Level 5: Health Stat +50(400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER(500 AP)

Name: Awareness+
Cost: 20,000 gil
AP to Master: 1500
Description: Increases user's Awareness stat when equipped.
Level 1: Awareness Stat +10
Level 2: Awareness Stat +20(100 AP)
Level 3: Awareness Stat +30(200 AP)
Level 4: Awareness Stat +40(300 AP)
Level 5: Awareness Stat +50(400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER(500 AP)

Name: Dexterity+
Cost: 20,000 gil
AP to Master: 1500
Description: Increases user's Dexterity stat when equipped.
Level 1: Dexterity Stat +10
Level 2: Dexterity Stat +20(100 AP)
Level 3: Dexterity Stat +30(200 AP)
Level 4: Dexterity Stat +40(300 AP)
Level 5: Dexterity Stat +50(400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER(500 AP)

Name: Strength+
Cost: 20,000 gil
AP to Master: 1500
Description: Increases user's Strength stat when equipped.
Level 1: Strength Stat +10
Level 2: Strength Stat +20(100 AP)
Level 3: Strength Stat +30(200 AP)
Level 4: Strength Stat +40(300 AP)
Level 5: Strength Stat +50(400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER(500 AP)

Name: Spirit+
Cost: 20,000 gil
AP to Master: 1500
Description: Increases user's Spirit stat when equipped.
Level 1: Spirit Stat +10
Level 2: Spirit Stat +20(100 AP)
Level 3: Spirit Stat +30(200 AP)
Level 4: Spirit Stat +40(300 AP)
Level 5: Spirit Stat +50(400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER(500 AP)

Name: Luck+
Cost: 20,000 gil
Available: Increases user's Luck stat when equipped.
AP to Master: 1500
Level 1: Luck Stat +10
Level 2: Luck Stat +20(100 AP)
Level 3: Luck Stat +30(200 AP)
Level 4: Luck Stat +40(300 AP)
Level 5: Luck Stat +50(400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER(500 AP)

Name: Environmental
Cost: 50000 gil
AP to Master:
Description: This Materia grants the user the ability to resist adverse environments. These effects are cumulative; a Level 3 Materia will still protect while underwater.
Level 1: Underwater - Extends breathing time underwater indefinitely.
Level 2: Extreme Heat/Cold - Reduces damage or effects from extreme temperatures.
Level 3: Radiation - Reduces the effect of radiation exposure by 1 Severity Level.
Level 4: Mako, Tiberium, Phazon - Reduces the effects of poisoning, doubling the time between stages and/or halfing the rate of poisoning.
Level 5: Vaccuum - Protects the user from the effects of space and vaccuums for a short time. Expends MP when exposed at a rate of 10% per round or minute exposed.
Level 6: MASTER

Name: Cover
Cost: 50000 gil
AP to Master: 1500
Description: This Materia grants the caster the ability to intercept attacks on allies. This Materia must be invoked to be used; it is not automatic. An action does not have to be expended to invoke it. Can only be slotted into Armor or Accessories.
Level 1: 1 time per battle.
Level 2: 2 times per battle. (100 AP)
Level 3: 3 times per battle. (200 AP)
Level 4: 4 times per battle. (300 AP)
Level 5: 5 times per battle. (400 AP)
Level 6: MASTER (500 AP)

Name: Long Range
Cost: 200000 gil
AP to Master:
Description: This Materia allows for the weapon it is slotted into to be used at a limited range. This allows melee weapon users to use normal attacks at a range without special abilities. Special Abilities, however, cannot be extended in this manner.
Level 1: 1 Area.
Level 2: 2 Areas.
Level 3: MASTER

Name: Enemy Lure
Cost: 100000 gil
AP to Master:
Description: This Materia increases the likelihood of the bearer being attacked. The effect is instant upon being slotted.
Level 1: A single target will focus on the character and ignore all others.
Level 2: Up to 5 targets will focus on the character and ignore all others.
Level 3: Up to 10 targets will focus on the character and ignore all others.
Level 4: Up to 20 targets will focus on the character and ignore all others.
Level 5: The character is the sole target of nearly every enemy it comes across.
Level 6: MASTER

Name: Pre-Emptive
Cost: 100000 gil
AP to Master:
Description: This Materia grants the bearer a chance of acting first in initiatives. Roll 1d100; 10% is a 90+ success, 25% is a 75+ success.
Level 1: 5% chance.
Level 2: 10% chance.
Level 3: 15% chance.
Level 4: 20% chance.
Level 5: 25% chance.
Level 6: MASTER

Name: Doctor's Code
Cost: 200000 gil
AP to Master:
Description: This Materia increases the effect of restorative items when they're used.
Level 1: +10% effect.
Level 2: +25% effect.
Level 3: +50% effect.
Level 4: +100% effect
Level 5: +150% effect.
Level 6: MASTER

Name: Bomber
Cost: 200000 gil
AP to Master:
Description: This Materia increases the damage dealt by offensive items when used.
Level 1: +10% damage.
Level 2: +25% damage.
Level 3: +50% damage.
Level 4: +100% damage.
Level 5: +150% damage.
Level 6: MASTER