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Melee Weapon Retrofits

Posted: May 9th, 2023, 5:16 pm
by Strato
Gunblade Retrofits

Gunblade adaptations merge firearms with melee weapons, giving them extended usability, versatility, and lethality.

Name: Pistol Variant
Effect: On a full combo, you may opt to fire the weapon for an additional finishing hit. Only pistol-class weapons can be added to melee weapons with this variant. Deals full damage after a strike/combo. Can only be used with standard Attacks, Dual Strikes, Triple Strikes, etc., not physical Abilities. Uses full pistol statistics (damage, Controlled Shots). A reroll is not necessary.
DC: (50% of base weapon) Weaponsmithing + (50% DC to Make) of selected weapon (Pistols only).
Cost: 50% of base weapon + 50% price of selected weapon (Pistols only).

Name: Rifle Variant
Effect: The entire weapon is retrofitted to serve as a moderate ranged weapon when needed. Only Battle Rifle-class weapons can be added. Uses Battle Rifle's statistics when used, at half damage. The shot is rolled with the melee weapon's skill.
DC: (50% of base weapon) Weaponsmithing + (50% DC to Make) of selected weapon (Battle Rifles only)
Cost: 50% of base weapon + 50% price of selected weapon (Battle Rifles only)

Name: Vibration Variant
Effect: The weapon is designed so that it can be fired off inside the chamber, dealing less damage than a normal gunblade, but per hit. Only Pistol-class weapons can be added to melee weapons with this Variant. Pistol's damage is halved, then added to total melee damage per hit (if regular melee damage is 2000 and pistol is 1000, deals 2500 damage per hit). Can only be used with regular Attacks, Dual Strike, Triple Strike, etc., not physical Abilities.
DC: (50% of base weapon) Weaponsmithing + (50% DC to Make) of selected weapon (Pistols only)
Cost: 50% price of base weapon + 50% price of selected weapon (pistols only).

Name: Thrower Variant
Effect: The weapon is capable of exhausting a burst of chemical after attacking. This requires a fuel source, generally worn on the belt. Thrower damage is halved when used like this, and Ammunition can modify effect, but cannot be exchanged in the weapon. Ammunition must be selected at time of crafting.
DC: 75% of base weapon + (50% DC to Make) of selected weapon (Throwers only)
Cost: 75% of base weapon + 50% price of selected weapon (Throwers only)

Re: Melee Weapon Retrofits

Posted: May 9th, 2023, 5:16 pm
by Strato
Energy Weapon Retrofits

By deconstructing a melee weapon and replacing the traditional parts with high-technology projectors, machines, and special components, a new weapon can be built and fashioned -- either with or out of these new energy pieces. Some simply augment the traditional portions -- a blade, a head -- or replace them with energy projections of different types.

These weapons can be radically different, but still work off of the original weapon's basic statistics. They can vary in wild and fantastic ways, and some very basic parts of the weapon can be changed or augmented.

A word of warning about energy weapons -- they still fail in some circumstances. Sometimes, the old ways are the best ways. To create an energy weapon, the original weapon must be rebuilt by someone with Artisan: Engineering.

Name: Protonic Energy Retrofit
Price: 50% of base weapon
DC to Make: 50% of base weapon
Description: By lining a weapon’s edge with a protonically-charged electric “blade,” this weapon is turned into a powerful electrical/EMP-based weapon. Capacitors are added to a weapon’s bulk, allowing the charge to constantly flow without interruption..
Effect: Deals Wind-based physical damage, including double-damage against machinery/electronics. Each attack with this weapon deals the “Shock” status effect, starting at Mild and increasing to Terminal. This weapon also has the ability to short out energy fields, and on a critical hit removes any “Internal Shielding” or similar augmentation, causing it to go into immediate recharge.

Name: Plasma Energy Retrofit
Price: 50% of base weapon
DC to Make: 50% of base weapon
Restrictions: Requires research (Complete, 3/15/17)
Description: This weapon has a majority of its bulk removed and replaced with a plasma emitter and several force-field projectors. Supercharged and superheated plasma is locked into a shape formed by the force fields, but the kinetic and thermal energy of the plasma is still transferred through the magnetic seal.
Effect: Weapon damage is raised by 10%. Each attack with this weapon inflicts Mild “Burning” status, and if the status is present when another attack is performed, the severity is increased by one level.

Name: High Thermal Energy Retrofit
Price: 50% of base weapon
DC to Make: 50% of base weapon
Description: This weapon is outfitted with a specialized high energy mechanism that superheats a reinforced head or blade of a weapon to make it more deadly. The high temperature makes this weapon dangerous to even come near, and can quickly melt or warp even the hardest of standard metals or gems.
Effect: These weapons inflict Moderate “Melt” status against armor.. On a critical hit, these weapons can damage any weapon or shield used to block its attack to the point of being ineffective until repaired. Scoring a second critical hit against a damaged weapon or shield will destroy it.

Name: Low Thermal Energy Retrofit
Price: 50% of base weapon
DC to Make: 50% of base weapon
Description: These weapons are reinforced and mounted with a heavy-duty superfreezing mechanism -- a suspended gas kept at near absolute-zero temperatures -- that keeps the weapon at remarkably low temperatures. When struck against something else, the magnetic field keeping the gas in place warps, allowing a fraction of it to escape.
Effect: This weapon inflicts Mild “Freeze” status on a target with one attack. Each attack afterwards raises the severity by one level, to Terminal.


"Light" based weapons:
Weapons based on projected photon particles/waves, the "light trio" come with standard augmentations that come with their retrofits. These only apply to "Photonic," "Light," and "Hard Light" weapons:
  • Larger weapons suffer a damage penalty.
    • Battleaxes' damage bonuses are reduced to 50% (round down). (multiplier *.5)
    • War Axes' damage bonuses are reduced to 60% (round down). (multiplier *.6)
    • Sword Hammers' damage bonuses are reduced to 70% (round down).
    • Scythes' damage bonuses are reduced to 75% (round down).
    • War Hammers' damage bonuses are reduced to 80% (round down).
    • Great Swords' damage bonuses are reduced to 85% (round down).
    • Tridents' damage bonuses are reduced to 90% (round down).
  • Handaxes, War Axes, Battle Axes, Warhammers, and Sword Hammers have the ability to block, combo, and use Custom Abilities.
  • Weapons that occupy 3 Slots are reduced to 1 Slot; 4-6 slot weapons reduced to 3 Slots; 7-10 Slot weapons reduced to 5; and 11-16 Slot weapons reduced to 8.
Name: Photonic Energy Retrofit
Price: 100% of base weapon
DC to Make: 100% of base weapon
Description: A photonic weapon is a unique weapon in that it is purely light. Unlike ‘Light Sabers’ and ‘Hard Light’, a photonic weapon is literally pure light formed by a waveform emitter that bends it. Their purpose however is psychosomatic in the same way that Psychokinesis is - by making a target think they are about to be hit by a giant battle axe (and not being able to tell the difference), their brain interprets this as a ‘hit’ and stresses the body accordingly.
Effect: Damage dealt by photonic weapons is A) Non lethal and B) 1/1000th of it is drained from their MP as well. On a critical hit, this can go so far as to imbue the Silence and Stun effect, overwhelming the brain. They can not, however, be used to block.

Name: Light Energy Retrofit
Price: 100% of base weapon
DC to Make: 100% of base weapon
Description: This weapon is retrofitted to create a completely energy-based version of the weapon using highly focused laser technology and focusing crystals. These weapons are sheathed in a magnetic field that keeps the spread of focused, amplified lasers within..
Effect: These weapons deal unsoakable damage, and are able to deflect/reflect energy-based weaponry without the “Deflection” advanced skill. Having the “Deflection” skill allows the user to send the energy back at its origin. This weapon can only be blocked/defended against by Tier 2+ materials.

Name: Hard Light Energy Retrofit
Price: 100% of base weapon
DC to Make: 100% of base weapon
Description: This weapon removes a majority of its bulk and instead replaces it with light emitters and force field projectors that render “light” as a solid form of matter. These weapons are perfectly solid and rendered in the visible spectra, and can be assigned a color through programming. Uniquely, multiple hard light weapons can be built into the same hilt, making switching effortless, even without the quick draw advanced skill.
Effect: These weapons are granted an additional +1* modifier to Sneak Attacks. A skilled user is also able to disable the forcefield around their weapon while making it look real - denying the user the weapon’s roll bonus to block with, but if done properly allows for a counter attack by faking out their opponent. Obviously this is only possible with weapons that can block.

Name: Phasic Energy Retrofit
Price: 100% of base weapon
DC to Make: 100% of base weapon
Restrictions: Not Yet Accessible
Description: This weapon has a majority of its body removed and what’s left retrofitted to hold a phased material instead. This weapon is able to strike enemies that are out of material phase with the real world, including Heartless, ING, “ghosts,” Null Space Entities, and similar.
Effect: Deals normal damage to most enemies; deals double damage to phased entities (GM’s discretion). On a critical hit, these weapons “anchor” a creature in the user’s phase for 1d5 rounds, allowing other non-phasic weapons to strike them.

Name: Psionic Energy Retrofit
Price: 100% of base weapon
DC to Make: 100% of base weapon
Restrictions: Not Yet Accessible
Description: This weapon is retrofitted with -- instead of a blade or a head -- a projector that acts as a medium with psionic energies, allowing them to take on a specific form. These weapons are tuned to a specific type of psionic energy, and the projector has the ability to color the wellspring to make it visible.
Effect: These are considered “Spirit Weapons,” and deal damage based off of the Spirit statistic rather than the Strength stat. Each class of psionics can be tuned to a psionic weapon. These weapons can interact with physical weapons and behave as normal, and are not affected by the “Silence” status effect. A Psionic weapon can be tuned to only one type of energy. A psionic skill is not necessary to use these weapons.
  • Telekinesis: These weapons create shockwaves of telekinetic energy when used, allowing a weapon to attack at range.
  • Pyrokinesis: These weapons inflict Moderate "Burning" status with each attack (not hit).
  • Cryokinesis: These weapons inflict Mild "Freeze" status with each attack (not hit), and attacking a target suffering from the effect will increase the severity by one level.
  • Geokinesis: These weapons inflict Mild "Off-Guard" status with each attack (not hit).
  • Gyrokinesis: Raises damage of the weapon by 25%.
  • Photokinesis: These weapons pulse when a target is struck, inflicting Mild "Blind" status with each attack (not hit). Attacking a target with the status increases the severity by one level.
  • Sonokinesis: These weapons resonate with targets 'armor, natural or otherwise. Each attack (not hit) reduces a target's armor's magic soak by 10%.
  • Electrokinesis: Each attack (not hit) with this weapon inflicts Mild "Shock" status to a target. Attacking a target with "Shock" status raises the severity by one level.
  • Psychokinesis: This weapon deals non-lethal damage, and by purchasing a Psychokinetic weapon, the user has the ability to change the type of weapon it is (sword, dagger, hammer, etc) to use that weapon type's passive ability. The damage modifier does not change.