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Momiji *Vanishes*

Posted: December 13th, 2008, 9:00 pm
by FallenRaven

<<>Player Info<>>
IRC Nick: FallenRaven
Real Name (Optional): Brandon
Sheet Approved by: (GM Name)
<<>Character Description<>>
Name: Momiji Sohma
Race: Kender
Height: 3'0"
Weight: 25 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Notable Features: Wears girls clothes and alwyas has a lollipop

<<>Character Personality<>>
Favorite Food: All Junk food
Likes: Memories
Dislikes: Being picked on
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Fears: Forgetting

<<>Character Background<>>
History:Those possessed by the Sohma curse are born two months early. This alone put a great amount of pressure on Momiji's mother, and to make things worse, when she tried to hold him he transformed. After this, Momiji's mother "broke". She was unable to smile, and she would snap when ever she saw him. It became so bad that they had to erase her memory. Momiji believed that, no matter how awful a memory is, it shouldn't be erased, but in order to help his mother recover, he agreed to have Hatori erase her memories.

Afterwards, his mother recovered, and Momiji was not allowed to see her or his little sister Momo. His mother knows that he is part of the Sohma family, but believes he is someone else's son. Because she is not supposed to know him, he watches both Momo and his mother from afar.

Despite his awful past, he's a very perky young boy. He's part German and part Japanese, and he constantly switches between the two languages naturally.

When he first met Tohru, he instantly liked her, and decided to be her friend. But the second time they met, he ended up hugging her on purpose and causing a great deal of trouble at Tohru's school. In the end, everything came out okay.

Momiji is very energetic, like the rabbit that possesses him, and he's a very nice kid. He may look like he's still in middle school, but haven't you heard, looks can be deceiving... Momiji is actually in his first year of high school, along with Hatsuharu Sohma. He attends the same school as Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru. On his first day at school, he chose to where the girl's uniform, and the student council president began to pick on Momiji. But that doesn't happen anymore. Haru went black and now Momiji can wear the girl's uniform.
Notable Accomplishments: Speaks both german and Japanese fleuntly
Training (If any):
Weapon Name: Mod #: Effect of weapon
500 points to distribute

Vital Statistics

Every 10 points in a stat offers a +1 bonus to roll, removing the divided equation.


Health: __+40___
Health Roll: ___+4__ (+1 to every 10 Health)
HP: ____1600___ / __1600___ hp (Health * 40)

Dexterity: ___200__
Flat Foot Dodge: ___+56___ (+1 per 10 Dex points + Reaction skill)
Dodge Roll: __+56___ (+1 to 10 Dex points + Roll Skill)
Physical Attack Roll: ___+60__ (+1 to 10 Dex points + Martial Arts/Weapons Proficiency Skills)

Strength: __+79___
Inventory Slots/Comfortable Carry __+5__ (+1 slot per 10 points in Strength)
Base Damage: ___210__ (+1 per 10 points Strength * 30)
Max Carry Weight: ___280__(+1 per 10 points Strength * 40) lbs (pounds)
Weapon Damage: ____420_____ (Base Damage x Weapon mod.)

1 slot - light and easy to conceal items like potions, watches, small knife
2 slots - smg, can be concealed with a slight of hand roll, or the weapon can be modified to be concealable
3 slots - can't be concealed,grenade launchers, sniper rifles,large sword etc

Endurance: __+40___
Defense (Damage Absorb): ____160_____ (+1 point per 10 Endurance *40)
Survival Roll: ______+4____ (Every 10 points of Endurance = +1 to roll)


Intelligence: __+115___
MP: ____500___ / ____500___ hp (Intelligence * 5)
Skill Points: __460__ (Int * 4)

Magic Affinity: __+10____
Magic Attack Roll: ___+1__ (10 points in Magic = +1 + Arcane Arts or Psionic Mastery)
Magic Level: ____+1___ (+1 Magic Level per 5 levels of Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery)

Spirit: __+10___ +/- _______
Base Magic Damage: ___30____ ( 30*([(Spirit +1/10 points) + (Arcane Arts skill level)]* Spell Mod)

Willpower: __+50___
Mental/Magic Defense Roll: ____+5__ (Every 10 points = +1 +Psionics or Arcane Arts)
Magic Damage Soak: ___250____ (Willpower Bonus +1 per 10 points*40)
(Counter Magic is now on a crit and Feat can increase chances. That will go under Unique Feats)

Luck: __1___
Luck Roll: ___+1___ d1000+(1 point to 10 points in Luck)

An (X) Beside the skill means you can try to use it with a -25 penalty even if you don't have any levels in it.
Skill Points (SP) are earned by taking the Intelligence Statistic and multiplying it by 4. These points may be spent on Skills, or with GM approval and met criteria, on Advanced Skills. Remember you have to spend 10 points for the first point in a skill.

Skills add a +1 to the roll per each point given, up to +50 max in a skill.

1-5 newbie, 6-15 intermediate, 16-25 excellent, 26-40 terrific, 41-49 Master, 50 Untouchable

Athletic Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Balance 6 -31
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Balancing on an object

Move Slowly 8 -46
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Used in Stealth rolls

Roll 6 -31
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Helps with dodge rolls

Sleight of Hand 6 -31
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Hiding weapons

Reaction 6 -31
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Countering sneak attacks, surprises, etc

Honed Perception Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Lock picking (Mechanical) 10 - 65
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Breaking either keypad locks
or picking mechanical key based locks.

Detect Trap (5)
Cost: 10 SP
Skill Level Required: 5
Type: Bonus (+10)
Effect: Look for hidden mechanisms that may trigger a trap

Disarm Trap
Cost: 15 SP
Skill Level Required: 10, 'Detect Trap' Advanced Skill
Type: Enabler
Effect: Disable the intricate mechanical workings of a trap

Hide 9 - 55
Statistic: Intelligence
Used: Staying hidden from sight

Search -6 - 31
Statistic: Intelligence
Used: Allows you to search for something (IE: A room for a disk)

Minor Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Combat Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Sneak Attack 6 -31
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Allows a triple damage first strike

Weapons Proficiency - 10 - 65
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Gives bonus's to physical combat
Melee Sharp (swords, axes, sharp polearms)

Dual Strike
Cost: 15 SP
Skill Level Required: 10
Type: Enabler
Effect: Allows for an attack with two strikes. Roll 1d2 to determine hits that connect.

Magic Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Knowledge Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Vehicle Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Survival Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Crafting Skills
<skill> <level> <points>


-= Feats =-

General Feats = For any character, able to be purchased by anyone
Specific Feats = For specific unique types of beings that it would make sense for them to have.
Individualized Feats = meant for only one specific character. Those Feats with a * by them indicate that these are Feat spots you choose at character creation. Do not add more.

* Feat 1 (Free) - Dodge Mastery
Stat: Dexterity
Enhancement: +10 to Flat Foot Dodge rolls and this carries over to regular Dodging.

* Feat 2 (100 SP)- Extra Attack
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Effect: In normal combat, your character may roll an additional initiative to act on. The second initiative roll is d(Dex/2). This does not apply to combat in vehicles, or any form of special combat. In order to qualify for this, you MUST have a dex of 130.

* Feat 3 (200 SP)-Enhanced Attack Maneuver
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Effect: The character with this Feat gains a bonus of +2 per 10 points of Dexterity to attack physically.
Example: The character has an 80 Dexterity. The character would normally receive a +8 to Attack with a sword. The character with this feat gains a +16 to do so instead.

* Feat 4 (300 SP)- Hide Mastery
Stat: (Based on Skill)
Enhancement: +10 to selected skill NOT ALREADY COVERED BY A
FEAT. Make sure you mark the Skill that this is used for with some note.

* Feat 5 (400 SP)-Physical Offensive Mastery
Stat: Dexterity
Enhancement: +10 to physical attack rolls.

* Feat 6 (500 SP)-Improved Dodge
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Effect: This improves the Flat Foot and regular Dodge Rolls. Instead of a +1 bonus for every 10 points, the character earns +2 per every 10 points.
Example: Amy has a 40 Dexterity. She would normally earn +4 to Flat Foot Dodge. She doubles this to become +8 with this Feat.

Feat 7 (600 SP)-
Feat 8 (700 SP)-
Feat 9 (800 SP)-
Feat 10(1000SP)-
Feat 11(1500SP)-
Feat 12(2000SP)-
Feat 13(4000SP)-
Feat 14(6000SP)-

Zenith Stones are special stones that were given to the DW group and Zon or Sephiroth have spare ones for each new player character in the game. All characters are considered to have one once it is determined they are in the group and Sephiroth or Zon passes one to the character. For now just note that it is there.

Zenith Stones: 1

-=Zenith Stones=-
( ) ( )

( ) ( )
Zenith Stones
( ) ( )

( ) ( )



Arcane Arts: (Magic Spells)

Psionic Mastery: (Psionic Abilities)

-=Zenith Stones=-


Weapon: Magiced Dagger *2
Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:


Item Name Purpose Effect
(Heal, Attack, Equip, Special)



Cyber Bakuroth

Special Notes: