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CLiff Katz

Posted: March 16th, 2009, 1:28 am
by Spyke
<<>Player Info<>>
IRC Nick: Spyke
Sheet Approved by:
<<>Character Description<>>
Name: Cliff Katz
Race: Human
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 93 lbs
A man of short stature, but not of short dreams, Cliff is always dressed in one of his many, white-colored Italian-Imported Suits. His highly polished shoes are always maintained with meticulous perfection. It is a little-known secret that he has lifts in the heels, to improve his stature. OUt of a stylistic choice, he chooses to wear a monocle overhis left eye, though the lense offers no notable magnification. He feels it goes well with his thick mustache, which, like his shoes, is meticulously maintained. Atop his head, he often wears an oversized hat of custom design, that stands over two feet. The body of the hat resembles a tophat, except for the rounded top, and the brim is cut so that it can be lowered over his eyes, while still maintaining style, if not for the comedic effect such a large hat gives o a person of his stature. Classicly, he has a red rose in his lapel.
Eye Color: Slate-Blue Eyes
Hair Color: Black
Notable Features: Short, clean, smug.
<<>Character Personality<>>
Favorite Food: His mother's lasagna.
Likes: Pocket Watches
Dislikes: Waiting
Favorite Color: White
Fears: Tall, good-looking dames with big racks (because they knock his hat off)
<<>Character Background<>>
Born in New York in 1911, Cliff was born a runt. Short in stature, but not short on luck, Cliff has always been playing the odds, trying to overcome his size with big friends and big risks. Using his intelligence and natural favor with Lady Luck, he dominated the schoolyard as a leader, with pockets full of change.
As he grew, he began to use his height to his advantage, stealing where he could, and without ever getting caught. It was this talent, and his lucky streaks, that gained the attention of seedier crowds. He fell in with the local crime in New York, his luck, talent, and size making him ideal for a spy and a theif. Unthreatening, and yet commanding respect from his peers, he quickly rose through the ranks of the mob.
In his free time, Cliff developed a fascination for pocket watches after a successful heist netted him several. A fan of their perfectly crafted internal mechanisms, and with the precision that they offered, they fit right in with the rest of his clean-cut persona, which, when he wasn't on the job, entailed wearing a pristine white suit, red rose, and one of his trademark hats. As he aquired many more fine time pieces, he would add them to his collection. He now carries four with him at all times, each maintained to display the precise time.
While developing his fondness for pocket watches and their workings, he began to notice that when he brought them with him, they would always fall out of synch with one another. Much to his chagrin, he would dilligently adjust them so that they were correct once more. With time, he began to suspect that something was not right in the world, as the watches were fine until immediatly after a job.
Strange theories crossed his mind, and he began to measure the inconsistencies and try to discern the source. Eventually, through copious notes and speculation, he began to suspect that his luck and talent was of a supernatural kind, and that not only was luck on his side, but time.
After his mostly unscientific approach, he spent many months focusing his mind, testing to see if he could conciously control the flow of time around him. Every day he practiced, he would find himself more tired, and that his watches would become more out of synch with one another, confirming his wild suspicions. He never shared his findings with anyone, not even his closest cronies, for fear that he would be seen as a nutjob, a freak, or worse. His secret would go with him to his grave. The year is 1942.
Notable Accomplishments: Working his way into the inner circle of the local mob.
Training: Nothing formal.
Weapon Name: Mod #: Effect of weapon
Tommygun: Rarely used, but always present in emergencies, as Cliff prefers not to fight when someone else can do it for him.
Silver Pocket Watch: The first watch Cliff stole, when he first began his career as a theif. The case is made of pure silver, and is his most treasured.
Gold Pocket Watch 1,2,3: Watches later stolen by Cliff, they are heavier, but no less valued as prizes.

Health: 50
Health Roll: 5 (+1 to every 10 Health)
HP: 200 / 200 hp (Health * 40)

Dexterity: 60
Flat Foot Dodge: 12+10 (Dodge Mastery) (+2 per 10 Dex points + Reaction skill (Improved Dodge))
Dodge Roll: 12+10 (Dodge Mastery) (+2 to 10 Dex points + Roll Skill (Improved Dodge))
Physical Attack Roll: 6 (+1 to 10 Dex points + Martial Arts/Weapons Proficiency Skills)

Strength: 50
Inventory Slots/Comfortable Carry 5 (+1 slot per 10 points in Strength)
Base Damage: 150 (+1 per 10 points Strength * 30)
Max Carry Weight: 200 (+1 per 10 points Strength * 40) lbs (pounds)
Weapon Damage: ??? (Base Damage x Weapon mod.)

Endurance: 40
Defense: 160 (+1 point per 10 Endurance *40)
Survival Roll: 4 (Every 10 points of Endurance = +1 to roll)

Intelligence: 70
MP: 350 / 350 hp (Intelligence * 5)
Skill Points: 280 (Int * 4)

Magic Affinity: 40
Magic Attack Roll: 4 (10 points in Magic = +1 + Arcane Arts or Psionic Mastery)
Magic/Psionic Level: ??? (+1 Magic Level per 5 levels of Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery)

Spirit: 40 +/- 0
Base Magic Damage: 120 ( 30*([(Spirit +1/10 points) + (Arcane Arts skill level)]* Spell Mod)

Willpower: 50
Mental/Magic Defense Roll: 5 (Every 10 points = +1 +Psionics or Arcane Arts)
Magic Damage Soak: 200 (Willpower Bonus +1 per 10 points*40)

Luck: 100
Luck Roll: 20 d1000+(2 point to 10 points in Luck (Improved Luck))
Athletic Skills
Running - 0 - 10
Climbing - 0 - 10
Balance - 4 - 20
Roll - 4 - 20
SoHand - 0 - 10
Reaction - 0 - 10

Honed Perception Skills
Listen - 0 - 10
Spot - 0 - 10

Minor Skills
Lockpick - 5 - 25
G. Info - 0 - 10
Intimid - 4 - 20
Hide - 5 - 25
Search - 4 - 20
Bluff - 0 - 10

Combat Skills
Sneak At - 5 - 25
(Steal - 10 SP)
Small Arm- 4 - 20

Magic Skills

Knowledge Skills

Vehicle Skills

Survival Skills

Crafting Skills
P. Watch - 5 - 25
-= Feats =-
* Feat 1 (Free) - Time Affinity
* Feat 2 (100 SP)- Vertically Impaired Assistance: Cliff overcomes his physical shortcomings, pun intended, by hitching a ride on any willing ally, using his small stature to not be a burden upon his assistant.
* Feat 3 (200 SP)- Improved Luck
* Feat 4 (300 SP)- Fortune's Favor: Some are born lucky. Some aren't. Cliff is the former, and as such, sometimes Lady Luck helps him overcome his shortcomings (pun intended). Cliff may add his luck bonus into any one roll at a cost of 250 mp per roll.
* Feat 5 (400 SP)- Dodge Mastery
* Feat 6 (500 SP)- Improved Dodge

Feat 7 (600 SP)-
Feat 8 (700 SP)-
Feat 9 (800 SP)-
Feat 10(1000SP)-
Feat 11(1500SP)-
Feat 12(2000SP)-
Feat 13(4000SP)-
Feat 14(6000SP)-
Zenith Stones are special stones that were given to the DW group and Zon or Sephiroth have spare ones for each new player character in the game. All characters are considered to have one once it is determined they are in the group and Sephiroth or Zon passes one to the character. For now just note that it is there.

Zenith Stones: 1

-=Zenith Stones=-
( ) ( )

( ) ( )
Zenith Stones
( ) ( )

( ) ( )

Arcane Arts: (Magic Spells)

Psionic Mastery: (Psionic Abilities)
-=Zenith Stones=-

Side Arm:
Ring 1:
Ring 2:


Item Name Purpose Effect
(Heal, Attack, Equip, Special)
Cyber Bakuroth
Special Notes: Cliff can use his pocket watches as a rough measurement of how much he's pushed his limits (his MP), by noting the difference in time they display. He routinely resets them when he wakes up in the morning.