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Kyo Sohma 5.0

Posted: March 30th, 2009, 3:58 am
by Roxas


<<> Player Info <>>
IRC Nick: Tidus
Real Name (Optional):
Time Zone (GMT Modifier):

Name: Kyo Sohma
Race: Human
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 124 lbs

Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Orange
Notable Features: Catlike features at times and temper to boot

<<>Character Personality<>>
Favorite Food: Cod
Likes: Tohru, Martial Arts, having Friends.
Dislikes: leeks, Rat Boy (Yuki), Fall (Rainy Season), Miso
Favorite Color: orange
Fears: Never being Accepted, Losing to Yuki, or Changing into his Beast Form

<<>Character Background<>>
History: This is the outcast of the family, Kyo Sohma. He doesn't belong to the Chinese Zodiac exactly. In the story, the rat (Yuki Sohma) tricked the cat into thinking the banquet for the animals was a different day. In result, Kyo has never been treated like a true member of the Sohmas. It also means he cannot attend the Zodiac Banquet, just like in the story.

He lives in Shigure's house along with Yuki, Shigure himself, and Tohru Honda. Yuki is the Rat, Shigure is the Dog, and Tohru Honda really is something.

Tohru Honda was living in a tent as so not to burden her friends and family while her grandfather was having renovations to his house done. Yuki Sohma stumbled upon her, and invited her to be their new housekeeper.

Kyo and Yuki both took quickly to Tohru, but she had to leave when the house was finished. In the end, they took her back; she wasn't happy at her grandfather's house.

Kyo took a liking to her, especially after she accepted his darkest secret.

Since the cat didn't attend the banquet, Kyo must always wear his purple and white beads so he doesn't turn into the Cat's Evil Spirit (the purple are supposedly colored with sacrificed blood and all the beads are made of bone). The Cat's Evil Spirit is what built up after the Cat realized he had been fooled. The Evil Spirit is Kyo's true form, and it is hideous. But Tohru somehow managed to get through to him, after much heartache, though.

Kyo has a very bad temper, but when he's around Tohru, he seems to be a little sweeter and more calm.

Notable Accomplishments:
Training (If any): Trained in martial arts under his master and foster father Kazuma Sohma

Weapon Name: Mod #: Effect of weapon


<<> Statistics <>>
500 points to distribute

Total XP: 547 Free: 036

Money: 37,800

Vital Statistics


Health: __70___
Health Roll: ___+7__ (+1 to every 10 Health)
HP: ___2800____ / __2800___ hp (Health * 40)

Dexterity: __70___
Style Points: __280___ StP (Dexterity * 4)
Flat Foot Dodge: __+3____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + Reaction skill)
Dodge: ___+26___ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + Roll Skill)
Barehanded Attack: __+42___ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Dexterity + Martial Arts/Weapons Proficiency Skills)

Strength: __90___+ (___50__) = ___140__
Inventory Slots: __9__ (+1 Slot for every 10 Strength)
Base Physical Damage: __560___ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 30 [40])
Maximum Carry Weight: __560___ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Strength * 40) lbs (pounds)
Physical Damage: ____2,320____ ((15 + 14) * 30[40])*2
Endurance: __90___
Defense (Damage Absorb): ____260_____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance * 40)
Survival: ______+9_____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Endurance)


Intelligence: __115____
Magic Points: ___575____ / ___575____ MP (Intelligence * 5)
Skill Points: __460__ SkP (Intelligence * 4)

Magic Affinity: __20____
Spell Points: __80___ SpP (Magic Affinity * 4)
Magic/Psionic Level: _______ (+1 Magic Level per 5 levels of Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skills)
Magic/Psionic Attack: ___+2__ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Magic Affinity + Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skill)

Spirit: __35___
Base Magic Damage: ____60___ ( ((Spirit +1/10) + (Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skill Level)) * 30)

Willpower: __20___
Magic/Psionic Damage Soak: ___80____ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower * 40)
Magic/Psionic Defense Roll: ___+2___ (+1 Bonus for every 10 Willpower + Arcane Arts/Psionic Mastery Skill)

Luck: __10___
Luck Points: ____ LP (+1 Luck Point for every 50 Luck)

<<> Skills <>>
_460__/__460__ Skill Points (Current/Maximum)

Free SP: __00__

0: Untrained | 5: Hobbyist | 10: Novice/Beginner | 15: Dedicated Student | 20: Educated/Trained | 25: Professional | 30: Advanced | 35: Specialist | 40: Expert | 45: Adept/Prodigy | 50: Master

Athletic Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Athletic SKills
<skill> <level> <points>

Running < +10> ( 65 pts )
This tells how fast a character can move at a dead on run.
Statistic: Strength or Dexterity
Used: Movement
Level 0 = 30 ft per round
Level 1-19: 30+5 ft per skill level
Level 20: 150 ft per round

Cross Country Running
Cost: 15 SP
Skill Level Required: 10
Effect: Allows running across off road terrain at full speed. Normally rough terrain reduces speed by 1/2

Jumping < +10> ( 65 pts )
Statistic: Strength
Used: Movement and helps with Dodge Rolls
Level 0: Clear small gaps
Level 20:

<skill> <level> <points>

Roll < +9 > ( 55 pts )
Statistic: Dexterity
Used: Helps with dodge rolls
Honed Perception Skills

Dodge Leap
Cost: 10 SP
Skill Level Required: 5
Type: Bonus (+10)
Effect: Allows the character to leap out of the way of danger. Requires an open area or it cannot be declared.

Minor Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Combat Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Martial Arts < +15> ( 130 pts )
Statistic: Dexterity and/or Strength
Used: Required for hand to hand combos (+1 hand to hand hit per 5 levels)

Dual Strike
Cost: 10 SP
Required Skill Level: 5
Effect: Grants the owner the ability to perform a 1-2 martial arts combo for full damage.

Improved Punch
Cost: 15 SP
Required Skill Level: 10
Effect: Your fists and feet now count as a *2 weapon.

Triple Strike
Cost: 30 SP
Required Skill Level: 15
Effect: Grants the owner the ability to perform a 3 hit martial arts combo for full damage. Roll a 1d3.

Magic Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Knowledge Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Intimidate < +10 > ( 65 pts )
Statistic: Intelligence
Used: Scaring people into doing what you want
Vehicle Skills

<skill> <level> <points>

Survival Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

Crafting Skills
<skill> <level> <points>

-= Advanced Skills =-


<<> Abilities <>>

-= Physical (Style Points) =-
_260__/__260_ Style Points (Current/Maximum)

-= Magical/Psionic (Spell Points) =-
_80__/_80__ Spell Points (Current/Maximum)


<<> Feats <>>

(* denotes feats possessed at Character Creation)

* Feat 1 (Free) - Kyo Rage
Associated Statistic: Raises Strength but in result Lowers Dex.
Effect: Kyo has a natural short fuse when he get’s angry he loses himself and goes into a rage. He can be quite a determined individual but when he’s angry it greatly hinders his defense.
Stat Changes: Kyo rage allows Kyo to trade 10 endurance for 15 strength, up to a maximum of 50 endurance spent. The effects of the trade last 1d8 rounds, but his endurance will not return for 1d2 hours (from exhaustion)

* Feat 2 (100 SP)- Dodge Mastery
Associated Statistic: Dexterity
Description: The character exhibits a sort of 'second nature' about 'the five D's of dodging' (dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge), whether it includes using the environment or a weapon to defend themselves, or simply getting out of the way.
Effect: +5 to flat-foot ('Reaction'-based) dodge, +10 to regular ('Roll'-based) dodge, and blocking with a weapon ('Weapons Proficiency'-based dodge)

* Feat 3 (200 XP)- Improved Physical Damage I
Associated Statistic: Strength
Effect: This affects Base Damage, which in turn will have an affect on Weapon Damage when used with a weapon that requires Strength. The formula regularly for Base Damage is (+1 per 10 points) * 30. The equation changes to (+1 per 10 points of Strength) * 40.

* Feat 4 (300 XP) - Hammer Space
Associated Statistic: Strength
Effect: You can keep small-medium item in a pocket dimension which can be removed at any point by reaching into a bag, etc. This can be done as a free action, but it can only be one item. Items containing other items (a backpack) will be emptied by gnomes. The gnomes will also refuse to allow living things or items unwillingly taken from other people.

* Feat 5 (400 XP)- Alternate Form
Associated Statistic: None
Look: Whenever the special spiritual beads are removed from Kyo's wrist, he loses control over his physical form. It stretches shifts and mutates becoming the cats"true form," this form is a end result of the cats brooding hatred towards the rat. This form is well 6' 5" feet tall, covered in deep orange fur, larger disproportionate hands, and having increased strength, also his mouth is filled with razor sharp. teeth and his hands and feet are adorned with equally sharp claws. The stench is unbearable to most, as it is due to rage and hatred over thousands of years which formed this body. His eyes also notably change to a deep purple shade with cat like Irises. Kyo though would be conscious but hold little control over the feral actions of the cat. In this form his strength and agility are greatly enhanced but would be very difficult to distinguish friend from foe.
Effect: Transform into an alternate form, which by default has the same amount of skill points you do. Every time you select this feat, you may add one of the following attributes. Alternate forms can not have effects (such as flunkies) last beyond their time length. When the form ends, so does any ability/projection/etc it was creating.
Bonus: x4 Weapon to Claws, +50 Strength

- +1 Extra Feat
- +1 Scale (Size)

Alternate Form 2
- +1 Minute Time
- +1 Minute Time

* Feat 6 (500 XP)- Super Strength
Associated Statistic: Strength
Description: The character exhibits stronger-than-average human strength.
Effect: +50 to Strength. This grants the character bonuses of +5 to Inventory Slots and Maximum Carrying Weight, as well as Base Damage. The Base Damage boost also goes to weapon damage.

Feat 7 (600 XP)-
Feat 8 (700 XP)-
Feat 9 (800 XP)-
Feat 10 (900XP)-
Feat 11(1000XP)-
Feat 12(1200XP)-
Feat 13(1400XP)-
Feat 14(1500XP)-
Feat 15(1600XP)-
Feat 16(1800XP)-
Feat 17(2000XP)-
Feat 18(2200XP)-
Feat 19(2400XP)-
Feat 20(2500XP)-

<<> Weapons/Items <>>

-= Equipment Slots =-


Side Arm:
Armor: SMS flight Uniform
Armor Alt: SMS Uniform

Pendant: Charm
Ring 1:
Ring 2:

-= Item Slots =-
Slot 1:


<<> Inventory <>>

Item Name Purpose Effect
(Heal, Attack, Equip, Special)

Bracelet: Deep Purple and White Bone bead bracelet, it keeps Kyo in his human state, if removed or destroyed he will become the cat demon.

<<> Special Notes <>>
