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G-Eliminator (Genesis Copy)

Posted: April 4th, 2009, 10:48 pm
by Tony
G Eliminator

20 xp (1st run)
'LOVELESS' Emblem (12,000 credits) (2nd run)
Eliminator Card (Extreme Challenge)

Description: The setting for this fight is a long expanse of highway, the sign hanging above the street even dark in the lack of light. In the distance, you can see a large dark building, looming over the entire city and an eerie green glow vibrant in the dark, traveling through the city. A creature that you can see was human at one time shakes and screeches as it works its way up to you, large blue and yellow bat-like wings with claws at the ends of them scraping the ground beside it. It walks hunched over, to the point to where it uses a hand to propel itself, the other wrapped around a curved blade. Its face hidden beneath a silver helmet with a red X over the eyes. You can see faint traces of silvery brown hair peeking out from beneath the helmet as well.


Weapon of Choice:
Materia Magic

HP: 205,000
MP: 7000
Physical Soak: 4000
Mental Soak: 3000

Dodge Roll: 1d150+72

Attack Behavior:

Melee Range
1, 2, 3: Swipe: With a beat of its wings, it attempts to swipe at the enemy up to three times, depending on what was rolled with the 1d6. (1d140+68, 5,000 damage, Must be in range for melee)
4: Stranglehold: G Eliminator will attempt to grapple a single enemy by the neck, only releasing when someone else attacks it or after 1d3 turns. (1d120+55, 3000 unsoakable damage per turn, It can NOT dodge while grappled to someone; however the grappled opponent can roll Strength vs 1d90+40 to force it off without the status effect. if successful, G-Eliminator loses 1 turn after released for 1d2 rounds, Must be in range for melee.)
5: Firaga: It fires off three moderately sized balls of flame at the enemy. (1d150+72, 1d3, 4000 FIRE damage each)
6: Thundaga: Using a single bolt spell, it creates a wave of electrical energy that crashes into the opponent. (1d150+72, 6000 dmg)

Out of Melee Range
1: Move - The G-Eliminator crosses the gap to a target.
2: Firaga: It fires off three moderately sized balls of flame at the enemy. (1d150+72, 1d3, 4000 FIRE damage each)
3: Thundaga: Using a single bolt spell, it creates a wave of electrical energy that crashes into the opponent. (1d150+72, 6000 dmg)

Whenever attacked, G Eliminator retaliates with a single strike from its claws on its wings. To avoid this, you must either dodge the attack, or be a single area away when attacking. Even if you are using a gun, or magic, if you are within the same area you will be attacked. (1d140+65, 4000 damage)